EGC News, Highlights of my day.

So some news about the store. EverLAN’s biggest competitor, Surf ‘n Play, decided to close it’s doors after … 7? years in business. Their timing couldn’t be any better. I think we’re going to see a HUGE surge in business. Shit, I might even get a paycheck. :-0 We had a birthday party at the store tonight. It went really well, and reaffirmed my belief that I don’t like kids. I mean, if they’re in trouble, or need help, or are going to hit by a car, sure, I’ll jump in. But when it comes to anything else, they’re just loud and crazy. And they run a lot. I don’t like it when chitlins are running around my store. They scare me. I have two great things today. The first one is quite snazzy and involves FedEx. Goddamn I love FedEx. They’re so … great. Eveybody loves FedEx. Not everybody loves UPS — they’re good and all — but when it comes to feeling great about getting a delivery, you can’t touch FedEx. econd, I made a casserole. No, that’s not all I did. I stayed in on a Saturday night and made a casserole. Last weekend’s wildness was more than enough for a little bit … I would have gone and done some stuff if some people hadn’t flaked out (*glare*), but you know, I’m kind of glad they did. There’s nothing like staying in, doing some good cooking and making the house feel like home. James says I’m domesticated, and I don’t mind it one bit.

2005-03-06 02:24:33 – The Disco Nova
They didn’t actually flake out, since I only asked them like an hour beforehand. But that is because they never answer the phone.
2005-03-06 04:51:40 – Craigalito
I got a flattop haircut today. I haven’t had one of these in like 9 years. It rocks, I scared Ian for once. Rachael coudn’t stop touching the top of my head. Glad to hear about your store Randal. Wo000. Anyway why am I up at 5 am? Who knows? I haven’t gone to bed yet. But I did take a 3 hour nap at 11pm. Ok bye now. P.S. Fedex is a great company unless your writing a consumer to the fedex webservice. From what I understand from my co-worker that is almost worse than pounding nails through your dick.
2005-03-06 16:05:13 – rand0m
"pounding nails through your dick" That sounds incredibly painful. I don’t like even considering such a situation. On that note, how the hell do people get Prince Alberts?
2005-03-11 00:09:16 – jrdn
surf and play was not all that great either… comps were pretty weak. I love egc, that why I help out all the time there… if egc doesnt get off the ground now, then people are honestly missing out.

Hash Browns, aim, tons of alcohol & puking

I made hashbrowns on the George Foreman grill last night. I put the first batch on while the hashes were frozen, and that didn’t work out well. I nuked the next set while I was making some bacon, and then gave it a whirl and they came out awesome. The foreman and bacon ideas are good ones — thanks [L=]![/L] I’m thinking I’m going to pare down my aim buddy list. I talk to maybe 10 people on aim, yet my list is at 144 — and this is after a couple attempts at slimming it down! I may just completely erase it and start from scratch. Not a bad idea. Have you ever done something particularly snazzy, and sort of expected somebody else to say exactly how snazzy it was, but it never comes? WOW yea. It sucks. Makes ya feel kind of worthless … like … why did I do that snazzy thing in the first place? What a waste of time/money/thought/everything. Monday sucked. As indicated by the previous post — which is nearly incomprehensible, even by me — I had a helluva time on Sunday night. Heck, I even got to rub a girl’s booty. It was a good time. Monday, however, was not so hot. I went out to Old Chicago’s before the night of liver-wrecking, and it treated me very poorly. I didn’t go to work on Monday at all, as I spent the vast majority of the day on the bathroom floor, throwing up every 20 minutes. That is not standard behavior for super-heavy hangovers, so I’m going to attribute it to bad food. I used to look down on people who threw up while consuming vast quantities of alcohol, but now that I have been that guy who can’t keep the liquor down, I will no longer do so. Why, you may ask? Because evacuating tons of alcohol from my already totally-plastered body felt sooooo good. Thank you, toilet, for allowing me to feel much better! I salute you!

2005-03-03 16:07:21 – The Disco Nova
It was the funniest dan thing I ever saw. Randalll came out of the laundry room, looked at me and said "I think I need to puke". This is immediately followed by Randalll doing a swan dive for the toilet, which is luckily within about five feet.
2005-03-03 16:16:42 – Netheus
hence me with the not drinking ๐Ÿ˜‰
2005-03-03 23:33:13 – mark
Now I am really curious what snazzy thing you have done that has gone unnoticed. I am generally very excited about all things snazzy, but have not noticed anything to comment on. I think you need to reveal your unseen pride and let us all bask in its greatness. (too epic?)
2005-03-04 00:38:26 – Craigalito
I too am fond of all things snazzy. Would you please let us in on what it is that is very snazzy. ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW my birthday is on Wednesday. Am I old yet?
2005-03-04 09:37:05 – rand0m
Unfortunately, my snazziness is not to be broadcast here. I’d be glad to give ya’ll the scoop in private, though. And craig, yea, you are getting old. You’re what, 17 now? ๐Ÿ˜‰
2005-03-04 12:57:36 – realbighead
so the hash browns comment has added "frozen potatoes" to your proselytizing AdSense bar. It must be terribly surreal to have your life subliminally mapped like this. And cheers on getting good and proper drunk for once. Someday soon, God willin’ an’ the creek don’t rise, maybe you’ll work your way up to three beers before you black out. ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-03-04 17:01:37 – Master Ha-reed
Yeah, Google AdSense is pretty damned funny. The first time I read this post, the ads were to "Improve your IQ" and "Get smarter". Google is now Randal’s new nanny it seems. Maybe next it will prescribe anti-depressants.
2005-03-04 21:38:48 – Hellbent Rob
No joke, your google ad lists: 1.) Vomiting Info & Treatement Rader Programs vomiting info & Treatment. Programs Nationwide 2.) Potatoe Skins Sale New and used Potatoe Skins Check out the deals now! I don’t know which is scarier, the fact that there are nationwide puke centers or that one can actually purchase "USED" potatoe skins, which incidentally just might be related….
2005-03-04 21:41:00 – Hellbent Rob
Oh, and chalk one up for Dan Quayle, "P-O-T-A-T-O-E" narf

WOW first tiem for eveythign

For thef ist time in my life I felt like thwoirng up while drunk. I thew up and I feel so muh geteter, that I can’ explaini t. Went out with jmeas to 15c and met up with christen (sp(?0 BENTS and her frind Nam. Nam manages BRAcKGROUSNZ a local bar. We got reallly trashed. Nam had sad that whe’d pay for or taxi ride home i fwe came othis bar (which hae managaes) so we did. I deided I could beat him at pool wihl drunk. I shot the 8-ball into thwe wrong hole. so i had t pay for the cab. came home, chagned ou the laudnry and said “I feel like pukinG!!” 2 seconds later I’m bowing tot he poercelain goad. And it was good. Fist time I’eve ever pueked fro drnking too much.. James and I hda a haelll of a time. it’s 4:38am, so I’m going to ged. YAY FOR durNK! A LOT

2005-02-28 04:25:55 – pinky
you’re ri-goddamn-diculous…hehe. i bet you feel like shit in the morning when you read this. eat come yogurt. it will make your tummy feel better.
2005-02-28 04:32:59 – The Disco Nova
Christ you are quick, we just got home. Get a life.
2005-02-28 16:26:45 – rand0m
I IM’d her right after I finished changing my laundry … so she wasn’t being an ultra-refresh monster.
2005-02-28 23:38:57 – Dolan
HAHA, holy cow, drink much? Wow, gg mate.
2005-03-01 09:41:12 – Craigalito
/me hits F5 10,000 times
2005-03-02 12:26:27 – Netheus
you drink liquor, I drink coffee, you puke and go to sleep, I stay up all night, wishing for the world to stop turning, and I don’t get to bed. So we both then proceed to drink coffee in the morning in order to deal with THE SHIT, and you are all for the better, and I am up for more than a week at a time wishing for the end of linear time and the beginning of the END. argh… I need a new drug.
2005-03-02 16:29:33 – pinky
crack is cheap
2005-03-02 17:08:32 – The Disco Nova
Awwww, I’m sorry Laura, you know I love you.
2005-03-11 05:18:58 – jrdn
lol i some how missedd this wonderfull post lol

Late night update, with nothing.

Eh, it’s 4:25am and I can’t sleep. Up in knots for no reason. Well, yea, reasons, but not reasons important enough to keep me awake. Apparently they are. OK. So Keen is moved out, and I am less than super pleased. I miss him already. I spoke to him on the phone for a good 15 minutes today and it felt really odd. We talked about all the latest goings-on, but it wasn’t the same. Over the phone is just not as good. :-/ The roommate hunt is going similarly well. I’d like to give a shoutout to Sandy S. on the 11th floor. Even though she’s old and not even a really good friend, she’s always there to provide wisdom and insight into girls. And she’s fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ I spent a lot of this past week prepping an email/webhosting/managed-colo one-stop-shop for a customer. Then, as I was transfering that setup from the staging server to the live server, the staging server’s HD failed. I’ve spent quite a bit of time this weekend trying to rebuild the live server from scratch, and I hope it works. Good Fucking Game. Since I was doing tons of HD transfers and installs today, I ran some HD benchmarks between a couple servers I had handy. Benchmarks are not suprising — Serial ATA destroys everything else. CPU/bus + Spindle speed + cache = killer fast. [L=]Check them out here[/L]. Good Will Hunting is an incredible movie, but it really makes you question what the hell you’re doing with yourself. Sometimes it’s a real downer, and other times it gives you a big kick in the ass. Super exciting Saturday night, no?

2005-02-27 04:27:42 – Craigalito
I am up late too for no apparent reason? Hmm. Work has been alright for me. Its not super as I am treated lower than everybody else because of my lack of degree. Although I can code 3x quicker than the rest and smarter, they still dog on me about how/why I do things. FUCK THAT. Anyway we have a client in the office from the City of Las Vegas all this week and I am paranoid about it for some reason? Hooray for a new post!

For Fuck’s Sake and a ton of little snippets

SO it’s been a while since I updated. Lots of things have happened, but only a few that are noteworthy. I have to head off to a meeting here soon, so these will be brief. I hate the fact that I am OK with doing mostly nothing. Sure, when things need to get done I do them, but I waste a LOT of time doing nothing. It’s sickening, and I hate it. What to do about it, though? Fuck, I don’t know. I have no Valentine. That sucks. I thought about asking some cute girls I know if they’d be my valentine, but whenever I got close to asking my nuts shriveled up and my courage plummeted into a black pit, never to surface again. That made it worse. How to go about re-earning my man card? Fuck, I don’t know. I am done with my taxes. Thanks to me making a lot more money at the end of 2k4, I paid a LOT more in Fed/State income tax, but didn’t break tax brackets. That makes for a huge refund. GG. Keen is moving out on Friday/Saturday. I feel paralyzed. I don’t know what I’m going to do about all this. Find another roomy? Buy a house? Fuck, I don’t know. Apparently “For Fucks Sake” aka “FFS” is just as popular as wtf, omfg, mofo, stfu and gtfo. I didn’t know this until recently — thanks gang! I shaved off my goatee this morning. I have a fat head. I do not like it. Two nights ago I dreamt about Janelle all night. I couldn’t help it. I woke up in a cold sweat, thought about it and immediately felt ill. Not because of her, but because I cracked. It’s this huge, impenetrable wall that surrounds that section of my life, and it somehow came thundering down for no reason, and I can’t believe it. What happened? Fuck, I don’t know. I went out with Sammi a while ago. I had a great time, minus the horrible restaurant (wine in a lowball? wtf!?). I felt fake, though, and I think she knew it. Which I think is worse than having a horrible time. At least she’s good at forgiving me though – she’s had more than ample opportunities to practice. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I went out with James and his friends — and dragged Emily along — on Saturday night to Joe’s Bar, a karoake place here in town. Despite the total dive-ish nature of the place, I had a great time. No pressure to perform for anyone, even while playing pool. Unbelievably relaxing. I wish every day were like that. Unfortunately, I can’t be a smelly, brutish common man while trying to maintain a powerjob and still woo the classy ladies. Catch-22. FFS. That’s all. Maybe I’ll ask our client to be my valentine today. Or I could just end up on the couch alone. *sigh* (cue the emo)

2005-02-14 12:41:43 – Master Ha-reed
Actually, its becoming "trendy" to serve things in a lowball that do not belong there… although I’ve never heard of wine being served in a lowball.
2005-02-14 13:30:03 – realbighead
it wasn’t a "lowball" glass, there’s no such thing. it’s shorthand invented by dishwashers, who aren’t exactly qualified to be arbiters of our language. the low wide stemless glass you’re thinking of is most likely a tumbler, possibly (actually) a highball glass; either way, it is very trendy nowadays to serve wine in such, because it’s how wine has been drunk for millennia all around the mediterranean, where it was kinda invented. And unless you shelled out for a serious bottle, a stemmed bowl would have gone entirely to waste, as table wines generally don’t have that much bouquet to activate and conserve. Mr. Boston to the rescue again!
2005-02-14 16:21:13 – rand0m
Yea, it is actually a "tumbler." Despite that, I like using "lowball" because it works with "highball," and tumbler just doesn’t fit. Either way, it -was- table wine so it wasn’t the worst thing in the world … I don’t think they were trying to be trendy though, but were actually just out of stemmed wine glasses (it was super full there).
2005-02-15 15:16:25 – realbighead
why are the ads on your front page "start over with jesus" and "free country music downloads"? that’s very, very disturbing.
2005-02-15 16:24:17 – rand0m
I have no idea, ask Google Adsense. I just kinda rely on them to know what they’re doing. d’oh.
2005-02-17 16:05:52 – jrdn
Keep smiling randal. Life is a bitch sometimes, and even when it seems your skills or the efforts you wish to partake in are never used, they will. And even if they dont get used… find something to do… maybe fool around with some switches and such, find a way to make the company spend less money… ๐Ÿ™‚ And dont feel down about valantines day, I know, its a big day for so many people, but then again, it is just another day in the flow of life. Maybe not meaningless but it is just simply another day. But you can be mine ๐Ÿ˜› my $0.2 <3
2005-02-17 16:16:54 – Neth
yeah, Troy forgot that it was Valentines Day until like 9pm, and I really couldn’t give a f*ck less, told him that unless he forgot my birthday/ or anniversary, it didn’t really matter. Sick of ripped off and modified xian holidays and all their commercialism anyway… fell asleep during a test the other day… haven’t done that since high school… Stupid headaches…
2005-02-20 19:43:36 – fourdegrees
just remember, randal, in your life there are people you love and respect that also love and respect you. that says a lot about you. /add me to the list. ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-02-22 02:09:20 – Master Ha-reed
Re: Google Adsense. I’ve noticed that the Google ads rotate between country music, Jesus/Christian-related stuff, and life insurance. Therefore, I guess that the Googlebot has analyzed Randal’s page, figured out that he’s going to take a huge life insurance policy out on himself because he has a death wish, and then at the last minute change his mind and become a born-again Christian who listens to country music. A scary, scary proposition.
2005-02-22 02:54:19 – jrdn
oh and that he needs to stop procrastinating
2005-02-23 11:20:37 – ernie
Dude, Check out your webcam link.. someone’s hacked it.
2005-02-23 16:16:18 – rand0m
actually, that’s just an error on the page. I haven’t gotten around to fixing that since … wow, forever ago. so yea, I know. not haxored ๐Ÿ˜‰
2005-02-23 22:56:25 – tony
Hell man, you could always spend a few weeks applying for scholarships for colleges around the country, and go back to school fulltime. Wouldn’t even have to be for Computer Science, could be business or what not, and with your experience starting up a business, that might even help with getting into a business school.
2005-02-24 11:54:55 – Master Ha-reed
Undergraduate business degrees are mostly crap however (this is confirmed by a number of people I know who are dual degree business majors). If you do get one, go for something like Accountancy or Finance, as a BS in Business Administration isn’t really worth the paper its printed on, especially for someone like you who has actually been there in real life. For an MBA though, Tony is right, business experience helps a lot.
2005-02-26 00:05:43 – Hellbent Rob
Marketing is where the real money is, and they have more fun getting it–finance is a close second though. It doesn’t matter what kind of job you do as long as you’re happy doing it and making a decent contribution to your stock portfolio every month for the next 30 years. Randy, sorry to hear that you’re lonely.
2005-02-27 03:50:25 – Craigalito
ok, randal i suggest you should go after whatever sparks your interest. This includes jobs, girls, and toys. The only thing I can recommend is "Go for it." If you get shot down, so what? Move on. Life is too short to waste on sulking about insecurities (remind me about this later when I come crawling back). Besides what doesn’t kill you makes you a better person. I think sometime you need to take a vacation and go somewhere far away. REALLY FAR AWAY. Take a week off. The world won’t blow up when your gone… and as your attorney I suggest you rent a convertable. But you don’t have to take my word for it, but you won’t know what you may experiance until you try it. My $.02

Short update – Keen moving out, random depression, etc

Thought I’d make a quickie update after the last two novels. Keen is moving out. His last day here at team weberstreet will be around Feb 20th. He’s moving a whole block and a half away. Luckily he’s not as bullheaded about things as Tony is, so it’s been a breeze working out finances and such. If anybody has a lead on a person who is good roommate material and would like to live in a nice downtown victorian, please send them my way. Regarding Mike’s situation. Apparently Mike reads my site, or so I hear from other little birdies. Mike, I am sad for your predicament and wish I could help. The cold, mean bastard inside of me says that we pick our friends and we pick our paths, though, so I am unsure of where that leaves me. The junction of these two events, along with some serious self questioning and a ridiculous work load, I’ve been pretty down. Like Down Down. Not down in the standard I-hate-myself Down that I’ve learned to recover from, but more of a general depression that a lot of things are going to shit. It’s not even Sad Depression. It’s more of melancholy. I’ve drunk myself to sleep twice now, including tonight, in attempts to avoid the situations. That’s bad. I am glad to say that I am very proud of one Steve, who has valiantly fought his employment more than I ever care to even consider. He somehow leapfrogs from job to job, working his way up the ladder — barring a minor setback here and there — and never seems to get down about it. At least not to me. For that I am very happy to say congratulations on landing the newest Prudential gig, as well as for not settling for anything besides something that matches your long term goals. GG, Steve ๐Ÿ™‚ [b]Update[/b] – Remember how I was talking about that poker hand the other day? Turns out I had an 84.88% chance of winning that hand, but somehow I lost. Want the statistics? Get ’em here: [L=]Poker Stats Calculator[/L]

2005-01-27 09:36:29 – erterter
Keener leaving? ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ :'(
2005-01-28 13:53:18 – ali
2005-02-02 12:59:15 – yeh
kinda feel like a nameless face in a storm of apathy and delusion?
2005-02-05 11:04:30 – WC
ali: WTF!! mate I can’t read that shiete. Post links in ENGRISH muttafuxa. Keener: ๐Ÿ™ Randal: |-) Reverand: >:-( Steve: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ that pretty much expresses my feelings. Ohh yeah party at my place tonight. Yay.

Mike, Party, Poker & Smoking … And Humiliation, Thoughts on Self

Hmm, where to start on this one. Lots of things happened recently. I guess I’ll start with the bad news, and then go from there. Bad News: [L=]Mike Lee[/L]. I have no comment, but I heard through the grapevine that he’s taking classes at PPCC, and gets to enjoy an english class with our good friend Matt Byrne. So some good news. I went bowling last night with a bunch of people I know from real life and a handfull of peeps I know from WoW. We went to Brunswick and all 14 of us had a helluva time. After talking for a while, we decided to head back to our place and do some drinkin. But we decided that only after our friend Eric regalled us with stories about sniffing cocaine off his strippers’ (plural on strippers) breasts. Unfortunately, we had no strippers. Fortunately, he had no crack. So we went to my place. Got to the house and started doing the drinking. I was introduced to a yummy new drink called a Vodka-7, which is comprised of 1 1/2 shots of good quality vodka and a glass of 7-Up. It’s surprisingly smooth and very tasty. So we all were getting lit up when our drunkard of the evening decides that we should all play poker — texas hold’em. So we say OK. So I buy in for $5 (and buy David’s $5 also) and we start playing. Everybody is boasting about how fucking badass they are, blah blah blah. I win the first hand and almost put two people out. The next hand, the Drunkard rapes everybody and gets up to like $15 in chips. Two more hands and the texan is out and David is out (oof, there went my $5!). The Texan buys back in, and after Eric, the Drunkard and myself draw him out, he’s finished again. Then we go to work on the turtle, Mike, who plays super-conservative poker. It only takes a few more hands and he’s out, which leaves it down to drunkard (~$22 by now), me (~$19) and Eric (~$no_idea). We through down and Eric folds right away. I glance over at Drunkard and see him waving around a Jh10d. I look at my cards — QsQc — I got the Drunkard raped. Without seeing the flop, the Drunkard goes all in with his Jack-Ten offsuit. FUCK YEA. I go all in as well, because I’m going to hand his ass to him. Statistically, QQ vs J-10 is like a 65/35 game, which is HUGE in Texas Hold’em. Since we’re all in, the flop comes and it looks like this — 10s-10h-7c-3h-Js. He pulls a fucking showboat of out NOTHING. I lost all my money then, got up, called him one lucky guy and went and had a smoke. I stopped smoking. I don’t know if I mentioned that. I don’t even think many people knew I *did* smoke. 2-3 packs a week, nothing heavy. I bought my last pack on December 27th and finished it in 2 days. I fell really ill after New Years (mentioned below), and decided to stop while I was sick, which I’m told is a good idea — if you’re sick and hating life, why not go all out and stop smoking and hate yourself while you’re at it? So I stopped smoking. I’ve had a couple serious Nic times, but I’ve been pretty strong though. Losing a perfect hand at poker, though, made me burn’em. Since I stopped, though, I have this nagging cough that I have read is perfectly normal and which will stop in a couple weeks (something about extra mucus production due to not-drying-out-lungs from smoking?). I don’t like it though, but this too shall pass. [b]Edit[/b] – I forgot something in the above post, and it’s about my humiliation trifecta for the day, observed while at the Citadel Mall. Scene 1) I’m at hooters, and Matt says he knows one of the waitresses. I thought he was referring to our waitress, so the next time she comes over I say “hey, matt said he knows you”. He says “I wasn’t talking about our waitress” and then I say, while looking directly at our waitress, “oh, then I guess it’s the other one.” Keen replies with “The other ‘one’!?” Hand, meet forehead. Yay for objectifying a very nice, friendly woman while totally not realizing it. *sigh* Scene 2) I normally refrain from bathroom humor, so stop reading this one if you don’t like it. So we finished eating Hooters Wings. Their wings are like a goddamn rotorooter, so I say I need to make a pit stop and put something down on paper. *haha* So we go to Foley’s, and all three of us (Keen, James & I) roll into the bathroom. Keen hits up a urinal, while I open up a stall so I can blow the doors off it. I hear the stall next to me open and close, and I say, quite loudly, “Hey James, you taking a huge poo too?” … *silence*crickets*silence* then I hear Keen say, totally deadpan, “that’s not James.” … More silence as I consider what I’ve just done to this total stranger. Then I hear the stranger’s 3-4 year old son say something, and I about died. So there I am, on the pot, with a total stranger and his kid, completely humiliated. I can’t move, so I just sit there, desperate for them to leave. … And then my cell phone rings! OMFG Keen and James are horrible about that, and it’s so goddamn embarrassing. Man. So finally the guy and his kid leave, I blow the doors down, and all ends well. *WOW* Scene 3) We go to Eddie Bauer so Keen can pickup a bag for his laptop. We’re looking at the bags, and he and I determine that none of the bags on display have laptop sections. I then start talking (loudly) about how my bag has a laptop condom in it. The condom protects it. The condom is good for it when you don’t have anything else to put it in. I turn around, and there is the sales guy, staring at me with this totally dumbfounded look. So I tell him the condom goes in the bag, you know? And then you put it in the condom and it’s safe? None of your bags have padding, so he needs a condom, dig? *Horrified Stare from Salesman* I’m starting to turn red as I slowly tell him that it’s a neoprene-like cover that you put your laptop in for safety when the backpack/bag has no built-in laptop padding. He looked completely mortified. [b]Edit #2[/b] – Recent conversations have determined that I am a complete Nancy for crying my eyes out to RotK. I believe this as well. Additionally, I have realized that I am common, and that is debilitatingly saddening.

2005-01-24 03:55:30 – The Disco Nova
There were other little humiliations for randall, but those are the three big ones. I coined the "Humiliation Trifecta" with inspiration from fark.
2005-01-24 16:29:59 – GrooveMan
I started at Prudential today, it looks like a great opportunity. The President of the company introduced me in the staff meeting as the "Directory of IT" Man I like the sound of that ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-01-27 09:35:10 – The Blue Shirt
Wow, nice mall story, I haven’t laughed that hard since Jacob’s remark about furious masturbating at bowling the other nite.

Too much for a title – XMas, Work, NYE, Sick, Sammi

Ok, so I’m going to post. Let me read up on where I left off. Ah, right, Christmas eve. That one didn’t include the story about work or the pipes. It didn’t cover New Years either. Oof, that’s a lot of typing. To be nice, Cliff Notes will follow at the end for you lazy sacks of worthlessness. Ok, so it’s Christas Day and everything is going swimmingly. Did the presents, everybody is happy, and we decide as a family to go see Meet The Fokkers. Right before we’re getting ready to head to the movie (~5pm), I get a call from a customer saying they are hard down. Like HARD MOFO DOWN AH SHIZNIT! So I tell the parents I’ll meet them at the theatre. So I bust it to work to find … the power out! Yay for power outages! So I trip the power back, make sure everything is kosher for 5 mins, then head out the door to the movie theatre. I get to the movie theatre, and everything is great. Except that as soon as I walk in the door my phone rings because all the shit is down again! OMFGWTFLOLLERSKATESBUTNOTATALL. So I tell my family Merry Christmas and go back to work until 11pm. On Christmas Day. I was relatively unhappy. So on Sunday, the day after Christmas Day, our water is broken. I am irritated. I attempt to fixify it, but fail because the pipes are at a funny angle so my solder won’t stick. I say fuck it and call Olson Plumbing and Heating, the best goddamn plumbers in town. They schedule me for 6pm. The tech calls me at 5pm and says that he is totally swamped until 10pm and wants to know if I can either a (grumblegrumblemumble) wait until 10pm or (cheery happy voice) reschedule to tomorrow. I can tell he’s not very pleased with working until 10pm on Christas Weekend so I say come back on Monday morning. Super. Oh, and the power went out again at work at 1:30pm, necessitating another 2 hours there. On Sunday. Christmas Weekend. So the plumber comes on Monday morning, assesses my bang-up-but-not-working plumbing attempt and whips out this sick plasma torch shit. It takes him a whopping five minutes to cut out the broken, splice in the new&working, write the invoice and leave. Well, maybe not 5 minutes. The invoice took at least another 3-4 minutes to write up. And he charged me for a full hour ($73)! Luckily, I am a savvy renter and took that amount out of my rent after consulting with the landlord. Should I put New Years in a new post? Hell no! No, it’s going to go right here and you’re going to like it because you read compulsively and will take whatever shitty slopfest I spew out, simply because it comes from me, oh mighty rrk from on high. And you’ll like it. A lot. OK so New Years was nuts. I was at the Store until like 10pm because of ton of peeps who I know from WoW were there, including Mike, who came all the way down for New Years from Toronto. Well, he was actually visiting his g/f who lives in Denver, but he was here in CoS from Canuckistan! Ok, right. So I go home and meet up with Laura and head on downtown. (Insert from later: Oddly, I left Steven and Ben at the house to … umm … wait while Laura and I got really fucked up? WTF was I thinkign?) We go to the Red Martini for some boozahol, only for the doorman to check our IDs, chat with us, and then tell us we can’t come in because they are at capacity. WTF!? I am certain that it was because I was wearing Cargos. What a fucker. So we head on down the “strip” … or the “strip-tease” because it’s not really a full fledged strip (HAHAHA OMFG I am hilarious at midnight), and end up outside the Ritz. Now, I have a hookup with one of the bouncers/doormen at the Ritz, but I didn’t see him, but I did see a huge line, ambulances, fire trucks and what looked like blood on the ground. So we went past the Ritz and headed on over to Jack Quinn’s, only to run into Lilly Rklasdoicv98pazch and her friend Robin! So we chatted and decided to go to 32 Blue. We go there, enjoy the countdown, drink a lot and catch up. Turns out Lilly has spending a vast amount of time in Paris and is/was headed back there on Jan6. She’ll be doing her Masters somewhere around the USA, I think. That is foggy. Robin, who I constantly referred to as Rose all night in a drunken state of unknown total self-humiliation, is also after her Masters; she went to PHS but was a year ahead of all of us, but spent some time abroad, so now she’s even. Yes? So after a delightful time with Lilly and Robin at 32 Blue, we all decide to finish off the night with a Martini at 15C. We arrive there, after a perilously cold walk, only to find that they have done last call at 1:15am. Lies & heresy I tell you! So we go to Old Chicago … and it’s past last call there! OMFGALLTHOSEWHORESCANBURN!!1` We decide that it’s best to leave the night as-is, so Laura and I say ‘night to Lilly and Rose^H^Hbin with promises to meet up two nights hence for a party at Lilly’s. We go back to the house to find all of the woefully underage WoW people there! They had gone bowling and then came to our house to get kashnickered. It was a helluva time. Most everybody got lit up and there was much merriment. Everybody greatly enjoyed speaking to Mike, our Canadian friend, about Canada and how super-great his country is (but don’t you dare come and foul it up with you rights-flying, gun-toting conservative naziism you hosers) and how the US is backwards. Normally I would take off about how superduper america is and how canada sucks my nuts, what with their total lack of army, airforce, navy, guns, violent crimes, tired, weary, social problems and injustice of any sort, but I was pretty trashed so instead I went to bed. Saturday was relatively uneventful. Particularly because I don’t remember more than 5 minutes of it. Sunday, however, was decent. Work workw ork at the store, then I headed over to Lilly’s (@ 8pm, as planned). I was stunned, nay, apalled that nobody else was there, which was A-OK with me because I had started to feel rather ill Sunday morning. So I went home and went to bed. Monday sucked. I woke up extremely sick, called in to work and laid at home all day. I think working like a mad man the week before having a wild new years did a number on my immune system. Same thing happened on Tuesday. Oh, and on Wednesday as well. It’s not very often that I get sick – this is my first sick leave in almost 3 years – but when I do come down with something it is definitely a doozy. So I was sick through Thursday-ish. I worked a lot of Thursday, despite feeling a little under the weather, simply because I was going stircrazy. So that was illness. Which I fear is coming back to plague me tonight! So I will be going to bed soon. OK so that was New Years. Prior to New Years, at work, after the Power Craziness, things settled down during my days. Until Tuesday morning at 3am! I got to come in at 3:15am, and stay at work until after 8pm. ‘Twas a bad day. A bad day that followed a bad Christmas Weekend, that preceeded a wild New Years. But it got worse! Tuesday was horrible, but so were Wednesday & Thursday! We had electricians at work all day and all night for several days, all attempting to resolve our horribly bad power issues. That involves them working all day, then me coming in after 1am to cut everybody over to the new stuff — we can’t incur downtime on our customers during the day (which happens when you yank out their power cables), so it has to all happen at night. So the week sucked and really wore me down, then New Years happened, then I was sick as fuck. Are you with me? Great. Almost done. So that was what, last week? I don’t remember this past weekend, so I’ll skip it. I do remember, however, going out with Sammi on Tuesday night. We met up at Village Inn and caught up — we didn’t get the chance at Phantom Canyon, if you’ll recall. I had a hella good time. Usually when I go out with Sammi, it always ends up with her asking me a question here or there and interjecting some conversation while I ramble on and on and on for hours. Somehow she enjoys this (OR DOESN’T? OMFGWTF!?). BUT, this time I turned the tables on her by not talking about myself! I know, hard to believe, huh? We talked about all sorts of things, and a lot of the references I threw in about the plumbing, electrical, sickness, anything … got blank stares. I think that made me mysterious and hence attractive. But not really. It did. So she talked and talked and I listened and listened and it was a good time. I do feel, however, that I was overly negative at a particular point in the evening … I think it’s because I’m really comfortable around Sammi and so I kinda used her as a dumping ground for pent up “I Fucking Hate My Life Because I’m a Worthless SOB”-ness that I usually hold inside until someone like Steve comes around, in which case I normally dump on him and he assures me that I am better than that and then everything is right as rain. Sammi, though, doesn’t come with the `assurance that I am better than that and that everything is right as rain` feature, which although an unfortunate error on her maker’s part, doesn’t make the whole any less super. The not-meat-eating and unbelievable dedication to all things natural and moral, however, was a little worrisome. Hopefully some time in Colorado, what with all the meat eating, gun toting, fsck nature-ing (???), and generally ignorant yet belittling people, will make her less totally nutso. I tried to catch her on AIM tonight so I could apologize for unloading my quiet desperation onto her cute little not-so-brawny-as-a-man’s shoulders, but I missed her. So I’m sorry for that, if you read this Sammi. But I still got you to talk the most, which for me is a feat undone. My boss, Hill, has been in town since Tuesday morning and work has been gogogogogoNOWMOREWOOgogoogogo since then. He really wears me down with the deadlines, meetings, deliverables and more. Work is nice and all, but I can’t wait until it calms back down a little. [b]Cliffs Notes[/b] 1. Power went down at work on xmas. that sucked. 2. The week after xmas sucked ass, a LOT. 3. New years with Lilly, Ros^Hbin, & Laura, oh my. 4. Crazy Canadians? WTF? 5. Sick as fuck for almost a week. 6. Late-Coffee with Sammi went well. 7. I’m tired now. Goodnight.

2005-01-13 15:56:50 – GrooveMan
O_O wow….
2005-01-13 15:58:15 – GrooveMan
Hope Your Feeling Better
2005-01-13 16:48:26 – rand0m
You just read the Cliffs Notes, didn’t you. ๐Ÿ™‚ And thanks, I am feeling much better this week compared to last.
2005-01-13 21:41:00 – Master Ha-reed
[I]No, it’s going to go right here and you’re going to like it because you read compulsively and will take whatever shitty slopfest I spew out, simply because it comes from me, oh mighty rrk from on high. And you’ll like it. A lot.[/I] (As Kevin Bacon) Thank you sir may I have another!
2005-01-14 11:09:57 – dirty hippie
1. Robyn worked in DC for a year before starting her masters, hence starting this year even though she graduated Palmer and Grinnell a year before the rest of us, and just as Lilly is working in France before starting hers, so hers will start later. In case anyone cares. 2. Chill out. You weren’t overly negative. You were just expressing a frustration. Neither were you, actually, all that mysterious at any point. So I guess it all balances out. 3. Just because I don’t tell you that your life is perfect after all doesn’t mean I’m telling you that you’re doomed to worthless SOBhood forever. As a matter of fact, you’re not a worthless SOB now. I just prefer to suggest possible solutions to your deep-rooted frustrations, instead of lying and trying to convince you that you have nothing to be frustrated about. It’s not my fault you’re not interested in the peace corps. ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-01-15 19:14:56 – realbighead
informative, sensitive… if only she showered. ๐Ÿ™‚

Problems, Christmas, Christmas eve’s eve, more!

Well, it’s another Christmas Day and it is no less exciting than last year. Last year we got robbed right before christmas which made things not so nice. This year on christmas eve we got to enjoy material issues. I went upstairs around 5pm to take a shower so I could go over to my parents place and do christmas everything. Unfortunately, there was no hot water. I found that rather strange that there was no hot water, so i went downstairs and talked to Keen and Paulie to see if anything was amiss – laundry, flushing toilets, running water, something. Well, nothing, they’re on the couch chilling. So I go into the kitchen to check the bathroom and I hear water running. Hmmm, no water running in the bathroom, no water running in the kitchen. Then I go into the laundry room to find our water pipes have bursted! Yay! Water like an inch deep in the laundry room. Luckily, my dad showed me how to do basic water pipe repair, so I give that a go this evening and see what I can do. If you’d like to watch or advise, give me a ring LOL. In terms of Christmas, everything is going swimmingly over here. Lots of presents, lots of family time (which is nice), lots of food, lots of people coming and going. It’s a good time. Oh, also went out the other night with Tore, Keen, Paulie, Sammi and her friend Katie. We invited Emily, but received no reply as to her plans. Anyways, it took forever to get to Phantom from the store, and by the time I got there, Sammi and Katie were on their way out the door. I got to speak to them for maybe 2 minutes before they split. So … since the women were gone, it was drinking time. After a feather-light three pints I was roasted – got a ride home from Paulie, then crashed out. Then woke up in the morning and went to Hooter’s for lunch, then the water-pipe issue above happened. Signing off from my parents wicked-fast P200-MMX + 14.4kbps!

2004-12-25 18:06:24 – Netheus
another shitty christmas! yay! My little brother got me a Nightmare Before Christmas Purse. My little brother is the shit. I got him books. Lot’s of books- The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter set, and the first three Tales of Unfortunate Events. That’s 15 books. I guess I’d better make up for it for his birthday (3 days away!) And all a yous are boys- what did you want for your 9th birthday?
2004-12-27 12:28:43 – WC
I wanted transformers or the entire Voltron set. But both of those items are collectables now I never got them as presents. ๐Ÿ™ I think he’d be happy with whatever you got him.
2004-12-28 18:05:11 – Master Ha-reed
Yeesh, and I thought my rents were bad with the Celery 433
2004-12-30 14:09:08 – Netheus
They are saying that the Earth wobbled.
2005-01-04 23:24:14 – WC
OMG! I just started on The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. It r0x0rz my b0x0rz! I am on like chapter 6 and this book is so much better than that wow shit randal is playing. In fact he’s so busy playing it he has yet to call me back from new years eve. ๐Ÿ™ Ohh well, back to reading. ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-01-05 20:04:56 –
In his defense, he has been REALLY sick ever since New Years, cought some kind of bug from an unclean woman.
2005-01-06 13:34:21 – Hellbent Rob
WC, the increasingly inaccurate hitchhiker’s trilology is one of my favorites. I think Douglas Adams has like two other series that are almost as funny, the only one that I can remember is Dirk Gently’s wholistic detective agency. BTW nOObs, they’re making Hollywood budget movies out of the series, should be fun, but the books will always be better. As for Rando, leave the unclean women alone and get yourself a dog (one with plumbing skills).
2005-01-06 14:52:19 – Netheus
"Unclean woman"? What, James wasn’t being a good housewife?
2005-01-06 18:19:08 – rand0m
har har har. I’ll be updating shortly, since I’m feeling quite a bit better ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-01-08 15:49:40 – Netheus
I love Placebo. Damnit Randal, update or I’m gonna start shit.
2005-01-09 21:50:51 – Netheus
My sister might be moving in with me. Her dad has been snorting their rent money and not doing his community service= jail. My mom’s job called here yesterday looking for her. Never got a call back. Might be dead, might be fine. My paternal gradfather’s oncologist gave him 90 days, and that was a week ago. I can hear the vultures sweeping in. School starts in a bit over a week. (sarcasm/)Looks like I am going to have a nice, easygoing, layed back semester again this year (sarcasm off/).
2005-01-11 23:36:39 – Netheus
Just heard a great line for an answering machine- "Welcome to the Sodomization for Retardation hotline, where our motto is, ‘What they don’t know won’t hurt ’em!’" Hahahahhahahahha.
2005-01-12 19:36:16 – Netheus
So how long do you think a 50 year old man can live with a history of heart disease and heart attacks, alcoholism, and a coke habit?

Haxoring, Deleting, Restoring, A/C, Christmas

Nick’s server, which hosts, got “hacked” by an automated script that was running around exploiting phpBB installations. It rewrote all the .html & .php files with a defacement notice. So I restored from a random backup. Thank god it didn’t fsck with the database. Speaking of the database, I was doing maintenance to get everything back up to snuff. With a mistype of only a few characters, I erased every comment newer than 08/03/2001. Yes, 3+ years of comments (almost 5000!), gone. Poof. I had a totally accidental backup right there though, so after 30 minutes of script writing, I reinserted all the comments back into the database. It took .89 seconds to insert 4,785 rows. GG Computers! One of the Air Conditioning units at ONS stopped working this morning around 2am. At 5:38am I started getting phone calls from our alerter thing every 10 minutes telling me that it was now 72 degrees. 73. 74. 74. 75. 76. 76. 76. 77 … eventually on up to 80/81, where it stuck. There isn’t shit I could do about it, though, as I am not an AC whizbang guy at all. Called in Olson Plumbing and heating to take a look. Turns out that one of the cooling fans on the roof died. This caused the refrigerant to not cool off, keeping the system high-pressure. This high-pressure status made the compressor cycle on and off 2 or 3 times a minute, each time with an audible “Bang/WhumWhumWhum”, as it would come on, check the pressure, turn off. Repeat. The HVAC guy removed the fan, discharged the refrigerant and piped #1 compressor into #2 compressor, so we’re doing OK – but we are waiting on a replacement cooling fan. I’m going to my ‘rents place for Christmas Eve. I bought them some hot shizzle. I wish I spent that much money on myself. Then Christmas Day, I’m supposed to go skiing? Or do dinner with my parents? I think my wallet will decide that one. Talked to SuperSammi last night – she’s in town for the holidays … and more! It’ll be nice to have another smart woman to spend time with. <3 smart chicks.