The reguler + haircut + misc people + other things

hmmm, I guess you all want an update on the shittrainwreck that is my life. Let’s start off with the basics: Girls: No. Money: No. Car?: No. Did I mention Girls? Yes, you dummy. Oh. What about money? Yes, again, you smacktard. Please append your own assorted versions of me bitching about all of the above. You can do it just as well as I can. Well, maybe not, but I don’t want to because it’s 10pm and I just want to type this and be finished. I got a haircut on Monday for a meeting up at Colorado Technical University. This was not just a haircut. This was the be-all, end-all of haircuts. I went to Herb’s Barber Shop, which is across the street north of HPI and got a haircut. It was $12, including tip. Herb cut my hair, and he is 76 years old. No, not shaky, doddering 76 years old. More of a 76 years young. We chatted while he cut hair, and he’s damn good at it. To top it off, he shaved my neck and sideburns. No, he didn’t just cut them, he *shaved* them — with a [L=]straight razor[/L]. I have never shaved with one of those, much less been shaved with one by an older gentleman. It was quite the experience, and I definitely want to go back. While I was at Colorado Tech I ran into a bunch of people I know, including Aaron from the Perk, Tom from [L=]Spartan Mortgage[/L], and of all people, Bryce Case of [L=]ytcracker[/L] fame. Unfortunately neither of us had time to chat, but it was nice running into him again. I think everybody goes there for some reason. Other people updates: Mike Lee came back from an 11-day stint in Costa Rica, props. Tore is coming into town for spring break & DLX. Paulie will be back on March 18th (!!!), also going to DLX? Mannie will be back visiting on the 19th, again for DLX. I saw Emily driving her green bug today. Jordan Weil is also coming back into town, but not for DLX. Remember how in January that I [L=]mentioned our washer broke[/L] in December? Yep, still broke, still not replaced. Yay for doing laundry at scary laundromats. I don’t know what to say about this. Keen is not doing well. I mean, he might be, but honestly I don’t know, as I never see him. However, he did stay up and drink a whole bottle of wine single handedly, and has not been sleeping (as hit or miss as this is). These are definite signs of something being wrong. No idea what to say, even less energy to handle it. Perk up Keen, life doesn’t suck that much. I put up a 7-and-change mile wireless shot today w/ Sam for HPI. We used Trango gear, and it’s wicked good stuff. We tested it and are getting right under 10mbps across it … unbelievable. We are supposed to be doing another shot tomorrow, but I need to find time to configure the radios (before 9am). The store is getting along. We’re not making any money, but we’re not closing. We are walking the line most dangerous to small businesses, and we need to step to one side or the other. I am just so tired all the time, it’s really hard to muster the energy to do small things, like send out emails or update the webpage. I think it’s because I am horrendously out of shape, have a terrible diet and don’t sleep well. Hmm. I went out with Amanda to get some beer last night. Ordered a pitcher & Tony’s and between the two of us, drank three glasses. Then left. Leaving > 1/2 pitcher. Utter sacrilige. I hope that doesn’t say something about me. *sigh*

2004-03-12 08:40:03 – Manny
Worry ye not randal, we all lack something(s) Girls: Snobby Harvard + Wellesley chicks = 0 Car: Mass emissions inspection = Failed Money: Boston cost of living > Income Can’t wait to get back to the springs to see you guys.
2004-03-13 13:18:20 – ytcracker i hath mentioned yonder everlan to livejournal colorado springs community hopefully they make u rich
2004-03-13 21:36:54 – Netheus
Girls: I am one Money: I have none Car: she’s a volkswagon Laundry: It is done.
2004-03-13 22:07:44 – Hellbent Rob
Rando, As far as the rotten diet, lack of energy, and not sleeping, guess what… biologically, you’re still a KOHUTEK, and life’s a bitch, and then you die. Sorry to hear that the business isn’t going as well as you’d like–that’s always a bummer. I wish I could help you with the washer and dryer, but the situation isn’t that much better here either; try looking in the thrifty nickel, I’m sure there’s some poor G.I. schmuck, who’s shipping out that needs to unload a set. I’m sure the old peps have let you know that they’re taking a cruise in May to Alaska, and I’m being graced by their presence. You know it pisses me off that Dad is willing to fly out to NY for a daugther that shit in the nest and didn’t speak to anyone for 2/3 of a decade, but hell I’m finishing an MBA in Pub. Admin. and he’s not sure if he can take a day off to see me get hooded, besides the fact that he missed my first two graduations. You know, he use to come through here 3-4 times a year plus hunting season, but do you think he ever stopped to say hello. You know something else, I have never recieved a phone from them that I either didn’t initiate or leave a message. You know, my father-in-law calls calls me every other day or so just to talk, not to my wife, but to me. Yeah, it puts you in perspective of where one ranks doesn’t it? Well, when I graduate from law school, I’m not telling anyone, except maybe you and Marla, and I’ll take my little wife to Europe for a month–before I tell her we’re moving out of this damn state. I tell you what, you find somebody like my wife, who’ll put up with all your purile insanity, and support you through all the bullshit of life, you hold on to her. But, I can’t complain too much, from what I’ve read from some of your friends, it could be whole hell of a lot worse. My heart goes out to you, and I hope that you have plenty of good friends out there that’ll help you pull through.
2004-03-15 14:17:15 – Matt K.
Dear Randy, Drink more water. I know that this sounds like more of my cracked shit but I’m serious. My wife made me start drinking more water and eating a little more green leafy stuff, well mostly water. The conversation went like this.. " Honey, will you quit playing with your automatic weapons for a moment. I have somthing I need you to do. And spit out that live chicken. Yes I know your hungry, but you don’t know where that one came from…" Anyways after increasing fluid content I found that I started to feel better and had more energy, slept better, and had more concentration. Also try a massage. OOOOHHH, that works real good! As far as the hidious waste of beer goes, you will never be forgiven. Your only repentance will be to admit that the mind was willing but the body pooped out on you. Anywho, please take care of yourself. Now to the rest of the milling crowd. Think about this. Yes you all think I be insaino, but in actuality I inject (forcfully, and against your will) a small measure of entertainment/altenate view of life. And admittedly you recognize this for the small amount of paranoid thought that each of us contain. I simply vent and give voice to that which we all secretly think on a low level. As for DICE. Yo pal! The band wagon happens to be my country. Either your for the good ol’ USA, or you ain’t. And if you ain’t, which I’m begining to suspect, then leave. Also I’m going to root your adress to a group of militant Jordainian terrorists and and tell them you said some smack about there mothers. Have fun looking over your shoulder for, oh, say the rest of your life. P.S. It would be better if the middle east were closer to us for the simple fact that then we wouldn’t have to shoot the missles so far. And as far as spickes in florida, they happen to be pretty cool. In fact they seem to be into modern assault weapons and such just as much as us other crazy southerners. O.K. in my book as long as they hate Islam basterds too. And as far as my nephew in law being stupid and joining the military. Well that is pretty stupid to put yourself in jeopardy for a bunch of other people who are to weak to defend themselves from tyrany. Like all you assholes who didn’t pick up a rifle and go yourselves! I hope you feel real safe when you sleep in a nice warm bed tonight. It was aforded to you at his expence. I hope you feel good hugging your loveones, grand parents and children. Since they are alive and protected because he is brave enough to stand up to a whole race of people hell bent on erradicating them. Where are you Dice? Coward. Run your panzy mouth some more. After all he’s fighting your fight for the freedom to do so. Better yet, why don’t you get off your little ass and take some responsability your self. Nah, forget that. Why don’t you go eat a dick. Hey Hellbentrob. How’s It hanging. I feel your frustration. Release your pain. It does you no good except to make you bitter at heart. I still love ya man. Besideds I got enough bitter for all of us. Talk more often. I really like to hear from you. I understand how you feel with the peps. I needed some help with my company and asked them after 10 years for help. I got zippola’, except to be reminded about some shit I did as a kid. That’s alright, I got my limo company back on track all by myself and am starting to do better at it as part time any way. Less stress when you get to dictate your own terms. Plus I wouldn’t have gotten the great job I landed if they hadn’t. I realized just how much I missed law enforcement. I really like to help people. It makes me feel better. Anywho, God bless one and all.(except the fucking Islamists.)
2004-03-16 01:40:58 – The Disco Nova
Randall, your brother is fucked up. And irritating.
2004-03-16 10:46:10 – realbighead
yeah. irritating.
2004-03-16 12:55:18 – Matt K.
O.K. Your right. I am a little iritating when extream. For this I am sorry. It’s just that I am very passionate about this great country of ours. I feel so sad that it is threatened from outside and from within by so many attackers. I feel frustrated that it seems like nobody cares about the problems our great nation faces. Truly America is in not just a war but in a fight to survive. Interesting information. The christian nations of this world are reproducing children at a rate of five times less than that of the islamic states. Fact: If the middle eastern terrorist states had a larger technological capabiliy our country would have been attacked in a much more massive way and our people and way of life already subjegated. Fact: The koran, the religious text of islam, does not preach love of life and peace in any way. Infact the koran specificaly details the conquest and enslavement of any territories not already under islamic control. Fact: Through history every nation that islam has become a componant of it’s society has been reduced to chaos and utter ruin. Fact: Great Brittan has opened it’s doors to islam and is now in an internal war for it’s culture. For all intents it has already lost. That is why they have helped us in both military actions in the Gulf. Fact: Islam preaches that it’s progress can only be asertained by military conquest of "the lands and territories of the infidels of Allah." Unfortunatly that means us and the whole rest of the world. Fact: In 1977, 18 of the shiekes from Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afganistan, Libya, and several other terror states signed a treaty called a quidimalla’haristim. This treaty stated basicly that if ever at any time in the future that if one of these states ever gained a weapon status capable of being offencive in nature to western europe and America that they would all imediatly join together in Jehad(holy war)against us. Since that time all Islamist nations have been on a campain of terror and making serious attempts for atomic weapons. This is their quest and docturine. I’m sorry I have irritated you. I’m serious when I say that. I promise not to bring up the subject in polite conversation again. I’m also blessed to say that in 2 weeks Beau is coming home, safe and sound. I only regrett that he had to see and experiance the things he did. I know that those things will haunt him for the rest of his life. I am proud that he was willing to make that sacrifice for our county and our freedom. All I can do is to simply say after what islamic people have done to me and my buisness, my family members, and my nation that I love with all my heart, I will always distrust and HATE them for the miserable animals that they are.
2004-03-16 13:02:30 – Matt K
P.S. Does anybody know the Ayatolla’s adress? I would like to mail him a few hundred tons of free bacon and pork rinds. It would be so tragic if he choked to death on one and went to allah with a piece of swine lodged in his throat.
2004-03-16 13:09:17 – Matt K
Oh, and Dice. I’m sorry. What I said was unkind. I simply forget that some people have no other intrest other than self intrest. I have to respect their view if I wish the same right myself. I apologize. Have to go now. Dinner time. The lights just went out and my wife thew in another live chicken. **BLISS**
2004-03-16 16:43:31 – realbighead
notice the narrow width of the comment boxes? that’s to discourage essays. especially vitriolic rambling ones.
2004-03-16 16:47:28 – The Disco Nova
You actually read them Tore? I read the first paragraph, MAYBE. Maybe if he only did one every once in a while, but when every post is long winded and rambling, I just move on.
2004-03-16 17:39:49 – pinky
so, i started to read the rambling, but then it just pissed me off, so i took a break and continued reading. i have many fun ad-hominem attacks stored up, but whatever. i just want to say that someone has some serious fucked up racist and bigoted issues to deal with. please get some help before trying to sound intelligent ever again. grr.
2004-03-16 22:36:44 – The Disco Nova
Women are the lesser sex and are only on this earth to serve and pleasure men. Discuss.
2004-03-17 00:03:05 – Master Ha-reed
Ooh ooh – even better. Affirmative action is wrong. Wealth redistribution is unethical. The poor should just roll over and die, or better yet, do the jobs the rest of us don’t want to do without bitching about it, and then roll over and die. Rich people should be able to flaunt their money and spend it to the last dime. Gay people are a sin against God and should be shot. Same goes for everyone that isn’t rich, white and Protestant.
2004-03-17 02:13:56 – rand0m
Wow, those really do just roll of your tongue easily, don’t they … or is that just me? Heh. ๐Ÿ˜€
2004-03-17 02:13:56 – rand0m
Wow, those really do just roll of your tongue easily, don’t they … or is that just me? Heh. ๐Ÿ˜€
2004-03-17 09:59:19 – Netheus
*sigh* Forget the ad hominem attacks, the logical fallacies, and the out right lies. He obviously isn’t open-minded enough to even consider another argument. Pessimissim wins. Matt K, have you even read the Koran for yourself? Or for that matter ANY holy book? And the Book of Mormon counts only if you read the ENTIRE Bible too, you know, the Jewish part and the xian part.
2004-03-17 10:37:15 – Hellbent Rob
Master Ha-reed, Your arguement is trite and bigotous if you really want deep thought into wealth redistribution, consider John Rawls and Alan Keynes, or their counter-arguements by Robert Nozick and Milton Friedman. Netheus, It appears that you managed to pass Phil 101 Introduction to Informal Logic. According to symbolic logic, your contentions, however, do not hold weight, and you appear to be doing exactly as A.J. Ayer claims, i.e. emoting. Ayer asserted that proclaimations of right, wrong, or fallious statements are merely the interlocutor’s expression of feeling. Your assessment of the content of Matt K.’s bigotous, while ostensibly farcical ramblings, therefore is nothing more than emotive. Claims of fallicy are also therefore inconclusive, and only demonstrate an inability to refute content on a cogent content basis, and as Ayer further postulates that emotive assertions are only valuable in the context of persuassion. Yet, you have not setforth a persuasive counterarguement, but only declared something illogical, and fallious. Refering to ‘On Liberty’ by John Stuart Mill, "Complete liberty of contradicting and disproving our opinion is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth for purposes of action; and on no other terms can a being with human faculties have any rational assurance of being right."
2004-03-17 10:41:01 – Hellbent Rob
Incidently, Master Ha-reed, I am emoting when I deem your contention trite and bigotous, however, I am being persuasive by referring you to others that have more conclusively argued over the same propositions.
2004-03-17 10:59:51 – rand0m
Rob, you, by far, have the largest penis of any man alive. And the smallest sarcasm detector ever. ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-03-17 11:07:51 – realbighead
if Mr. Ayer is referring to whatever that was as "symbolic" logic, then he may actually have just triple-overdosed on methamphetamines and spouted the whole thing out one night. Symbolic logic is based on Aristotle’s categories and Wittgenstein, neither of whom would assert anything about "assuming" truth. Now, analytic logic might assert what you claim, but given that it’s a) a poor address of Nietzche’s objections to philosophy, and b) the world’s least-liked subject even by its practitioners, I doubt the assertion carries much weight for anyone. As to ha-reed and nova, I believe they’re taking part in the semi-monthly "make laura burst into flame" contest. She’s sometimes like the Human Torch. only pinker.
2004-03-17 11:28:13 – Hellbent Rob
A conclusion must be true if all premises are true. Premise A: Hellbent Rob has a big penis–> TRUE Premise B: Hellbent Rob has no sarcasm detector–> False Therefore no conclusion can be made. As far as sarcasm is concerned, I was being sarcastic in regards to Nova and Ha-reed’s conversation, and their sardonic critique on Matt K.’s horribly insensitive commentary, but you would have had to have read these authors to understand that these idealogues are total extremists who take absurd positions, such as those taken by Nova and Ha-reed. I was hoping to add a degree of levity by taking my own critque to an extreme. But instead of interpreting dead-pan humor as such, you mistook the tongue-in-cheek inferences, and instead satificed for penial conjecture. I meant no harm, as I assumed that many people posting on this website are relatively intelligent and well read. I have yet to post anything that is meant to be read in complete seriousness, and I prefer subtle jabs at content and self effacing humor, but I assumed too much without preface.
2004-03-17 11:42:00 – rand0m
"relatively intelligent and well read"? Ha! You assume much. When somebody posts something more than 3-4 lines long, my brain turns to mush and I sorta glaze over the first line, and then usually get bored and rely on something witty. Hence, penis jokes!
2004-03-17 12:00:43 – Hellbent Rob
no offense taken. I don’t blame you about the extended ramblings, and I apologize for them; I will try to make my postings more succint
2004-03-17 13:07:55 – Master Ha-reed
Tore’s got it right – Laura’s hair isn’t pink anymore, so I’m trying to make it burst into flame through anger.

My my my we’re jaded

A real conversation that just occurred while watching a Discovery special on Eathquakes, the 1994 quake in Kobe, Japan in particular: Person 1: “Man, god must hate slopeheads.” Person 2: “These are Japanese, not slopeheads.” Person 1: “Oh. What are slopeheads” Person 2: “I think they’re Koreans.” Person 2: “Hey, Person 3, slopeheads are koreans, right?” Person 3: “I thought those were gooks?” Person 2: “No, those are vietnamese” Person 3: “Oh right” Person 1: “So what are Japenese?” Person 3: “Nips!” Person 1: “Right. So god must hate nips.” It was humorous. Laugh. Although I’m sure none of you will. Ha! I laugh at you in lieu of you laughing at the above!

2004-02-23 00:45:51 – WC
Rachael: "Those people are going to hell." LOL!!
2004-02-23 01:05:50 – Master Ha-reed
[L=]Slopeheads are any asian[/L]
2004-02-23 05:19:28 – pinky
dude, that’s messed up /$.02
2004-02-23 10:54:59 – RANDAL’S PIMP
hmmmm slopeheads are all asians? lol
2004-02-23 11:28:30 – Matt K.
Question of the day: Is it wrong to pay prostitutes with counterfiet currancy? I mean after all they aren’t going to go tell the cops and all are they? I don’t think that I would really have any qualms about ripping off the ol’ local pot dealer with a few fakey greens ay. I wonder if they both would like a big tip to prove what a nice guy we are. HA HA!! That opens a whole avenue of illisit shoping to the average guy. The black market is open to those with enough dough to buy what ever they wish to indulge in. So I ask is it so wrong if you spread some snake money on these thugs. Technicaly if they did somthing wrong they broke the law and shouldn’t profit by it and if they use fako-bucks and go to jail for counterfiting, doesn’t that mean you are doing society a favor? Or does it just mean that we are mean ass pranksters with a load of new goodies. My the wonders of a two sided photocopy machine. By the way I believe the proper term for asiatic people to be zipper heads because of the way their skulls come apart when you blast them. This term originated it the vietnam war but I think has now grown to incompass all peoples of the Islamic persuasion. In that case, open licence on all those @##$%%$$% arabs and ^%^&% camel they screwed to get a ride into town. Seriously, if you want to get a real sick feeling in the pit of your stomach start looking up info about ^&^&%( islam on the web and see what a threat those #$#&$&$)%*^( pose to the U.S.A. Look up a site Linked to S.H.I.T.T. com. Anywho- Happy Mardi-Gras everybody and may the power of alkee-haul be in you. (Except for raghead/zipperhead arabs. They can go eat bacon and choke on it.) God bless America!!! Long live the Christian crusaiders and down with the infidel islamists. Have fun and good hunting!
2004-02-23 12:53:30 – Chester
2004-02-23 14:30:35 – rand0m
I think Matt receives the "Off Topic post of the week" award. Where’s tony when you need him ?
2004-02-23 16:32:49 – realbighead
need tony? what’ve you been smoking?
2004-02-23 16:53:11 – rand0m
Nothing but pure, delicious crack.
2004-02-23 20:10:45 – Netheus
Dude. I don’t know what to say. Started out with happy petty racist non-sense, then became…. evil…. Anyway, you shouldn’t rip off prostitutes. How would you like to get paid in counterfeit for doing your job? I mean, you wouldn’t tip a waiter with fakes, would you? It’s just wrong. If you want to try to pay a drug dealer in counterfeit, that’s fine. Your the one who has to try and hide for the rest of your life.
2004-02-23 21:27:19 – Paulie
Hey Matt, the term for arabs is no longer ‘ragead’. The new vogue term is ‘Hajji’….
2004-02-24 09:58:49 – rand0m
*takes that down for later use* Also, check out [L=][/L] – The Racial Slur Database – fun for you _and_ your friends!
2004-02-24 19:27:24 – Master Ha-reed
If "Hadji" is at all derived from the old Jonny Quest cartoon, that’s not much of an insult, since Hadji kicked ass.
2004-02-24 19:50:17 – Netheus
That is the funniest page on the whole entire internet.
2004-02-24 22:01:04 – Paulie
Hajji is arabic for Pilgrim. It is a term of respect used for those who have made the pilgrimage (the Hajj) to Mecca. Ironically, it is an insult akin to a slur if used for those who have not yet made the Hajj.
2004-02-24 23:24:23 – keener2u
Matt K., Never use that screen name again:) Thanks, Matt Keen
2004-02-25 10:38:19 – Manny
Thanks for clearing that up Keen. I thought I might have to take a day out from DLX to come down there.
2004-02-29 07:20:38 – keener2u
I see how it is…you should come down anyway…btw when is DLX?
2004-02-29 09:13:41 – Manny
19-21 Mar, but I probably wont have a car, so you should come up there bro.
2004-03-01 12:24:59 – Paulie
Hey I should be home before DLX….I’ll see you there (if our demobilization stuff gets over in time..)
2004-03-01 12:25:01 – Paulie
Hey I should be home before DLX….I’ll see you there (if our demobilization stuff gets over in time..)
2004-03-01 13:13:29 – Matt K.
Hey Keener, Sorry man I got stuck with this name when my mommy and daddy gave it to me. So now IT’S ALL MINE! MINE I TELL YOU!! MINE! MINE! MINE! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!! HA-HA! AAAAALLLLLLL MINE!! NAA-NAA ALL MINE! PS. Yea I would tip a waiter with funky muny. Most (let me be discrete, I’m not saying all) waiters give you such shitty service that I’d like to give ’em a few blasts of the ol’ scattergun as they run back and forth behind the bar like a friken goffer. Haven you ever noticed when you really need some actual service (HELP! I’M CHOKING!) that there dumb ass’s are out back swagging a smoke or jacking off or somthing. Also anything that it remoatly racist towards arabs; let me please apologise by SENDING YOU A BAG OF PORK RINDS AND A PICTURE OF GROUND ZERO NEW YORK!!!!!! DIE YOU FUCKING ALLAH LOVING PIGS! (Sorry.)sort of got carried away. Anyway-IT’S MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINEMINEMINEMINE!!!!!
2004-03-01 14:25:08 – Manuel
Dude that would be awesome. See all you jokers at DLX. Drag keen up there while your at it.
2004-03-03 13:09:30 – Netheus
A friend in school was just telling me that the majority of his English class doesn’t know what is meant by Bourgeois or Proletariat. Problem is, they are all around 40 years of age or older.
2004-03-03 18:56:31 – Dice
Is this the same site I glanced over a month ago? Wow. Reminds me of my racist Grandma. She’s pretty damn stupid, God bless her. Not only did she tell me not to go to a certain park because of the presence of "Gooks", that wasn’t enough. She had to slant her eyes upward while she did it. Not only was I stunned that she did that, but I was also stunned that any asians actually lived in Wisconsin. Go figure, and Go Cubs…(pretty much none of you know me)
2004-03-03 22:08:46 – Amanda
Hey boys, it sure would be nice to see you all there at DLX. I’m going to be there, I won’t let a broken leg stop me from that! See you there!
2004-03-04 00:58:49 – realbighead
also DLXing. sorry to whore out the comments section.
2004-03-04 11:14:51 – ‘just the way your mother likes it’
-i’m pretty sur that ‘gook’ is korean for ‘people,’ so gooks are koreans. or so the korean kids i hang out with claim. at any rate, you’re a fucking racist. my ass got rejected at yale , so it looks like i’ll be spending the next 4-6 years in lovely boulder,CO–though i guess seattle is still possible, they are sure are taking their sweet fuckign time in getting back to me. i’ll probably be back in CO over my spring break (3/20-3/30 ish). this, incidentally, means i’ll be there for my birthday. yes yes. that’s all i’ve got for now. this is jordan, bythe way.
2004-03-05 01:31:38 – Jackauls McBlackelbey
Hahaha. That dialogue seems like something that should be in a Kevin Smith movie. Nice. =P
2004-03-05 11:18:26 – pinky
hey jordan, coincidentally, i will be in boulder for the next year as a super senior. yay! beer when you show up. pinky
2004-03-06 01:55:31 – WC
Is it bad that you hate your birthday because of your parents? Hmm I think I need a pysch evealuation if that is so, because I am really not looking forward to tuesday. Where’s my free pot and beer? –joking But I could go for some beer. ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-03-06 16:15:53 – Netheus
WC- I just avoid them like the plague on my birthday. Last year, my mom jumped in front of my car in traffic on my birthday to hit me up for cash, and my dad left 10 messages on my phone telling me how much of a failure I was. Fortunetly, I unplugged the phone and ran to Manitou for the day, so it didn’t bother me.
2004-03-08 11:05:30 – Matt K.
Hey Dice, you aint’ one of them thar’ islamos’ is ya? We aint’ racist at tall’. We just like our lands sort of "heathen-free" if you catch my drift. Not sayin’ you aint’ American or nutten’ but might seem to be suffren’ from some kinda’ "patriotism deficiency" there buddy. Kinda like three thousand of our fellow countrymen who are suffren’ from "being dead like." Small hint, why don’t hop on the wagon, support the home team and come on in for the big win. Start playing from the same sheet music and reading on the same page son. I got a nephew in law that is taking morter fire in that God forsaken hell hole over there right now, and I bet if you asked him for his opinion right this second he could really tell you where to stick the whole middle east.
2004-03-08 11:29:03 – Matt K.
Hey Rando, time to update the site. What’s going on man? You all right? You haven’t updated since Febuary. You arn’t sick or somthing are you? Worried about you. If we don’t have more entertainment in three days, we’re gonna’ have the fire department break in and start looking for a corps. Don’t make me start my own sick site full of poop-jokes and Choc-o-meal general aplications. (Free beer to the first 100 site posters!)(Just joking, although we have plenty of prepaid prostitutes to go around. At least till they figure out all those 100$ bills came from the photocopy machine. Suckers.) P.S. Hell bent Rob, Drug dealers who actualy pay for the little stamp tend not to, lets’s say, have the best management skills. Thus getting picked off rather quickly by the ever prevalent Federal preditors. So no, they don’t pay taxes.(At least not for long.) P.S.S. Wow! I found a great use for new Super Iradiated Choc-o-meal! My kid found it actualy by mistake. Some how he got a little smear on a piece of paper by accident and then later a piece of steel got set on top. The next day the paper was superglue bonded/ welded to the steel better than any other adhesive I’ve ever seen.!!!! I bet I could stick the cat to the wall with this stuff. This is better than flubber!
2004-03-08 11:41:22 – Matt K.
YAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Super Iradiated Choc-o-meal! Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. I’ve eaten to much Choc-o-meal, should be renamed Choke-o-meal! Buy it cheap, it’s a great deal, even if it’s not a great meal! Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Let it sit to long and the top will peal. Something even crack addicts won’t steal! Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Use it like liquid steel, glue on that old boot heel. Tastes like a rotten slimmy old eel! Just try it, an your thoat tighten up and you will squeel! Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal. Choc-o-meal.
2004-03-08 14:36:58 – jordan’s sorry ass
hey. it’s me again. is there any way i could get someone to pick me up from the DIA on saturday the 20th (and if saturday isn’t the 20th, whichever saturday is close to the 20th)? i’ll pay you for gas, parking and buy you lunch. i haven’t bought the ticket yet in hopes that i’ll be able to work out a good time with whoever is nice enoughto pick me up. you ca email me at or give me a call at 773.480.0582. thanks loads.
2004-03-08 22:53:55 – Netheus
Not taking the bus back? ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-03-09 08:46:05 – jweil
2004-03-09 12:47:12 – realbighead
okay, so no one use the "b" word anymore. and if anyone can figure out what word sets New Crazy Matt off, don’t say that either.
2004-03-09 13:41:14 – Dice
"Small hint, why don’t hop on the wagon, support the home team and come on in for the big win." I hate bandwagoners. "I got a nephew in law that is taking morter fire in that God forsaken hell hole" You think that’s bad? My ex-roomate’s thrid grade teacher’s first love’s brother (my cousin) is living in Florida. Do you have any idea how many Spics live there? "…he could really tell you where to stick the whole middle east." I like the Middle East stuck just where it is: way fucking far away from here.
2004-03-09 15:04:32 – WC
"Small hint, why don’t hop on the wagon, support the home team and come on in for the big win." The bandwagon here in Denver is full of pretty white boys that make me wanna pound there face in when I see them. So I’d rather walk. "I got a nephew in law that is taking morter fire in that God forsaken hell hole" –Not my fault. It was his choice he signed up for the military. "…he could really tell you where to stick the whole middle east." I agree with Dice.
2004-03-10 01:06:53 – WC
OK I’m pissed. I wanna rant about something because I am irritated at a ‘female’ but don’t wanna share. So, all I have to say is RANDAL POST SOMETHING NEW! GRR. P.S. This is the alcohol talking. ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-03-10 01:09:02 – WC
Anybody wanna try and get this comment thread to 50 comments before randal posts again? then we can nag him on aim about it ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe if he doesn’t notice we can get the comments to 75 posts. Such a slacker. We are at 45 posts with this comment.
2004-03-10 09:10:24 – Netheus
I have had insomnia on and off for about a week now…ergh.. 44
2004-03-10 09:10:25 – Netheus
I have had insomnia on and off for about a week now…ergh.. 44
2004-03-10 23:06:39 – Master Ha-reed
Randal doesn’t post anymore. He must hate us. *sniffle*
2004-03-11 14:18:01 – WC
pure, simple, hate. ๐Ÿ™
2004-03-11 16:05:57 – Netheus
Maybe he has new friends and he doesn’t need us anymore

Laundry, Flat Tire, Outing, Tax Dilemma

Okay, so I went to the Laundromat again on Sunday night. Not my normal laundromat, which is down the street, but over on the westside as it was late sunday night and I needed a 24 hour one. This trip wasn’t as crazy as it normally is. Well, actually, it was more “crazy” but less exciting. I got there right around 10:40pm and immediately noticed that their washers are newer than my normal laundromat’s, but it costs the same. I think. Honestly, I don’t even notice, I just keep plugging in the quarters until I think it’s ready to go. Regardless, at right around 11pm, ~10 minutes into my wash cycle, three people come in with a truckload of laundry. And by truckload, I mean [i]a truckload[/i], the back of a datsun pickup filled with laundry, covered with a tarp. Not the highest class gang I’ve ever met. Among them was a guy who was crazy as a loon who kept on going on about how “his people”, referring to his own indian heritage?, called the Sioux indians “Prairie Niggers”. He found this quite amusing, and regalled us with the same tale 8-9 times in an hour. Fascinating. The other people, however, were quite normal and were pleasurable company. The time came, and I left with all my laundry – a slow laundry run, coming in at 1h 39m. I woke up and got ready to go to work on Sunday morning and came out to a flat tire on the front-left of my truck. I was unhappy, and walked the requisite 2 blocks to work. Later that evening, James helped me put my spare on so I could go do laundry and such. I got the flat tire fixed for $8, from their normal $16, over at Tire King, just west of Academy on Galley. Good group of guys over there, very fast service, and said they’d cut a deal on my next set of tires. Cool beans. I’ll need to put the real tire back on in place of the spare sometime this week. I went out with [L=]Laura[/L] on Saturday night, as she was in town and (I presume) had nothing better to do. We went over to Phantom Canyon and got to enjoy a total solace downstairs – didn’t see any other customers while we were there. I had a good time, especially because Laura is much more fluent and literate than I when it comes to conversing about variably complex topics, ranging from beer to politics to affirmative action. It was nice to have a sit down with her. She isn’t as loony 1-on-1 as she is in a group, and I found myself agreeing with her liberal views on several topics. It really was a breath of fresh air – thanks Laura :-). I have a tax quandry. I made some bucks (untaxed) on some contract work and have to pay the taxes on it real soon now. Depending on how I file that income with the IRS, it will cost me either $820 or $418, alongside a $386 refund ($434 or $32, out of pocket). This is quite the ethical dilemma, and is running the risk of an audit? What the hell is there to audit, here’s my W2 & my 1099, what do I owe now? The difference? I am thinking that it is worth it to intentionally misfile, save the $400 right now then run the slight risk of getting flagged and asked to refile. Oh, the $402 tax difference is FICA/Medicaid/Social Security. Isn’t it great that over 35% of my income goes to Federal taxes? And that I can get 50% of that money back by *not* paying for F/M/SS, which are things I will never use in my lifetime? Incredible. I talked to Sammi the other day, and she, despite being hundreds of miles away, is still incredible. Even three or four sentences from her, over a terribly impersonal medium like the intarweb, totally makes my day. Also amazing. [b]Update[/b]: I totally forgot to mention that there is now a Photos link up at the top that goes to the galleries I’ve collected. Also, the database has been cleaned up considerably, so the site should feel a lot faster.

2004-02-10 18:26:43 – Jared Seehafer
I really wouldn’t worry about not seeing anything from Social Security. The govt will do anything it can before it starts wiping out social security, because old people are cranky and they vote more than us youngins.
2004-02-11 15:44:32 – Hellbent Rob
Randal, I saw that Matt K. has been posting last month. Damn surprised that he’d look any of us up, or that he would even give a shit. Oh well, I figure we’ve all escaped the assylum with a decade to clear our heads. Anyhow, I hope that he is well and that he’ll be able to restart his business. Never thought I’d hear from him again. If its okay, I’d like to try to keep in touch through your website, but truthfully, I’m not ready to make personal contact with him yet. Hell man, I swore I wouldn’t come back to the Springs until my 10th high school reunion, and so far I’m keeping that promise. My kid Cameron is turning 2 on friday 2/13/04; give me a call, I’ll be home all day.
2004-02-11 16:32:02 – rand0m
jesus it’s like a freakin family reunion in here! *plots about buying to clear off*
2004-02-11 22:36:44 – Hellbent Rob
my sentiment exactly, so don’t get all sappy on me. Occassionally, I miss our little F***ed-up herd. I hope that the holy rollers don’t give you too much grief. I’m always still surprised that you didn’t run for the hill like the rest of us little inmates.
2004-02-12 08:35:08 – Netheus
I am getting an $1100 tax refund. Thing is, I only paid in like $450. It’s the I am poor and going to college tax refund. It’s so great.
2004-02-12 17:15:03 – WC
GOD DAMN it dude. I bet you never thought you’d be able to have all your family just start posting away on your site. LOL. Hooray for google.
2004-02-12 21:51:31 – JoeY
cool stuff, yay for laundry stories!!!
2004-02-17 14:32:30 – Matt K.
Dear rando, what’s up! Bit of advice about taxes. If you do things for money as a private contractor you can lie to the government all you want. It’s your word against theirs. You give them the poor mouth and hide your earnings in the other pocket. Just don’t be stupid and put any of it in a bank where they can monitor it. Simply put, if the party you worked for didn’t report those earnings to the govement, then they didn’t actualy happen. Remember the old saying, documentation is everything. If it ain’t documented, it didn’t happen. Besides the I.R.S. is a downsized toothless lion now and won’t go after you unless you really poke them with a stick. They have less pesonel and resources to simply do the same negligent job they alswys did. And if somehow you manage to get targeted out of the other millions of more atractive targets available you simply file for a hearing, push it off several years, refile several times and take advantage of the same beurocratic slowness that they use. If you ever manage to get held liable for lost funds you simply have a tax counciler go and refile again for pennies on the dollar settlement and arange for a payment plan. By then your 85 years old and it don’t matter anyways. Hey Robert! What the, how the heck are you!!!!!! Damn good to hear from you. I have really missed you. Hey sorry about life as we grew up. I make bad choices like everybody else. Glad to see that other people thought that our youth was rather…..odd. Guess we all just got out of dodge any way we could. Life is good now and I’m real glad to hear that you are doing well. Sometimes it’s a struggle to just figure out what direction to go in, but once you get yourself pointed in the right direction and work hard everything works out. Real happy to hear from you. Thought that I had lost you and rando. Heck even Marla was kind of nice to see as an adult. (not nearly as pychotic). So I would realy like to get to know you guys again as adults without the "mom" effect. Remember as always, "Don’t eat the big green mint in the urinal. It’s not good for you." P.S. I have discovered another property of aged choc-o-malt-o-meal. If properly aged to the right consistancy this matterial has extrordinary elastic properties. So much so that it can be used as a subtitute for possible silicone implants?? I have also found that after long periods of exposure to high dose electromagnetic radiation it still makes a pretty good ashtray. With prolonged treatment I wonder if it will make a suitable rubber door stop. So long from the land of the gentle (and mental.) Matt K.
2004-02-17 16:22:01 – WC
ok, hypothecally. Do drug dealers think about paying taxes? I sure wouldn’t if I was a dealer. Cuz think about it. We pay income taxes because our government helps (or tries) to ensure our economy has jobs for its citizens; us. But since the government is very much against illicit drug use, I’d think that legally the government couldn’t legally tax a dealer since the government doesn’t try to ensure a market for the dealer. Which brings me to my next question. Would you consider a drug dealer a ‘private distributor’, ‘personal chemical therapist’, or something else. Ideas?
2004-02-17 17:03:54 – Netheus
how about unlicensed pharmacist?
2004-02-19 19:12:51 – JoeY
notice, randal’s post is exactly 420 pm lol
2004-02-19 23:04:45 – Netheus
Today was beautiful. The thick grey clouds just hung on all day, and the fluffy white ones just kept rolling in and out all day, and right before sunset there were little white ones that were just hanging in the foot hills, resting in the valleys. The rain made the smoke on the trees turn black, and mountains just seemed bluer than usual. I love days like today.
2004-02-21 23:56:57 – WC
yah, ph3ar. And I say if we should have system in place to keep out of state (aliens) in their own stupid state. I’m gready for Colorado. Hehe.
2004-02-26 10:35:15 – Hellbent Rob
WC, Yes the federal government does tax drug dealers. It requires illicit drug dealers to purchase a special stamp/label for each gram of the illicit substance, hence it is a form of sales tax/licensing fee/user surcharge. Remember, the Feds didn’t nail Al Capone on racketeer, that charge was made statutory years later, he was caught evading taxes. Income tax does not just go to the economy for providing jobs. A huge portion of your tax dollar actually goes to servicing the national debt, which as we know is the interest on bonds and securities it sells to banks and brokers. This however, does influence the economy in the form of monetary policy, or the availability of loanable funds. Fiscal policy is the Government ability to influence the economy through taxing and spending, but isn’t used as often or as forcefully as monetary policy. What the Feds really blow your money on after servicing the debt is on defense, social security, medicare and medicaid, and intergovernmental fund transfers. As far as the IRS having no teeth, well it has been severely curtailed during the Clinton Administration when he downsized the federal government. You can file for a hearing with several appeal opportunities, but it isn’t as indefinite as previously mentioned. The IRS administrative hearing is an alternative to the judicial remedy of the normal courts and the process usually only takes one to two years before the IRS punts it back to the federal courts or decides to set up some kind of payment schedule at reduced rates. But it is not unusual for some cases to take much longer before it passes the buck. However, there are certain things that statutorily it can not reduce repayment on such as student loans, back child support, etc. The best way to get flagged for tax evasion is to be a contractor. The IRS has industry actuary statements on how much types of contractors make in your area, and if it looks funny they may investigate, but it is unlikely, unless you’re making a killing under the table. Also remember that tax evasion is both a criminal and civil charge which means that they may not nail you on the criminal charge, but may nail you on the civil side because it doesn’t have to prove its cause beyond a reasonable doubt.
2004-03-08 10:42:53 – Matt K.
Yeah but remember the law of the wild, if you blend in with the rest of the herd when they flock it tends to stump preditors like the I.R.S. into nonaction. They tend to hunt units of a flock that differentate themselves from the rest in some manor. Dr. flemming found that by painting a red stripe on a zebra that it was the same thing as signing it’s death warrent on the plains of africa. As the commecial goes what can a red painted zebra tell us about mutual funds. Nothing, but the point is the I.R.S. has a real hard time picking out one zebra from a herd of a few thousand. Safety in numbers. Just don’t stick your head up. Plus rule number 2#) As a contractor, you are your own boss and being the boss means making winning decisions. Telling the I.R.S. that you are a contractor is not a winning decision. In fact telling the Gov. any information is not a winning decision. The rule says silence is golden because you can only operate on the info at hand. Rule 3#)Safety is when nobody knows what you are doing. Security is when they don’t even suspect that your acting covertly. As one of my anti-gov. / crazy nam’ friends calls it "Stay off the mike and fly stealth." And like I say, "All problems can be solved with high explosives." EXAMPLE: The Federal building bombing. Primarilly this is an example of when a half dozen or so, zebras have taken enough shit and then kick the bejeesus out of the lion. I say more kicking.

Totally worthless buddy list post

Here is the buddy list changes I made today. Please note that if you’re listed here, you’re either doing a good job and have moved up in BuddyListValue, or you suck ass and have lost points. [b]New[/b] New Group “EGC” Made [b]Migrations:[/b] DiscoNova has been upgraded into the “Team Weberstreet” group Wonderfish19 has been downgraded to the “misc peepz” group insaneblackdog has left “Team Weberstreet” and is in “Misc Peepz” anubis452 has been moved from “Peepz” to “Misc Peepz” fallabella3 has moved from “Peepz” to “Misc Peepz” flair4fire has moved from “Peepz” to “Misc Peepz” xxxjoeyinsanexxx has moved from “Peepz” to “EGC” ufogmng has moved from “Peepz” to “EGC” SilentKid1783 has moved from “Misc Peepz” to “EGC” Ross86 has moved from “Misc Peepz” to “EGC” GZDoka has moved from “Peepz” to “Misc Peepz” [b]removals:[/b] prezlis (misc peepz) thefascistrag (peepz) aberjoiner99 (weberstreet) clubbel (weberstreet) megfoot (peepz) digtalabys (misc peepz) plasticchips (misc peepz) psych028 (misc peepz) nobody (misc peepz) dcartman22 (misc peepz) akamc17 (misc peepz) JeanUST (misc peepz) kurty757 (misc peepz) linecipha (misc peepz) traveler422 (misc peepz) jerang111 (misc peepz) MstrPrgmmr (misc peepz) SACool073 (misc peepz) Vanyel1027 (misc peepz)

2004-02-05 03:06:43 – WC
-) o0! I know some of those ppl that got removed. Hmm you beat me to removing them off my list :-). -) Horray for shopping at Viki See’s. Cuz helping girls shopping for underwear knowing that in a few hours you get to help her try it on and off. ๐Ÿ˜€ -) Ok, so James you should goto SPLAT with me on Saturday. Call me if you wanna but its all day saturday and I’d be coo if you came. Randal has my cell #. -) On the BF1942 front, I totally can pwn you randal ๐Ÿ˜€ -) I think that is it, other than I really hate it when windows 98 computers stop doing DNS.
2004-02-05 03:53:03 – pinky
i remain unchanged. woo woo woo. or you could create a totally new category for me called "la fabulosa". yes, that sounds good.
2004-02-05 08:03:57 – yourmother
OOOH! OOOOH! I wanna be on one of your buddy lists! (this is jordan, by the way). i have an AIM account, and my screen name is atomuc. ADD ME!!! ADD ME!!!
2004-02-05 08:20:14 – The Disco Nova
I’m definitely thinking about going. My cell is 2011104
2004-02-05 10:49:40 – Joey
wow now randal is ranking his friends, lol ok but when is the next laun-dry story?……… the world waits….
2004-02-05 11:22:48 – Netheus
yeah, I just cleaned out my aim list too…. so depressing…
2004-02-05 15:47:39 – Siaokh
Interesting to see some of the same names on your buddy list that are on mine. I really need to prune mine down. Kind of makes you wonder about the whole 7-degrees of separation thing. Livejournal kind of has something like this, and there’s some aim thing (where you upload your buddy list). Fancy Fancy. So Randal… How do you know Brett *MstrPrgmmr (misc peepz)*? -Tim *PUNCH* has returneth
2004-02-05 16:39:28 – rand0m
Honestly, I wish I knew. I don’t think I know him in real life, but somehow he got on my list. I don’t think I ever talked to him, hence the removal :-/
2004-02-06 04:30:01 – Dice
Was surprised to get an instant message from Sir Rand0m a few days ago. I guess it had something to do with the clean out (and slashdot being down). I’m guessing I’m one of the many fodder filling up misc peepz, just where I should be. ROCK! Surprisingly, not ONE of the people that you upgraded or downgraded are on my buddy list. That’s a coincidence in uncoincidence.
2004-02-08 07:29:13 – Netheus
Sorry, I need to whine. I hate Media Hysteria. Because of the bird flu and the mad cow scare, and some super freeze in the lower latitudes, I paid $11 for 4 chicken breasts, $7 for a marinating stake, and $1.70/lb. for apples last night. But, the salmon stake was only $2.00.
2004-02-09 16:41:02 – WC
wo0 seems to be running faster omg! hooray for deleting 498787 rows eh?
2004-02-09 16:42:48 – rand0m
Yea, did a bunch of DB cleansing – the site should be running noticably faster.

Partay Notice

Party – Weber House – Saturday, 01/31 – 9pm
423 N. Weber – 719-201-1104 for details

The Party Spread

Other than that, I really don’t have anything. Cheers!

2004-01-27 05:52:16 – Betty
YAY! A party! So much fun!
2004-01-27 06:56:16 – Manny
Damnit!, I gotta miss another one of your kickin’ parties. Take pictures.
2004-01-27 09:30:36 – Netheus
yay!!! A party I can go to *&* drink at wooooo!!!!!!!!
2004-01-27 09:52:55 – BIGBROTHER
Yea haaw!!!! I would come but that is an awful long way to drive. Plus I have forgoten how to drive in snow. I see thee picture and I must comment that there dod not apears like der is enough d’ alcohole. Id that justes for one?
2004-01-27 11:14:20 – .
mmmmm ac-holic bevrages!!!! yummy too bad i cant go, meh ๐Ÿ™
2004-01-27 12:36:21 – Paulie
God….somethings just don’t change….they just become legal…
2004-01-27 13:11:00 – Manny
Damn straight. It’s all good till the cops show up. Or dad wants to meet you.
2004-01-27 17:41:35 – keener2u
W00t I can make 453 drinks with that spread. Would anyone like to try….each…
2004-01-27 22:35:45 – Paulie
Matt drop me an e-mail. Need to discuss some things with you about my getting back and of course Vegas…..
2004-01-27 23:07:17 – unknown
Hey I am comp issues so am unable to email you hope to fix soon yes I live here and I think that as long as you are honest it all works out.
2004-01-28 10:28:02 – rand0m
Just for clarification, ‘unknown’ said earlier that the friends w/ bennies thing is very workable. And I, being the smacktard that I am, composed an email saying that I didn’t agree and wondering if she lives here in the springs. There was also a sly wink that might have slipped into the email. ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-28 11:20:10 – wc
rand0m: rofl party: i can’t come ๐Ÿ™ .. grr for living in denver.. grrr!!!
2004-01-29 15:26:23 – The Disco Nova
Randalll=p1//pz0r Is unknown coming to the party?
2004-01-29 21:20:05 – unknown
I just might not really sure yet I am a busy girl ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-30 07:15:57 – T
So – weird thing happened while at work…I got incredibly bored and decided to take a quick break and do some surfing. Anyways, I came up on this site, and thought…hmmm, these names sound familiar. Small world, ey? Anyways, drop me a line. You got my email… -toufan
2004-01-30 09:17:23 – realbighead
I’d like to be the first to say OMFG.
2004-01-30 10:04:43 – rand0m
OMFG is that Toufan Rahimpour (sp?)!?!?!?
2004-01-30 10:11:01 – realbighead
is there any other kind of foutan that we’d know?
2004-01-30 11:35:05 – T
You got a point Randal – how many other Toufan’s do you all know…? Yes, yes it is TR. How y’all doin?! Who is realbighead?
2004-01-30 11:35:52 – T
And nice job with the spelling – you got it spot on.
2004-01-30 12:45:48 – rand0m
realbighead is Tore Eschliman (sorry to steal yer thunder, bro;-) ) So Touf, What’ve you been up to in the past several years?
2004-01-30 13:58:36 – T
Gee, the last few years have been hectic; Let’s see…After I dropped out of PHS back in ’99, I went to USC in Los Angeles for the next four years. Somewhere in the middle of those years, I managed to go to Australia for about six months. I graduated back in May ’03 with a BS in Aerospace Engr. I then got a job working for Northrop Grumman, Space Technology division. I now am based in Redondo Beach, CA, but am currently on a [6 month] business trip in Cocoa Beach, FL supporting DSP (Defense Support Program) launch operations. As I said, hectic. But, in all honesty, life is good. How have you folks been? All I have really heard is little bits here and there from when I last talked with Noelle. If any of you want to email me, that works too. You can just use the link on my name. Cheers, -TR
2004-01-30 14:54:53 – realbighead
steal my thunder? oh no, you ruined my dramatic moment. you bastard.
2004-01-30 19:18:58 – pinky
Dude, wierd. Hey FOUTAN!
2004-01-30 21:49:04 – T
who is pinky?
2004-01-30 22:51:03 – pinky
dude, it’s laura reinsch. hehehe. you sound like you’ve done something with your life. therefore, i despise you ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-31 20:17:28 – Netheus
Tofu!!!! I haven’t seen you since the bus!!! (Christina Salisbury) and hey, James, how is zer0?
2004-01-31 20:53:38 – The Disco Nova
Sleeping. Come over and see her.
2004-02-02 09:05:11 – BB
holy cow! the patriots won. how did that happen? P.S. what about the chocolate malt-o-meal?
2004-02-02 12:49:56 – B.B.
Dear rand0m: Have you ever thought about all the kinds of SHIT there are? Some so closely resemble chocolate malt-o-meal that its not funny, kind of in that ‘hey I recognize that’ sort of way. Makes you go Hmmmmm…. This started me to think of all the other forms of SHIT in the world. I find there are several catagories ranging from the screaming ball smacker to the deceptivly innocent where did it go shit. Let me define. 1.) The ball smacker–The type of SHIT that gently taps your balls on the way out. 2.) The screaming ball smacker–The type of shit that whackes your balls on the wayout, usually combined with the explosive decompression of the bowl syndrom. Not only will your guts hurt afterward but your nuts are bruised too! 3.)The new Klingon shit equiped with a cloaking device SHIT–It used to just be that klingons were the hairy little bastards that needed several wipes to pull them from the orbit of your anus, but these new ones when wiped at only offer you a clean shit free wipe. Thus after you pull up your pants you still feel them and wonder if you really wiped them all out. 4.)The atomic bomb SHIT– Every body knows this one, the one where you shit so hard that you crack the porciline and render the whole bathroom uninhabitable for years to come. 5.)The holy SHIT–The kind of shit that makes you scream at the top of your lungs "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!" 6.)The hurricane SHIT– The type of shit were you blow so much wind out of your ass that the water in the bowl starts to swerl even though you didn’t flush yet. 7.)The glad thats over SHIT– The type of turd that takes so much effort to shove out your ass that as you leave the bath room you wipe sweat from your brow and think "damn glad thats over." 8.)The exhaustion SHIT–same as seven except your too tired to even flush afterwards. 9.)The alien baby SHIT– This is where you give birth to a huge ass spliting black glowing turd of unnatural shape and smell. 10.)The commando SHIT– After you attend one of rand0ms drinking binge partys and consumed god knows what the next day you will have this shit. This is identified by the fact that it will hide under cover in your asshole, only momentarily sticking its head out. Then when the timing is just right it will fight it’s way out by blasting another hole in your ass. After the battle is over, you examine this turd and notice the difrent green, black and brown colors aid it in its attempts at camoflage it’s self. Also noted for its ability to valiantly resist all efforts to flush the bastard. 11.) The battle ship Bismark SHIT– This is a monsterouse turd with buoyant properties. This preditor of the shipping lanes will happily float in your bowl picking off other turds as it comes across them. Now when you try to flush this bugger is where you get a feel for it’s real power. It simply won’t go down! Eventualy you have to call in the royal plunger (excaliber) and try to punch holes in it below the water line. If this doesn’t work then you have to turn around and bomb and straff it into submission. If all else fails, do what the Brittish did. Leave it till the next day and when you next have to shit again, go in there and torpeado the fucker!! 12.)The little kid SHIT– Isn’t it amazing how you can go in a bathroom after a little kid and they don’t ever flush. And the turd sort of looks like an eggplant too?! 13.)The machine gun SHIT– This one is just a gut full of little pellets that blast out of your ass and hit the water with a stacatto poping noise. plopploploplploplop plopplop. 14.)The exorcist SHIT– "OH DEAR GOD IT HURTS, OH PLEASE FATHER, SAVE ME !!! OH FUCK IT’S COMING OUT SIDE WAYS!!" At this point your head will spin around and you will hurl pea soup. 15.)The mother SHIT–This is the end all deluxe, cadillack of all shits. This mother is so huge and so smelly that you think you are giving birth to a russian typhoon balistic missle submarine. You feel like you are going to release weapons of mass destruction on your toilet bowl and the smell is so rank that the paint peals off the walls. It is so bad that you actually will gag yourself before you can get out. DEATH is probably preferable to suffering one of these!!!
2004-02-02 15:00:17 – WC
HAHA random, but funny non-the-less.
2004-02-03 10:50:09 – JoeY
randal, when is ur next laundry post? yay for laundry
2004-02-03 21:28:57 – nice girl
the world is crazy and random. toufan’s name definitely came up less than a month ago when my sister and i were debating whether iranian men are hot. then again, our toufan data was based on fourteen-year-old toufan, so god only knows if it was accurate. i would like to take this time to examine my life and decide that i definitely fall somewhere in between people who accomplish a lot in the science world and people who spend hours analyzing their own poop. then again, i’m an english major. so i guess i spend hours analyzing other people’s shit.
2004-02-03 22:25:00 –
yay for alcohol!
2004-02-04 08:47:07 – Netheus
Sammi, I have to say that there are hot guys of every racial type. but above all, Johnny Depp is by far the hottest piece of ass out there, not only because he’s "cute," but because he’s smart too. Like q-ball off the wall for the side pocket win smart.
2004-02-04 13:17:09 –
Whoa – posting without a name works now? You been slacking off Randal?
2004-02-04 15:15:05 – rand0m
fixified – yay for sanity checking. I overlooked using just a space or an unreadable character … it checks those now too ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-02-04 23:25:55 – Enigma
aww shit, no more mystery?
2004-02-06 13:56:06 – T
Iranian men are definitely hot. Nuff said. Who is nice girl aka prettysammi? Sorry that I keep asking about who everyone is, but not having talked to any of you for the past five or so years…

Little sump’n sump’n before I leave work

Ok, so I was off from HPI yesterday in observance of MLKJr day, so I got up at like 10am and went and bought a laundry basket. From Wal-Mart. This was a mistake, as Wal-Mart brand anything is of horribly low quality. This laundry basket does not have even 1/2 the strength of my existing laundry basket. But it was 4.53, and the dollar rules all, so I bought it anyway. It works okay. I need two baskets because of the unbelievable volume of dirty clothing I have amassed in 14 days. I bought the laundry basket so I could go to the Laund-Ro-Mat and do all my Laun-Dry. Well, I got there at like 12:59. Unloaded all my clothes, got everything ready to go, looked at my watch, 1:10pm. Start up the laundry (4 washers!), sit down, read my book. 5 minutes goes by and all of a sudden, 8 people show up to do their laundry. So they’re doing their thing, and then WHAMO 4 bums walk in to do their laundry. Dallas was among them. Remember Dallas? Wanted Mike’s g/f, Annie? Yea. So I’m sitting there, doing my laundry, trying to save my nose from their odiferousness. Eventually my 4 loads finished, and the people at the Laund-Ro-Mat were like wolverines on a fallen antelope carcass, if they have those down under, fighting scratching cursing to get to the washer. I then proceeded to take up 4 dryers. You may not know this, but at the average Laund-Ro-Mat there are approximately 2 washers to every dryer. In this case, 18 washers, 9 dryers. So the fact that I took up 4 washers was not a huge deal, despite the volume of people. However, I smiled in glee as I single-handedly took up nearly 50% of the dryers. You should have seen their faces as I loaded my stuff. Hahaha. Among one of them was this tall thing girl who had been rather good company so far. Everyone else was either a bum, who stayed away from me as I am a formidable twenty something yuppy who doesn’t like homelessness, or they were people who were unwilling to chat to pass the time. So I put in all my dryer stuff, and when I was done, I happily gave up my dryers to the nice young good-company girl. People were staring, mouths agape at this breach of first-come-first-servce. I, however, did not care. I hung around a bit, talked to the girl and at approximately 2:32, left. Notice that it is one hour and twenty two minutes this time, including chatting time. This is because I have refined my laundry-loading-unloading-drying skills and schedule. Jack is gone from HPI. This makes me sad, as the workload is heavier. Despite that, I feel a little better because (with regard to the network)I can basically do whatever I want, when I want. Despite *that*, it sucks to not have someone to bounce things off of. James has moved in. He’s a good roommate because he is clean. He likes to talk about his penis a lot, and tends to point at it very often and then quip “were you looking at my crotch!?” He also enjoys playing computer games, which is OK in my book. Did I mention that he’s clean? He has bad parts, though. One being his penis-loving, the other being his incessant nipple-grapping. I think that the second one is taken care of though, as I told him he’d “get a five-knuckle sandwhich if he did it again”. I no longer fear nipple-pain when near him. It is nice having a roommate who is normal. You hear that girls? All the ladies in the world? We no longer have a nutcase in the house. Sure we have a guy who may leer, a guy who may drool and a guy who may run away and hide, BUT IT IS SAFE NOW. GIRLS, PLEASE COME OVER. AGAIN, WE ARE NOT SCARY, NO TONY, IT IS NOW SAFE, COME OVER. I have nothing else to add, except this cool flash came from Craig – I got a 323.4, give it a whirl: [L=][/L]

2004-01-20 17:28:22 – The Disco Nova
Oh I will still grab your nipples. I just will expect to get punched in return.
2004-01-21 00:32:39 – Paulie
First off, did you get that girls name and number? C’mon man, what is the secondary fucntion of the laundromat?!?!?! TO HOOK UP! Glad that things are working out with James. If he’s up for Vegas, invite him along…. The more the merrier.
2004-01-21 03:58:12 – Girlie
…remind me not to look at archives. old smack is not something i need to be aware of. for the record (not that anyone’s gonna know what im talking about) I DIDNT SEE YOU GUYS! im not usually a bitch on purpose ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-21 07:57:00 – Manny
Randal, do you really see yourself as a yuppy? C’mon dude, you don’t even have any standard yuppie accoutrements, like a BMW, or other yuppified car, a Patek Phillipe watch, etc… Trust me, I’m familiar with the species and have dedicated myself to thier eradication. You are not a target.
2004-01-21 10:10:59 – BIG BROTHER
I like yuppies, I throw them out of my casino all night long. Plus yuppies have other wonderful traites. 1.) They squeek real loud when they get punched but aren’t rich enough to actualy call there lawyer even though they vehemously say they will. 2.) I like towing there cars. The look on their faces is priceless. Observation cameras in valet are nifty devices that allow you to record and play back that moment of wonder for repeated laughs. 3.) They will believe anything an officer will tell them. You can lead them around in circles for hours. This is fun right up to the point they are broke from passing to many slot machines. Then they are prime canidates for expulsion. Then they can try to find their car. I.E. #2. 4.) They keep the food/bev. supervisor in a job telling them they have had enough and are cut off. Thus the advent of angry yuppie syndrom. I.E. #1. Then they can try to find their car. 5.) Some times when the casino is feeling magnanimous, they will let these people have some of their money back in the form of a jack pot. This is good because in their small ritual of defiant celibration they end up giving most of said jack pot away to greedy staff anf officers in the form of tips. TIP, Noun.=Def./ The act where as a patron stupidly gives up even more money in the belief that they are acting hauty and will receive better service. In actuality they are just handing out free money. 6.) It is just plain fun to handcuff them. Expecialy the liqered up hotties! 6a.) Liquered up hotties are fun to observe (torture) in the lock up room. This can also be video taped for future laughs at friday night officer only partys. 7.)Yuppies are highly desposible. After you have had your fun with them and they are in a semi-liquified state, you simply dump them out he back door of the security area and call the sherrif and tell them that someone just got hit by a car and needs to be removed from casino property. Yo, Rando! whazzz up! watch out for the laundromat monster. They are very good at pretending to be a volumtous female who pretends to be interested in you. Really this is a trick to get you to lower your guard by using your natural copulatory instincts against you in an effort to gain entry to your house wherein they will rip you off blind! If you are lucky you will detect this ruse early before to much damage occures. If not then they may continue to leach off of you for years in the act of marriage. MARRIAGE, Noun=Def( The act wherein a male gives up all happyness in his life completly in the hopes of gaining intercouse maby once per decade.) BIG BROTHER.
2004-01-21 10:52:00 – CountJorganVonStrangle
omfglmfao that is funny as hell, i laugh at your laundromat stories of such funnyness!!! i love the flash too lol JoeY
2004-01-21 10:54:32 – Lance
2004-01-21 11:11:17 – realbighead
who invited the peanut gallery?
2004-01-21 11:53:18 – WC
HAHAHAHHA that is the funniest post I have read on your site in a long time! I say ‘keep up with the funny posts cuz funny posts GOOOD, depressing posts BAADD’ ok, now to read the comments ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-21 14:16:36 – Netheus
thats a cool game, specially when you hit the penguin in such a way that it lands head first in the snow!! Tee Hee!!!
2004-01-21 14:39:26 – WC
Quote of the net: [i][b]Luke 14:26[/b] says, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother…he cannot be my disciple." Pretty cool, huh? So, if you hate your parents, you are already halfway to becoming a True Christian™![/i] Remember Kids, you too can have a [l=]free ps2[/l] just for accepting jesus!
2004-01-22 11:37:59 – ytcracker
u goofs
2004-01-22 16:54:36 – Netheus
Luke also sez, "May the force be with you."
2004-01-23 13:39:36 – Froggie
just a side note- that post from big brother might have been funny as hell had someone been able to use the english language correctly. i’m still wondering what a "volumtous female" is. ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-23 13:43:26 – The Disco Nova
Wow randalll, your site is getting popular enough to attract anom coward trolls.
2004-01-23 14:25:15 – rand0m
As they say, The path to power is littered with stupid fucks getting in the way. ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-24 15:01:17 – BIGBROTHER.
Dear other site browsers, I am sorry that my atempts at levity didn’t meet with your stringent aprooval. I am oonly tryinge too add sum fun to thee party. I’m also sorrry that I can’t spell as good like you. I are only trying to have funs wit my long lost bru’der. But it seems that he feels that I am a, how did he write it, a "stupid fuck". I’m sorry to have disturbed you. I guess if that is how you really feel about others maby you should re-examine your narrow little world. You know at one time I thought that beeing "COOL" with your friends was the most importaint thing too. Then I grew up and realized that beeing seen as cool didn’t realy mean jack shit. Soon all you little under age geeks will enter the real world and find out that beeing cool simply gets you eaten alive by the real movers and shakers. I get a real laugh out of people who think that they are smarter that everybody else. They think they are so superior just because they might use a computer a little better, or they might be all uppity because they can use big words because they so edumucated. That and a buck might get you a cup of coffee. So for all you superior genius types let me wipe that safe little smugness out by giving you a head start to what realy counts in life, not that selfish little fantasy land you think you live in. 1.) your only safe until the world finds you, so keep hiding. 2.) The only thing that realy counts is that you work hard. Pay your bills and stay on the good side of a jail cell. 3.) Family are about the only people you can count on. Even then the old saying nobody screws you like family. Plus the wonderful fact that everybody else will screw you raw if given half a chance. 4.) Make as much money as you can because there is always sombody out there trying to take it from you. The longer you dilute yourself the easier you make it for them. 5.) prepair for old age cause it’s coming for you. You might feel invincible now but that’s just what it wants you to think. Just wait till you turn at least 30 and cheese is no longer your friend. 6.) Not all self important computer nerds turn into Bill Gates. In my law enforcement profession I have personaly seen that most end up as stupid ass janitors in a basement some place eaking out barly enough resources to keep that computer of theres going. Sorry to say that is there only conection to the world that didn’t want them anyway because of their aditude. 7.) The only people that realy count are the normal average joes out there who even in the face of all that life throws at them find the strength of charicter to be kind to others, even if it "puts them out" a little. So I’m sorry to have butted in, you all can go back to sleep now. But let me remind you of one little thing first before you go, if you have an open site on the web you are offering a free invitation to anybody to look at it. Even though you have the right to say any snotty little thing you like, you don’t have the choice to keep others out. The web belongs to the world. Otherwise go back to passing secret notes to each other in the third grade. Nice to make your aquaintance Now I know what kind of person you have grown up to be and realize I don’t know you at all. Maby that might be a good thing. Good luck and good bye. P.S. the spelling mistakes are because I’m such a "stupid fuck" to use a spell checker.
2004-01-24 15:10:49 – BIGBROTHER
P.S.S. If Disco nova if we are all such a bunch of coward trolls and such, why don’t you start signing your real name. I signed mine. I only asumed a monicure like you just to play this game. Beside it’s more fun to put a name on a toilet wall than a website adress. The trolls.
2004-01-24 17:08:17 – randal
Wow, way to think the world revolves around you. "Stupid fucks" and "trolls" were referring to the totally worthless posts by CountJorganVonStrangle and Lance. Feel free to alienate yourself and not come back — your choice, not mine. As for the real world, I am pretty sure that we all have a firm grasp on it. For that matter, I don’t think anybody here is underage. And, for what it’s worth, generally the only people who have any animosity towards the bourgeoisie are those people who feel they cannot attain the same successes for whatever reason (which is usually a personal issue, not a god-given problem). Granted, the working Joe makes the world go round, but the smart guys who can "use a computer a little better" or who can "use big words because they so edumucated" get to decide how and why Joe does what he does. Having been Joe before, I’ll tell you that it’s for the birds. Label me as intellegentsia / uppity / geek / smug / "superior genius type" and I’ll probably thank you – because it means I’m not digging ditches.
2004-01-24 18:34:05 – The Disco Nova
I’m sorry, most of the people that post here know me. I am James, one of Randalls roommates. I was posting about froggie whining about your spelling, something that irritates me. I said she is an AC because she didn’t leave an email address for us to tell her how much we love her. I don’t have an issue with you. You should prolly apologize to Randalll. I don’t care if you apologize to me or not, but Randall is one of the vanishingly small group of family members of yours that is still rooting for you as I hear it.
2004-01-25 10:24:18 – Froggie
First of all, what makes you believe that I am a female? Second thing is that I don’t try and make myself sound smarter than I really am. If I wanted to read a poorly written essay, I would teach Jr high school.
2004-01-25 12:54:27 – WC
WHOA!! Such the honstility here. First this site barely gets two comment posts a week and now we get posts every so often hours. Heh. And now the posts are so hostile. Big Bro. You seem nice. Don’t take things so personally. Most of the posts here and posted half jokingly. I took me a while to learn that, and I nearly killed randal and aquantences on more than one occasion. So some/most of the posts are not aimed at you as they are the entire comment history. As for the spelling of words, we all make mistakes, just some of us spell better/faster (without a spell checker) because our jobs rely on it and others just because we are talented enough to do it. Randal, please please please finish the html writer for you site, cuz this sucks, i can’t read half the comments any more. Which is lame. And froggie, jesus, dood. wtf. Have respect for other peoples opinions, spelling, ideas, etc. If you don’t wanna read badly spelled posts or read ideas that you disagree with then don’t. Its simple as that. But don’t get pissed at the people who they belong too. And if were going to bash spelling, we might as well bash your improper use of the – … you should have used a : ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-25 14:40:16 – The Disco Nova
Randall had the idea that you were a red headed monster. He could of been wrong.
2004-01-25 21:26:06 – realbighead
I just have a well-developed hatred of long comments. Find your own blog, or master the fine art of the one-liner.
2004-01-26 00:36:40 – rand0m
HA! Says you in TWO LINES!
2004-01-26 00:44:34 – The Disco Nova
I’d like to name my own price for your big sweet ass.
2004-01-26 09:14:15 – Netheus
ass u mptions
2004-01-26 10:27:05 – Manny
Damn, where the love at?
2004-01-26 11:03:32 – Joey
. funnyt stuff man . more laundry more more!!
2004-01-26 15:32:20 – xxx
shut up joey.
2004-01-26 15:33:14 – xxx
sorry joey.
2004-01-26 16:06:05 – WC
rofl this place is great. ๐Ÿ™‚ .. randal news please ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-26 16:26:43 – BIGBROTHER
Dear site users, I apologize for what I said. Yes rand0m, you are still a computer geek. But I’m glad you are. Someone has to run this site. A small explanation is in order. I am operating from an isolated system and am not getting all the briefes in proper order. Sombody please tell the .Gov that they have suck ass computer systems. Why does everything have to come in batch file anyway? Anywho, on the day that I posted last I had a real bad day. At work we responded to a domestic disturbance and there was a fatality. I guess that just sort of had my hackles up. I’m guilty as the next person of getting things misinterpreted. You are all right, the wrong thing to do was to whip out the old machine gun and start sumarily popping melons. So in that order to those who deserved it I comment, "na na na na na." To those who didn’t deserve the lash I humbly beg your forgiveness. A special note to rand0m, your still a computer geek. No, seriusly I am really proud of the fact that your skills are formidible. I personaly don’t have great knowledge of computers and have gained what I have though trial and error. Sometimes I really wish that I had more time to get in more training. Most of what I use these infernal machines for are writing stupid reports and cross record searching peoples feloney records. I’m still glad that it has given me the chance to reach out and find you. Also, Nova I’m sorry. Your name wouldn’t come off the wall. I wrote it in indelable marker. I don’t have anything against the bougouiesie. I like that position fondly. Personaly I’m working on getting my limo company back in service as soon as possible. I find that lots of money is very usefull. Although I’m thinking of doing it only part time for a while. Good news along that line! I have a company that wants to fund me $$$$$$$$$$$$ to restart. The bummer part is that they want me to use said $$$$$$$$$$ to produce at least 5 more limos for there private use. This sucks for the simple fact that I will have to pay them back as well as give them lots of free service. Plus they want me to revitalize my casino contracts and hand them over to them. I smell a trap, like yea I get the money then they dump me and keep the contracts while I still have to pay them $$$$$$$. Also I have a question I hope someone has the answer too. Why does chocolate malt-o-meal turn into concrete when you leave it out but turns into an elastic polymer when left in the fridge? I have experimented with the water content and found this not to be a factor. Also It seems that the actual temperature gradiant is also a non issue. I wonder if this material has been duely noted by the engineering cirles of the world. I appears to have certain shape memory capabilities yet reliquifies when microwaved. But at the same time the high setting seems to cause a coagulating effect after the material has sponged up enough radiated energy. I think next I will try taking my short wave radio kit and seeing if bombarding it with a longer wavelength at a higher/lower output range will have a different effect? Question. Is this material still nutritious in this phase or does it reach a point of incompatability with human life through molecular reorganization. Hmm…lets feed the cat. BIGBROTHER
2004-01-26 16:29:34 – rand0m
I can’t believe you eat that shit after being tortured with it for years by mom. $.02 ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-26 16:31:50 – BIGBROTHER
Oh SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cat just barfed up a huge ass leuggy like thing, farted, passed out and died. Oh God, it just exploded!! Oh fuck, how am I going to hide this from my wife?!! Does anybody know a good taxidermist?
2004-01-26 16:37:56 – BIGBROTHER
I just reached a real catharsise. Does this mean that mom is/was really trying to feed us or was there a deeper motive, I.E. Cause us to barf up a leuggy like thing, fart, choke to death and then explode. (the explosion must be from the rapid rise of methane in the gastric system.) That sucks! That sucks almost as bad as all the times mom dragged us screaming for mercy to church. I’m definatly sure there are alterior motives there!.
2004-01-26 16:49:38 – BIGBROTHER
WHOOAAAA! Hey Rando, who is bimmerchick? Man you ain’t old enough to handle that! Hell, I’m not old enough to handle that! On second thought I would like to handle that! Unfortunatly my wife walked in the room just as I brought up that site and I am in trouble. Man you got to be carefull what you gallorize. There are small kids out there that are now stroking the monkey so hard that the friction is gonna’ cripple em’ for life. Now how do you feel knowing that you are responcible for thousands of penisless children with massive crotch burns! No, seriously, if you get a shot, take it. I don’t know anybody that said they wished they had popped less cherrys on there death bed.
2004-01-26 16:51:12 – BB
Oh double SHIT!!! She just found the cat.
2004-01-26 20:33:05 – pinky
::shout out to la reverend:: house plus kitten equals mitten even a dead exploded kitten
2004-01-26 21:56:13 – Netheus
mmmm….. mittens….. and suddenly all those condensing skills from Dr.K’s class mean something to me.
2004-01-27 06:59:31 – Girlie
no, the redheaded monster said nothing this time.
2004-01-27 09:32:51 – The Disco Nova
Then we have no idea who froggie is.
2004-02-04 16:55:13 – Serandipati
Interesting…may just have to stick around to see what your male brain spits out next.

more worthless blah blah blah

Ok, so 1:47am on a Thursday. WTF am I doing awake, you might be asking … hmm … actually, probably not. Regardless, I went and had a beer, then put my hax on James’ computer, and it didn’t work. POS Wal-Mart USB wireless adapter. So my brother came here and posted. That’s neat and super and all, but man, maybe I just don’t like family and whatnot, but family / personal issues should not be aired in public (unless it’s your personal website and you’re ranting about one particular thing). With that being said, Matt, please email me at Thnx. Okay, so there’s this theoretical situation. Say you sorta-hookup with a medium level friend, but then fear the inevitable “cling-on” effect, where they attempt to attach their lives to yours by adding too much … erm … feeling to the whole situation? WTF is a guy supposed to do!? Fucking hormones, always fucking everything up. I am glad that I do not have a strong case of the “Can’tkeepitinmypants” syndrome. I have also decided, thanks in part to Laura, to never have a solid, long term belief, as it will not only be challenged, but assaulted over and over. Honestly, it’s a lot easier to just be “open minded” and go with whatever is popular at the time, be it women’s rights, liberal social policy or what have you. WTFOMGBBQ, why is Randal spouting such heinous ideas you are obviously not asking. Well, I’ll tell you anyways: it’s because I don’t have the patience to debate that shit anymore. I might as well give in and go with the flow instead of building up animosity / aggression / irritation. Sure, it’s at the expense of personal opinion and such, but it sure makes political/religious/philosophical discussions easier. Day job is good. Jack is out on contract for several months, leaving me to handle the entire shebang on my own. I might ask for a raise. Dunno. The store is doing better after the Christmas break slump, but it’s not banking. We will probably need to do a good financial evaluation to see if this thing is ever going to work, or if we’re wasting our time. It’s nice owning a business; it’s would not be nice to own a drowning business. I think I saw Anna Pruitt at Pikes Perk. Of course she didn’t give me the time of today (what else would I expect? acknowledgement? HA!). It was definitely her, if she put on 30lbs since the last time I saw her. Jordan or somebody else, feel free to chime in. I did not spend time with Janelle while she was here. Shit. I actually wanted to, but it didn’t happen. She came over to the store and hung out with Tore, but I didn’t really talk to her. See previous posts RE: east-coast/european snobbery yada yada. I should have really made the effort. FUck me. With that, all I have to ask is … what if the hokey pokey really *is* what it’s all about?

2004-01-15 10:46:36 – a nice girl
i saw anna pruitt at pikes perk about a week ago. she definitely was very nice and gave me the time of day and we talked for a little while about how scared we are of graduating and facing the real world. i did not think she’d gained thirty pounds, but i probably wasn’t checking out her body as much as you were. then again, thirty pounds is enough that i probably would have noticed. she looked the same to me. by the way, weren’t you going to call me so that we could hang out one more time while i was home? so much for that theory; i leave tomorrow. i’ll miss you and i’ll see you some other time, i’m sure.
2004-01-15 11:23:47 – paulie
WTF man! No letter, no cards, no e-mail??????? Wassap man? How are things back home? Got that package that Chris sent out. Had one of Matt’s DVD home movies in it. The store looks neat. Looks like I may be home in Mid-March. Hope so, I am soooo sick of this shit. Well, get back to me sometime bro.
2004-01-15 12:05:09 – Netheus
saw Matt Blum at Comic Book store yesterday. Wants to know about DSL or some kind of fast connection, told him to get a hold of you randal. Comic book store dude died of Addisons Disease, so no new books ๐Ÿ™
2004-01-15 12:56:41 – Manny
Yo randal, I think I left my copy of the Economist’s "The world in 2004" in your store on Monday. Hope you guys still got it, that mag is the bomb. Also, this programming class in Boulder sucks. Coding sucks. Debugging sucks. Need one of James’ martinis… now.
2004-01-15 12:59:14 – rand0m
HAHA, scared of graduating and facing the "real world". The "real world" does exist! Thank God, I thought I’d been living in some netherlimbo. And I wasn’t checking her out, because this person was not fit. At all. Probably wasn’t her. If I’m not mistaken, I arranged the previous meet and was thinking this was your go. Unless, of course, I am only under the impression that I arranged the first meet. That sort thing happens a lot when you meet a great girl … let’s the guy have the satisfaction of being the ‘arranger’, but he’s actually not. At all. And that’s okay. [end ramble] Things back home are … shit, I wish I knew. I don’t go out or do anything really, just work, so I can’t give you a good estimate of how things really are (for others). For me though, I’m busy as shit. And Keen is in Boston-ia. w3rd. I spoke to Matt Blum yesterday, actually, gave him my $.02. And diseases = suck.
2004-01-15 13:03:16 – rand0m
I am told that there is no "The World in 2004" texts laying around at the store :-/ … maybe at the house? I’ll do a quick run through when I swing by there later. I would like a martini or five right know. feh.
2004-01-15 13:16:22 – Big Brother
Personaly there are two ways to solve most of lifes problems. One is my personal favorite. I have found that highexplosives tend to fix just about every problem thrown at a person. The second is money. If you heap enough money on a problem you may be able to achieve a desirable effect, if not maby your problem will smother to death. If all else fails resort to problem solver one. Big Brother.
2004-01-15 14:07:28 – The Disco Nova
You stole WTFOMGBBQ from you bastage.
2004-01-15 14:08:08 – The Disco Nova
Whoops, I just woke up, from me.
2004-01-15 14:29:37 – WC
WTF STFU OMG AHHH!!! OK So don’t tell me to RTFM but WTF does WTFOMGBBQ – specifically BBQ mean?
2004-01-15 14:33:04 – The Disco Nova
You’d have to be a planetside forum troller to understand the reference. Rand0m = HAXXXX0000RRRRRRCAAAMMMPPPPZZZZZZ000RRRRRR
2004-01-15 14:38:35 – rand0m
It means barbecue. OMFGROFLMAOPMPWTFSTFUBBQ! Also, YAY for paychecks.
2004-01-15 16:00:37 – Manny
Randal, e-mail me your phone number, my fucking visor just dumped on me. Die handspring!
2004-01-15 16:57:26 – The Disco Nova
2004-01-15 19:25:13 – Master Ha-reed
Someone else here likes the Economist. Shit yeah. This same person also goes to Boulder and is taking a programming class. Weird. What class is it Manny? Randal, I hope you don’t actually believe what you’re saying about you going with the flow. That’s the most worthless argument I’ve ever heard for capitulating to what ever is popular on any given topic. Fuck what’s popular. Please, please retract what you said and I will not have to ask for your testicles in a jar. Paulie, hope things are at least somewhat safe over there. Also hoping Rummy gets you guys back home for some amount of time in the very near future. Will make sure kick the shit out of anyone who vents out their frustration over the war on our men and women overseas (which by the way, was the absolute worst thing about the fucking hippies during the Vietnam era).
2004-01-16 09:32:12 – Manny
The Economist is the wep of choice for anyone who wants to expand his knowledge of the world outside of the borders of the ol’ US of A. As for knowledge, Randal, by being so fluid with your opinions you really are not learning more, or enhancing your capacity to learn more. If you don’t beleive in anything, you can’t be prepared to be surprised when new some contrary fact comes into your realm of experience. So stick to yo’ guns, bro… if you’re wrong, you’ll know it.
2004-01-16 10:49:57 – paulie
Actually I’m on the safest base in Iraq. Of course, we’re in the middle of FUCKING NO WHERE…..!
2004-01-16 11:09:54 – Manny
YAY! for safety. middle_of_nowhere=this->sucks(ass)
2004-01-16 12:41:16 – Master Ha-reed
OK – using pointers in everyday language means you’re spending too much time in front of a computer screen. What class are you taking at CU?
2004-01-16 12:52:36 – Manny
Right. I’m taking an IDL programming class over at RSI, as evidenced by the object method call which could be applied to lot’s o’ things. fi: crzy_chcks tps.reports pay<findmin(standard_of_living), you know…
2004-01-16 13:30:55 – rand0m
Jared, are you sure you’re a compsci student? That is not a pointer, but an object->method() call. Also, "pay<findmin(standard_of_living)" is hilarious :-D. As for the whole opinion thing, I’m kidding. Sort of. I’ve decided that there is no point in even attempting to defend my oh-so-closed-minded, conservative, harsh, hate-filled opinions when they come under attack from someone who is equally bent on the left side of the spectrum. Hence, I may have an opinion, but if you ask me, I don’t.
2004-01-16 14:24:36 – Master Ha-reed
"this" is a pointer. I may be a shitty programmer, but I’m pretty sure that "this" refers to the object making the method call. That is what I was referring to. But to answer your question, I’m still not sure. Get back to me in a year.
2004-01-16 14:42:33 – Manny
Thank god I am a physicist by day, philosopher by night, and at no time a geek. (sorry guys). Actually, I think I geek out sometimes, but only in that first level of the house of death kind of way. Nothing like y’all bruce lee vs. karim abdul jabbar, "my kung fu is the best" kind of way. Yo Randal, I’ll probably drop by the store for a while before Chris’ going away. Also, I think I forgot some of my dirty clothes in matt’s room.
2004-01-16 15:20:03 – rand0m
the ‘this’ is a caller-object reference; AFAIK, pointers generally happen only when manipulating resources directly, such as disk/file or memory.
2004-01-16 15:42:51 – Master Ha-reed
Then I guess I was taught a somewhat looser definition of pointer, as in my understanding you can substitute "pointer" for "reference" in most cases.
2004-01-16 15:53:08 – realbighead
the use of "object->method()" (in C++, at least) was used to collapse a pointer… literal object references used "object.method()" instead of the "->". That’s decade-old knowledge, though, so things may be less specific nowadays.
2004-01-16 15:53:35 – WC
uhh you guys have it really fucked up an pointer is for refrencing memory to a virtual variable. IE you can have two variable refrencing the same data. This happens a lot in C PHP as randal put it is correct, however (Randal you can correct me on this) i don’t think a ‘this’ occurs in php since php isn’t OOP (yet). and middle_of_nowhere=this->sucks(ass) would throw an invalide varible/memory error. You can’t refrence this w/o an object refrencing it. IE you’d have to say object.this or object(this) to use ‘this’ correctly. so the correct way would be middle_of_nowhere(this)->sucks(ass) ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-16 16:03:48 – Manny
1) This shit works in IDL 2) Mercy… please…
2004-01-16 16:06:45 – rand0m
Reference is not a pointer, they are distinctly different with different purposes. A reference is used exactly as I said – to assign to variables to the same data. A pointer is used to address a device resource index, such as a particular memory bit or to a file handle. You use pointers to do things like bitshifting, memory stuffing/padding, direct memory management, binary file manipulation. You use references to manipulate in-program data directly, instead of manipulating a copy … normal variable passing=softlink, reference=hardlink. jesus christ I’m a dork.
2004-01-16 17:40:15 – The Disco Nova
You all lose.
2004-01-16 23:24:57 – WC
Happy 420 post ๐Ÿ™‚ ok i’m kinda drunk cuz i keep on hitting the backspace key and this took me like 30 secs post rofllmaololwtfbbq hehehe
2004-01-17 15:33:55 – Unknown
So a theoretical answer to your theoretical question. Maybe SHE just wanted to have some fun and she did. And wants nothing other then friendship with a few benefits. Or no benefits, whatever : )
2004-01-17 15:59:33 – rand0m
w3rd to friends with benefits. Too bad that is nearly impossible, what with girls being emotional creatures — girls may say they’re "just friends with benefits" but give it another 20 minutes and next thing they’re looking for marriage. *mmm, friends w/ bennies*
2004-01-17 22:56:03 – paulie
Is that really such a bad thing?????
2004-01-18 10:50:04 – realbighead
marriage? at 21? yes, that is really such a bad thing.
2004-01-18 15:49:50 – Unknown
If you both agree to be friends with benifits, and one person starts to have feelings, be it good or bad, then you just stop. Be honest. End of story.
2004-01-19 11:08:16 – paulie
Hey man! Still up for Vegas when I get home? We are told our block leave is from 14 Apr-15 May or some such. Could you or Matt start looking for package deals for somewhere around that time? I’d say shoot for April….. Get back to me.
2004-01-19 18:43:01 – Netheus
started back to class today. Biology… ick.. Saw Crystal Ybarra last night, it was her birthday, and she was alone and fighting with her bf. Shitty birthday. Other than that, a little fatlistic, but I think it suits her. It was good to see her. And anyone remember little gay Dustin? He’s in my film class.
2004-01-19 18:49:58 – keener2u
Paulie, awesome I will be in vegas already for work. Will look into extending my stay with vacation! ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-20 11:08:49 – GangGa-StA
2004-01-20 11:38:13 – rand0m
2004-01-20 11:54:27 – wc
_ohh my_
2004-01-21 09:34:36 – BIG BROTHER
Oh my! look at the size of his entry! I feel small.
2004-01-21 10:50:20 – WhIcH i haD OnE
2006-04-04 13:58:49 – ass
<a href=>lyrics</a>
2006-04-04 13:59:16 – asdasd

Xmas, NYE, Kelly/James, Clothes, Sammi

Okay, so this is the Inaugral post of 2004, so it’s going to be a doozy. Ha! Had you thinking that it would be worthwhile there for a second, didn’t I? Ahh, yes, now proceed onto the comments like a good reader. So … I totally missed XMas in the last post. I got a lot of clothes from my sister, and some really nice pillows from the folks, as well as some more hand-made socks from my Oma. mmm, socks. I also got some of the candy orange slice thingies that I like so much. Yay for traditions! So, New Years Eve. We had a [L=]lockin at the store[/L] which was superfull, and a ton of fun. We had a BringYerOwnComputer this time, which went really well. After that I sped like hell over to James’ place, where I walked in just in time for the countdown. Grabbed some champaigne, counted down, drank it, and then proceeded onto a Long-island Iced Tea and got LIT (get it? LOL) … then the best goddamn martini ever – sour apple. It was scrumptious. I fell in love with Kelly, which I’ll get to in a second, got drunk, then slept it off until 4am, when I went back to the store and worked till about 9:30. Then blessed sleep. Kelly. I met her at James’ NYE party, and she is apparently a friend of Emily’s. This is an issue, as Emily loathes me. (defaming statements about her here) She also necked with James, which he was very proud to point out, despite his total devotion to Emily. Which is an Issue. James is MovingIn RealSoonNow, and with him, he is bringing his passion for Emily, and with that, Emily herself. I do not know how that will go. All I know is that my chances with this Kelly are doomed, as Emily will undoubtedly put in a less-than-positive word for me. She didn’t even say “Hi” at the party. Sheesh, some people. However, Kelly did say Hi, and that was nice. As she is smart and hot. Oh, James is moving in. Cya Tony. Cheap Bastard. Keen is keeping this fucking reduckalous picture journal of his life at [L=][/L]. It’s hawt. I am thinking I’ll get a camera phone and do the same, as it is freakin awesome. I went to the Laund-Ro-Mat today to do some laundry, as our washer is still broken. Did I mention that earlier? (I can’t find it in the archives – it’s a good story, involving me giving a girl a ride home at 3am). But yes, it is broken. So yes, the laundromat. The laundromat is a very interesting place, especially at night. This was during the day though, and it took exactly one hour and 24 minutes to wash and dry three large loads of laundry for less than $5. This is the way to do laundry. I also read a lot in my book, which was good. I had lunch with SuperSammi on Friday, and it was everything I thought it would be. She is so mind-alteringly amazing. The food at the Ritz was good, as was my martini (sour apple, of course!), but the conversation was stunning. She’s really great. *hugs to sammi* [b]Update[/b] – I totally forgot to mention that Keen left for a while, but came back, then left again. In the meantime, I got to drive his car, which is nice. I think I’ll buy a car sometime. Whilst shuttling Keen to and from DIA, I met up with Craig and his g/f Rachael, had some Chipotle (best burritos, evar!). On the second trip, we all went to Old C’s and had a good time. Additionally, I watched James’ ferret over the holidays, and oddly, the ferret is not so bad. w0ot for friends!

2004-01-03 19:03:53 – WC
ohh i see how it is. nothing ๐Ÿ™ about the trip to denver. ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-03 19:07:09 – rand0m
OooOoh, it’s on there now, oOooh, pwnage!
2004-01-03 19:08:59 – WC
hehe woo0t! for chipotle
2004-01-03 22:37:59 – The Disco Nova
Lol. I didn’t say that we were necking, I said that she stuck her tongue in my mouth when we were playing that game. Maybe she was simply getting into the game ๐Ÿ™‚ I should mention for those who weren’t at the party that the game called for her to kiss me . It’s a moot point, since I spent all night talking to her, and didn’t even think to ask for her number. She is still totally available ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-04 12:06:47 – WC
[L=]Drum Machine[/L]
2004-01-05 10:45:33 – Manny
I always miss your guy’s kick ass parties. Dammit. Watched HBO through the new year. Yes, sorry, I know. Will be in town next sunday though to crash on matts bed. I will be lit, btw.
2004-01-06 16:24:27 – Netheus
my sister is selling her ferret. Its an albino female. She’s cute.
2004-01-10 11:42:42 – Matthew M. Kohutek.
Dear Randy, I don"t Know if you are the right person that I am sending this to but if you are this is your big brother in the deep south. How the hell are you doing? A brief update on the last ten years… I got married, got divorced, got screwed over, got it back on track(Thanks to mom.) Went to school, became a cop, pissed off mom and dad, left. Started over got married again, started a company, failed, started again and succeded. Paid off me and Tam’s first limo for the new company last October. November came and our contracter supplier went belly up/bit the economic bone. (I hate cheep ass contractors.) Asked momndad for help, laughed in my face and pulled their sanctimonius crap again. They ended up causing my new company to fold and cost me 60,000$. (Thanks mom.) Thank god the equipment was paid for. Had to find work. Became a cop again, got pinned again three days ago. (Look out villans!) Hopfully Tam and I can save up enough mulla to start up by our selves again in a few months. So depressing when you throw away five years of work because of some other jack ass can’t pull their heads out. Jeeeezzzzz!! Found out there is another Kohutek transportation company in Kenner Loisiana. They spell their name Kohoutek. Hmm, food for thought. They run hundreds of those big busses across the south. Sure wish I could have teamed up with them before folding. (Thanks mom. Gonna make it a real effort to talk to you again, like when my son is thirty!) Sorry don’t mean to sound so negative, it’s only money. Lots and lots of money. Any who, hows Robert doing? Saw Marla where she came down here with Oma. Geeesh! Did she change. Sorry to hear that grand pa and grand ma passed away. I feel sorry for dad. I Know that had to be hard on him. Is he still smoking? Tell him I’m sorry if you get a chance. It’s good to talk to you Randle Ray, I’ll monitore this site a few times to see if you respond. C’Ya Matt K.
2004-01-10 15:48:41 – keener2u
Yeah good to see things are being posted and things are still alive over there. I am in New York City staying with a few buds of mine. BTW it’s really freaking cold here and I am staying in Queens and taking the metro into Manhattan. Hope the house has not turned inside out and exploded yet:) Good to see you are still alive:) see ya next sat!
2004-01-11 14:36:33 – The Disco Nova
I cleaned the bathroom. It was so good, Randall was speechless. If it ever gets that bad again, I will make you both clean it up at gunpoint with your tongues ๐Ÿ™‚
2004-01-11 19:23:46 – rand0m
Matt, Yep, this is the place, home of the one and only randal kohutek. And yes, James is the most awesome cleaner ever. Thanks James. Yay for clean. Yay for new roommate. Boo for boring!
2004-01-12 12:53:02 – Netheus
that was a pretty quick and depressing 10 year update. geez.
2004-01-12 13:56:32 – rand0m
No shit. I’ve learned that if I can’t think of something to say, I shouldn’t say anything. Hence the breif response ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-12 14:21:15 – Matt K.
Yo’ Rando! Whats up? Tam and I just got back from the french quarter in New Orleans. Man it’s wild just for a sunday! We can’t wait to go to Mardi Gras this year. Let the drinking begin! Last year we so blasted that we ended up loosing one of the limos and ended up taking a cab back to the Lions for three days till the crowds left. That was the same day that Vinette (Neighbor) got hit in the head with a flying coconut. Oh well back at the house to nurse our aching heads. and Netheus, shut up. Some times life sucks and every body at some time gets to take a big ol’ bite of it. I’ll hand you the mustard when your time comes around. Matt K. Ps. where are you at rand0m?
2004-01-12 16:34:49 – keener2u
Matt K. that’s a good name ๐Ÿ˜‰
2004-01-12 18:00:52 – The Disco Nova
Far too many Matt K.’s, we should off a few of them.
2004-01-13 12:45:14 – WC
/me cleans and loads the mp5. Its open seasion on Matt K.’s in a few days.
2004-01-13 12:48:08 – rand0m
I’m still in Colorado Springs, except I live downtown. I should put up a photo-gallery-linkamajig.
2004-01-13 23:13:50 – Netheus
well Matt, in the last year, my mom has been in and out of jail for theft and drugs, my step-dad had a heart attack on New Years and has decided that this is a sign from above to drink more, 2 of my cousins have been in rehab, my grandma died, my step-uncle died, my little sister’s best friend who I used to baby sit hung herslf from a tree (at the ripe age of 13), my brother is in a foster home, my dad has gone from thinking that I am a crack whore to resolved pride in me going to college, back to thinking I am satan spawn, my step-mom keeps on filing for divorce only to stop at the last minute, and my brother’s father burnt my mom’s apartment down while she was in jail. My dad called all of my reletives and told them that I was married to a satan worshipper, and I didn’t get any financial aid for school, effectively forcing me to ask my mother-in-law for even more money, and my step-sister is trying to convince my sister (who is 14) that having a kid while you are in high school is a great idea. All I’m sayin’ is, you should talk to your little brother a bit more often than once a decade.
2004-01-14 11:20:22 – rand0m
yay for laundry!
2004-01-14 12:02:18 – Manny
Yo randal, chris wee is having his going away in the springs on friday, so can I crash on matt’s bed that night before going to the airport? Cool bro
2004-01-14 14:05:20 – rand0m
If matt’s not in it, absolutely … I think he gets back on Saturday, but I am unsure.
2004-01-14 17:58:40 – keener2u
won’t be back till Sat at 6 or 7pm *sighs* I wish I could be at Chris’ party. Say hi to him!
2004-01-15 10:39:58 – Manny
I’ll probably pass you in the airport. You are taking united back, right?
2004-01-15 13:02:37 – Matt K
Dear Netheus; Well sounds like you already got handed your mustard. Sorry to hear this though, somtimes people get so wrapped up in things that are happening to them that they have a hard time listening to other peoples plite. I apologise if I sounded sharp. After your list I would be lucky if I was still sain. If you ever need to talk I guess this is as good a place as any to vent. WC do you have a permit for that Mp5? I’m sure the A.T.F. would like to know. So Rand0m, netheus is right. I wished that I had kept up with you more as you were growing up, but I thought you were still at home. I didn’t think that mom and dad would be to receptive. There are still reasons that we don’t talk still that I can’t go into with you. I’m sorry that you had to loose a brother over it. We could have had some good times, instead I end up finding your website by accident. I’m glad I did though it’s kind of wierd having a brother thats almost a stranger. So whats been happening to you? when did you fly the coop and shuck off the yoke? Do you like being on your own? Are you in school? Got a girl? Hows life treating you? Request more info! The old guy: Matt K.
2004-02-11 15:18:44 – Hellbent Rob
Boy does this ever sound like a sappy reunion of sorts. I’m stunned that Matt would even give a shit about his little brothers, much less try to mend some bridges. Rand0m, give your bro, Rob a call any time on 2/13/04. Hey all Randy’s friends, give him hell until he does too.
2004-02-11 15:29:22 – Robert Kohutek
Oh, by the way, when you come from a holy-roller, more pious than thou family, sometimes it takes a decade to clear your head enough to even want to talk to the other victims/inmates.

Ehhhh is my new word, and updates

So lots of things have happened as of late, only a couple of which are even mildly interesting. I’d like to say first off that Jordan Weil rocks my socks. He’s the best, particularly because he’s really smart and is really down to earth. It sucks that he’s in Chicago, but he’s really going places and I think he’ll do great things. Tore is back in town. I missed him. He’s great. I also *just* found out that he has hacked off a foot of his hair (Kids With Cancer donation). It’s nice having him back in town as well, because smart people are not a dime a dozen – Not even a dime for one, more like ten bucks! I really enjoy Tore’s company, but alas, like every other person on the planet he is usually far away. What can you do, you know? Janelle came to the store the other night. She looks european. I guess it fits her. It was nice to see her again, as she is also smart. She seems a little more … mmm … arrogant? I don’t know how to describe it, but she just seems not as nice. Oh well, it was good to see her. I ran into Lilly, Amy Rice-Jones, Strecker, Anna Pruitt and Adrienne Tuck at Tony’s while I was drowning my sorrow. Adrienne is still a huge bitch but Lilly is nice as pie. Ahhh, Lilly. Right up there with Sammi :-D. [L=]Nick[/L] linked me in one of his posts, with a blurb. Makes sense, I guess. I must say that I am glad that, although I do have my own set of them, his girl issues far outweigh mine. And honestly, that is really good for me to hear from myself, because that means I’m not involved with all the bullshit that it definitely entails. However, I am not getting laid. I am unsure if he is either, though. It’s not a competition. Or is it? Regardless, girls are nice to have around, but I don’t think I *need* one like he does. Interesting. [b]Update[/b] – I’m really thinking about putting together a quick PHS registry so that it’s easy to find people’s contact info … thinking it’ll be handy come reunion time in … 6 1/2 years. Opinions?

2003-12-28 10:44:41 – WC
HS registry == good idea, in fact I should do one for my school. Hopefully word gets around about it! Hey what’d ya’ll get for christmas/Hanakuh/Kwanza/holiday presents? I think the best present I got was from rachael which was the Animatrix DVD, Matrix Reloaded, and a car charger for my ipod. My parents kinda sucked this year getting me 3 gifts I already owned! Ohh well.
2003-12-28 11:36:25 – realbighead
I got the new Optimus Prime. ph34r m3.
2003-12-28 20:37:49 – keener2u
Isn’t made for classmate registration?
2003-12-28 21:18:47 – rand0m
yea, it is, IF YOU WANT TO PAY FOR IT !
2003-12-28 21:19:24 – rand0m
wait, that’s a good idea. *schemes*
2003-12-29 02:15:16 – The Disco Nova
2003-12-29 19:03:35 – Dice
Jordan?!? He’s still alive? I know he went to University of Chicago, but I haven’t heard from him since High School. (Used to wrestle with him) Still a straight-up physics major? Sounds like he’s doing well. Have any contact information I could bum off ya?
2003-12-29 19:39:06 – rand0m
no, he’s dead.
2003-12-30 13:07:30 – ytcracker
FUCK YEA i didnt graduate though can i still come to the reunion
2003-12-30 22:50:24 – Dice
I have to admit, dead people are both cool and intelligent, since they rarely say anything stupid.
2003-12-30 23:30:57 – Netheus
I got a 4.0!!!! I got all A’s!!! This is the first time since middle school!! Maybe x-mas doesn’t suck so much ass!!! Yes, the registry is a great idea because you make things simple, and is over complicated and costs $$ Yay!!! 4.0!!!!
2003-12-31 17:52:09 – Master Ha-reed
4.0 – those would be nice – haven’t had one of those since high school. Although if you told me what courses you were taking I might be more impressed. I know some business majors that get 4.0’s a lot – but thats because their semesters are filled with "Computer Skills for Dummies" and "Math for Dummies" and other such nonsense.
2003-12-31 20:21:26 – Netheus
College Algebra (yes, I forgot), Art History, Western Civ, Yoga (yes, its the modern day bowling), and Philosophy. Anyway, Tore- I am getting drunk, its New Years, and fortunatley for you, I don’t have your current number- but god help you if ya get on aim!!!

Jordan, Drinking, Crazy

Okay, so Jordan WEil is herein town and we diecided that we’d poick up hio and go out and do somet drinking. So I went over to his opalce where ‘s staying, “His uncle’s fplace!” and picked him up in my POS. Then we went over ot eht store and met up with Laura (Pinky), Amanday, Keen, NIck and .. me. So then we were there for a awihle and then we went over to tony’s bu i was totally full, so we left and decided tovo ogver to PHantom Canyon, wihic si the best bar in colorado springs. So we went over there and bought a piture of Hefe and of Demo Cream Beer. SO we drank that, then bought a couple more pitures of beer, mostly hefe. Actually aslll of htem were hefe. And so then JOrdan’s chicken was raw. which was bad. SO WE got tome Bar Chpis for FRE! It was great. And then we kept drinkng. And then it was time to leave, and Keen picked up the tab for all the fodo thre. And then we left! SO thwen we ent over to JACK WUINE’s! And it was awesome and all …. irish. We lined up a shitlaod of Irish Carbombs (Depth Charges in Ireland, due to IRA STUFf) and we all slammed them down. SO wthen we left and waent outisde to start walking hiome. So we’re stanidg there, burning a couple cigs and all of a dusden this HUGE BRAL breaks out. THese gfive dudes totally jumped on this one guy and fucked him hp. LIKE WOW> AN dthen they beat todwn his girlfriend!:? WTF :MATE! That was gottlaly whack. Keen bummed this guy a cigarret and was like “just sit aback and wathc the entertain ment”. SO tehen we walked home with a ta stop at the store tlet NICk use the bathroom! And tehen we went home, adne verybody is pretty drunk. GOOD sitmeS! YAY JOrdan! [b]Update @ 2:56p[/b] – I’m sober now, which helps greatly when typing and trying to not sound incoherent. I thought I’d take some time and tell everybody that Jordan Weil is the shit. Not only is good natured and generally very pleasant to be around, he is also wicked smart. It felt great to be around a lot of smart people last night. Oh, and he has just enough “I’m fucking with you” to keep everything fun. Honestly, I’m pretty surprised by all this because in HS he was (smart, yes) but didn’t seem to … friendly. A little more caustic, like there was a chip on his shoulder with a touch of arrogance. But now? Nothing like that at all. Just a great guy. Too bad he lives in Chicago or I’d have to recruit him into the social circle ๐Ÿ™‚

2003-12-14 10:43:42 – Scuba
AHAHAHAHAHA so was this what you were talking about yesterday man? Ahhh shit that is some great shit i like how i could still understand what you wrote even though like 95% of your words were misspelled, btw you forgot to bring me the DC update :- o well i am going into the store today (sunday) so i cna finish my surveys, later
2003-12-14 11:43:38 – rand0m
mmmmm, back in the saddle.
2003-12-14 13:10:45 – nick
liquor is good…….carbombs were good…..especially the bottom…..and beer….beer is always good….. fucking kangaroos
2003-12-14 16:56:24 – The Disco Nova
Since when did you have a social circle? :-p
2003-12-14 21:46:42 – Netheus
Shouldna said anything about the circle…. now James is gonna want in.
2003-12-15 21:45:18 – Amanda
I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. Thanks boys….
2003-12-17 04:31:09 – Netheus
Return of the King…so…. great…. had to pee like a race horse for 2.5 hours, and there wasn’t a lull long enough to get up and go… quit blinking at about 1.75 hours into it… Gandalf kicks ass… Pippin kicks ass… Merry kicks ass… soo much ass kicking… ahhh…. must go again soooonnnn…. 12 (twelve) endings…12!!!!!!!!
2003-12-17 04:31:51 – Netheus
12 consecutive endings, not different ones at different showings.
2003-12-18 11:09:31 – WC
Yah i didn’t like the ending as a whole. I think if they didn’t do so many fade to blacks it would have been better.
2003-12-20 12:22:37 – WC
I need a chipotle burrrito! Someone please send me a chipotle burrito to me. Thanks!
2003-12-21 00:29:45 – Siaokh
2003-12-22 22:29:18 – Amanda
from drinking… to the social circle…. to the movie… hmmm….. ???
2003-12-22 23:03:47 – The Disco Nova
Speaking of social, is anyone besides amanda not coming to my place for new years?
2003-12-23 11:03:39 – WC
Me. I have a loft reserved, in downtown Denver, for rachael’s and I’s 1 year anniversary. Sorry Disco. I’m going to be all tied up!
2003-12-23 11:04:38 – WC
ok that is wierd. I posted EXACTLY 12 hours from your post and didn’t notice it until after the fact. SPPPOOOOKKKEEEEEYYYY
2003-12-23 11:56:23 – rand0m
"All Tied Up" eh? Can I come? *cough* ๐Ÿ˜‰
2003-12-23 17:07:46 – The Disco Nova
Amanda can come to I suppose, but she doesn’t have to be tied up unless she really wants to be.
2003-12-26 20:11:52 – Amanda
Oooo… I get to be tied up?? Sounds like some fun… Am I still invited? And whats so bad about being tied up? Depends on who it is and what they are doing…. could be fun, could be dangerous… Just have to wait and see.
2003-12-26 23:41:47 – WC
Uhh hem, ok. Nobody is invited. Unless your name is Rachael and you live next door to Pomona High School.
2003-12-28 01:18:22 – The Disco Nova
I don’t kno what WC is talking about, but you areinvited to my party. Wear something slinky, we are doing martini’s/dressup.
2003-12-30 02:11:21 – Amanda
Somebody let me know whats going on…. if you don’t have my number, its not that hard to find it, ask somebody.
2003-12-30 13:40:44 – The Disco Nova
The number Randall has for you is disconnected. My cell number is 201-1104.