Redecorating, Buffy, cooking & court

OK COol thing happening as of late. I went out with Keen and got soused while playing pool last weekend. That was fun :-D. We also moved the house around quite a bit … we made our “central command” computer area, an honest-to-God dining room, and a full-blown theater/tv area with all the hottest accroutements like dolby digital everything, surround sound with a wicked woofer, 100+ inches of TV goodness, you know, total hotness. Emily & Amanda came over last night and we watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Talk about mind numbing. Holy cow that show is horrible. It’s beyond horrible. It’s so soul-stiflingly bad that I can’t describe it. And so we watched it. For like 3 1/2 hours. You can basically turn off your brain while watching it; the characters and the plots are all completely seethrough, the acting and the dialogue is awful to the max. Man. At least we had a good time heckling it. I also found out how – and how not – to make stovetop popcorn. After three batches (and a missed episode of Buffy) I finally got it down pat. I then proceeded to throw the huge bowl of popcorn on the floor, ruining that batch. So yea, four big bowls of popcorn in the trashcan later, I can now claim to be able to make stovetop popcorn. I made hashbrowns, eggs, sausage and toast for breakfast today. It was great. The hashbrowns weren’t normal ForemanGrill style hashbrowns, but real life made in a pan with butter and garlic salt yummy ones. I found that if they’re not frozen when you put them in the pan, they actually brown how one would expect them to. I have court tomorrow morning at 8:30am. I’m not looking forward to it in the slightest … I have to wake up at like 7am!! At least I get to wear a suit — I’ll definitely update with the results. [b]Update![/b] – So I went to court today in a suit, because that’s what you do when you’re trying to get off. I talked to the nice prosecutor, Catherine, put some shmooze down and had my 4-point, $145 fine/fees ticket reduced to a 0-point, $75 offense, on the provision that I take a 2hr, $25 driving class within 90 days. Wow, talk about getting off. From what I understand, it won’t even go on my record – which means that I can maintain my sparkling clean license status. Yay for working the system!

2005-04-11 08:55:26 – keener2u
How to choose your next slab of cow…
2005-04-11 16:31:20 – Master Ha-reed
Finally, someone else who doesn’t like Buffy. I heart you Randal.
2005-04-13 16:07:00 – Hellbent Rob
How to make gourmet stove-top popcorn: 1. large pot 2. pour in just enough popcorn kernels to cover the bottom of the pot 3. use virgin olive oil and pour on top of popcorn kernels to coat entire bottom within 1/8th" (step 2 & 3 can be reversed). 4. Drop in 1/2 to 1 cup country-crock spread (or equivalent) depending on taste and calorie intake 5. 1 tablespoon Chulupa hot sauce or 1 teaspoon tabasco sauce 6. Set burner to high and gentlely shake pot until most kernels are popped, you may have to dump contents once or twice depending on the size of the pot. 7. add salt to taste (personally I don’t add any). Adding 1/4 cup of sugar instead of hot sauce gives it a carmel like coating
2005-04-15 01:33:37 – Netheus
I hate buffy too, but this leads me to a quick point. I figured out why no one likes my writing. I hate it when horrible things happen to my characters. But since that’s what drives the plot, I’m kinda screwed. That’s also why I hate buffy. Everything is okay in an hour, and what ever isn’t is contrived and superfluous. I’m damned. Oh well… I can drive the bus at least…
2005-04-16 02:12:17 – pinky
i have to get out of boulder, so i’ll prolly be in town tomorrow night if you could use some pissed off company. laura
2005-05-03 22:04:45 – Netheus
my birthday is Sunday- yes, it’s also mother’s day. GO BUY YOUR MOMMY SOMETHING NICE YOU INGRATE! and for my birthday, you should all come out to Rocky @ the Lon Chaney (same building as the City Auitorium, on the East side of the Building) $5.
2005-05-05 16:20:36 – hellbent Rob
meh… one more wretched semester down… Bump, when’s there gonna be a new post, eh? ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-05-09 09:49:01 – GrooveMan
One more day and it will be one whole month… can you hold out that long Randy ๐Ÿ˜‰
2005-05-10 06:50:20 – The Disco Nova
I have it on good authority that he was waiting a month just to make you heathens cry. Personally I think it is because I cause most of the grief in Randalls life, and he can’t put it here where I can read it and remain tactful ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-05-10 08:56:04 – GrooveMan
This Better be one Hell of a Post… I’m talking pages and pages, with a Glossary, Forward, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Index, and Reference Guide. ๐Ÿ˜›

Shooting, Sin City, First steak of 2k5

OK So another update. The last update was an April FOol’s gag, minus the Pope part. He really did die. Twice.;-) Friday night rocked my socks. I went with Ryan, Joe & Jordan up to Rampart Range and burned through ~1000 rounds of ammo for an AR-15 (civilian M-16), 9mm Beretta 92fs (pistol) and 20guage shotgun. It was a helluva time. The drive up and down rampart range road (I think that’s what it’s called) was awful as my truck has zero suspension. Despite that, I had an amazing time. It was awesome. I recommend doing so to everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ On Saturday night I went out with the guys and saw Sin City which was a great movie. A LOT more violent than I was expecting — no less than 5 genital mutilations, not to mention more blood and dying than I could count. The cinematography was incredible, and the dialogue was at exactly the right level of campy. Afterwards we went out to IHOP, where we had a helluva time and where I reamed out Emily for being horrible at socializing and for always having bullshit excuses to avoid going out (which is suck!). I am still determining if that was good or bad. We had steaks on Monday night. I got to light up the grill for the first time this year — much less the past 6 months — and grill up some yummy pieces of cow. That was also a hella good time. I also shaved my head tonight. Not shaved, more shorn to 3/8″. It looks like old-school me. With the still-re-growing goatee, I look pretty freakin badass, if I do say so myself. Thanks to James for trimming my neck ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last but not least, I dropped off my truck on Monday because I had sprung a gigantic exhaust leak on Sunday, even though I just had some work done a month or two ago. I took it back to the same place (Accurate Japanese Auto Repair) and they fixed it for free. Turns out that the two manifold studs they didn’t replace last time came loose, causing my truck to sound like it had a swarm of locusts under the hood. I offered to pay for the two studs, some of the labor, and for a six pack of beer and they replied with no, no and we don’t drink. Somehow I doubt that last one. Regardless, they’ve treated me well twice now, so they are now my defacto mechanic place. [b]Update[/b] – Below are the links to how the new do looks: before: [L=][/L] after: [L=][/L]

2005-04-06 14:45:19 – The Disco Nova
I vote before.
2005-04-06 15:30:55 – rand0m
the world disagrees with you.
2005-04-06 21:36:05 – Master Ha-reed
Actually, the world minus 1. If you do stick with this do for a while, ditch the facial hair.
2005-04-06 21:53:54 – rand0m
I’m going to let the goatee grow out a little bit (it’s only 4-5 days old) then re-evaluate it. We’ll see from there. I’m still hit or miss on the goatee in general :-/
2005-04-07 14:39:32 – Netheus
two words Randal- Ben Affleck. (minus, of course, the brown thick hair, and hot as shit gf)
2005-04-12 01:04:41 – jrdn
so… shooting rocked… randal was gangster with the beretta
2005-04-12 01:15:06 – jordan
randal got me all high on life on that last post about a miracle investor… ojhghseghsegohsdljg;hsf
2005-04-13 12:19:31 – Ryan
I know you didn’t mention it in this posting, but please, even though they aren’t bad, do NOT buy a Glock.
2005-04-14 02:14:48 – BoxOfLunch
I just bought a glock after reading your post Ryan. ๐Ÿ˜‰
2005-04-14 13:22:27 – Master Ha-reed
What’s the problem with a Glock?

Super Duper Good news, and Super Duper Bad News

Super duper good news is that we are not closing EGC. Turns out we got a miracle investor who is going to fund the whole shebang well into next year, with very few strings attached. I’m totally stoked. Yea, the free time thing is toast again, but at least my baby will live on! Super Duper Bad News. I rolled into the dayjob tonight on a lark and found the place totally vandalized … a couple of our glass windows are cracked, and one is totally broken. It doesn’t look like they took any customer gear at all, but they did empty out our storage locker and pillaged my office. They even took my mouse, so I’m using a clunker peice of shit to post this. They tried to take the 21″ monitor, but couldn’t so they left it overturned on the desk :-/ The critical part is that nothing is damaged beyond repair and nobody went down. In-fucking-credible. At the end of the week too. Bastards. Sometimes I feel like life is just one great big beat down followed by a short rise, followed by another great big beat down. Wash, rince, repeat. I mean, the good times are fun and all, but they’re totally squashed by the unending heap of crap that is laid down. It’s just one thing after another. One second I’m reveling in the fact that I can stay home and drink beer all day, and the next I’m feeling horribly guilty because other people don’t have it as good as me. As they say — without the lows, you never really get to relish the highs. [b]update[/b] – I forgot to mention that I did a DNS server shuffle for, so ya’ll shouldn’t experience any more randomly-unavailable [b]update2[/b] – I just heard that Pope John Paul II has died. Mitch Hedberg, Terry Schiavol The Pope, Johnny Cochrane and KILO’s Sam. Goddamn it’s been a bad week. [b]update3[/b] – WOW Seattle has banned free WiFi due to them causing a fire at a coffee shop: [L=]Seattle Bans Free Wi-Fi[/L]

2005-04-01 12:12:46 – w0lfy
I heard he’s not dead yet, has brain and heart function. Somebody forgot to tell FoxNews that easter was last weekend — he can’t come back to life now, he’s a week late!
2005-04-01 12:15:29 – rand0m
What’s sad is that I think people will want to watch more reruns of Schiavo drooling and blinking rather than a clip of the Pope waving. These are great times. *sigh*
2005-04-04 10:44:07 – mark
Wait. That WiFi article was dated April 1st. I am having a tough time believing a coffee machine exploded due to "WiFi radiation" as the article states.
2005-04-04 11:40:22 – The Disco Nova
Oh, and strangely enough, it was posted on april fools day.
2005-04-04 12:15:49 – rand0m
Yea, mark actually PM’d me to make sure that was fake. This April Fool’s didn’t go over as well as [L=]last year’s[/L].
2005-04-04 14:01:06 – mark
I am, in fact, pretty worthless. and slow.
2005-04-04 15:21:32 – The Disco Nova
That was a trully great flamefest, complete with pwnage.
2005-04-04 23:04:46 – Netheus
so…. no monitor that I will actually be able to read? :::pouts:::: yeah, this year seems pretty deadly so far. Finished moving, still moving in. My god we own a lot of crap. And I mean crap. I knew I was a pack rat, but this is farking ridiculous. And my neighbors up stairs are amazingly ignorant. A) Shrimp Cocktail is served cold. Cold does not = raw. Blue/black/ grey = raw, pink= cooked. If one overcooks shrimp, it’s tough and inedible. B) They are the Ute Indians (YOU-teh), not the oooh-tay Indians. And I seriously didn’t think that computer illiteracy of that level could operate a mouse. And car oil needs to be changed, not just refilled. And you shouldn’t drive around with the parking brake on, all you have to do is pull slightly and twist, not a big operational issue there. And if you expect to get a decent working car for only $1K, I have some nice swamp land in Florida that’s worth millions…. People’s ignorance – still amazes the fuck out of me that there are sooo many people still walking on the planet….

The end of EverLAN, end of an era?

Corey and I decided to close down EverLAN Gaming Center. Yes, it’s sad that my baby is ending, but it’s also a big relief. We’re selling off a bunch of stuff at good prices — [L=][/L] for more details about everything. I’ve had a couple people tell me that this site goes down intermittently. If you folks would be so kind as to AIM me at `rand0m` when it’s down, I can hunt down what’s going wrong; my server logs don’t show anything awry and I’m kind of stumped. On another note, I want a pistol. Ryan got a Baretta 92FS (9mm) for his birthday, and it’s wicked. So sexy. So powerful. So simple and unrefined. Handling it is really enthralling … I think I might go shooting with him and Joe this weekend, now that I have free time. Which brings me to the next topic – what do you folks do with your free time? I haven’t had any free time in almost two years, and suddenly having at least an extra 40 hours a week back is going to be a shock. I already plan on joining the Y with Keen and James, but the rest of the time … I have no idea.

2005-03-29 10:38:06 – nick
Hey, man. I’m torn on your decision; though, I figure you were as well, only much moreso. In the end, I think it will be awesome for you to lead a more "normal" life and get out the workaholic binge you’ve been on. On that note, since you have free time, and I usually construe some during the weekends, I’ll have to give you a call when I’m down and buy you a beer or something. Whatever the case, good luck with whatever comes next.
2005-03-29 13:31:08 – rand0m
Yea, it was a tough call, but sometimes you just have to cut the losses and throw in the towel. Although we weren’t failing miserably and hemoraging money, we definitely weren’t going anywhere. And I’ll gladly take you up on that beer ๐Ÿ™‚
2005-03-30 15:35:23 – Burnz
Just dropped by. Little tip on the pistol, I got a Smith and Wesson .357 and love it love it love it. Stopping drinking bought me a lot of free time. Take a class that sounds like fun. Something like humanities. It takes up time and might stimulate new brain parts other than tech.
2005-03-31 16:14:45 – Netheus
A> if you get a gun, learn how to use it, don’t just own it. B> I read. A lot. And then there’s the endless fucking drama, so… yeah… C> Remember Kolin from BS that helped you IB kids with your papers I think Junior year? Died of an OD last night. I’m assuming Heroine. Marah told me, and Adam told her, so I am assuming this isn’t a morbid rumour. D> today is Carolyn’s b-day!
2005-03-31 16:31:49 – Netheus
Randal- hook me up with a monitor. I will have money for you on Monday.
2005-03-31 19:43:08 – Ryan
Yup, definitly buy a gun. Perhaps a Beretta, like that hot Ryan guy you mentioned. Or an awsome AR-15 that I saw some kid with at your store. Damn that kid was hot. Amazingly cool, too, from what I hear.
2005-03-31 20:38:03 – rand0m
Hmm, regarding semi-spooky Annie-Luving Poetry-Writing Kolin … I don’t know if that’s the case. I got chicken salad from him at Cunningham’s maybe two weeks ago, and it looked like he was on the straight and narrow. Looked healthy, clean shaven, tight haircut. Very surprising. And I have a monitor set aside for ya right here, alongside mine & Craig’s.
2005-03-31 23:58:10 – keener2u
Get a girlfriend, I hear they take up a lot of time and money.
2005-04-01 01:16:46 – rand0m
That second part is not cool.
2005-04-01 09:41:37 – The Disco Nova
You can either have a girlfriend, which takes up time and money, a friend which takes up time, or a hooker, which only takes up money. Who is to say which is the best.
2005-04-06 18:49:47 – Hellbent Rob
Damn Randy, if I knew you were in the market I’d have sold you my .44 Desert Eagle, but I ended up selling it back in January to pay tuition.

Day, Sammi & Randomness

I had a helluva day. Lots of big things happening, which I will definitely post about here when they come to fruition. The Boss was in town today, so chalk up another free lunch! I also realized that my boss is super great. Yay for cool guys. I went out with Sammi tonight and had a ridiculously good time. Last time I went out with her I posted this “[i]I felt fake, though, and I think she knew it.[/i]” … well, total opposite. No pressure, no need to try and meet the standards of an idealized Sammi, just pure, unadulterated good times. It felt like old times when I wasn’t a beaten, trodden down, soulless husk of a man. Simply fabulous. On the walk home from seeing Sammi I came across a dude at a phone booth who was searching his pockets for some money to make a call. So I walk up and, being in high spirits, offer him my cell phone to make a call. Turns out he was looking for Domino’s phone number which I know by heart – 444-8888. He makes the call, and while waiting on hold asks me if I have any spare change. Now, this guy didn’t quite look like a bum, so it seemed a little odd, and I didn’t have any change and I told him so. I figured he was calling a buddy at Domino’s to get a ride or whatever, but instead, he proceeds to order three large pizzas! WTF!? He just asked me for money and then orders like $20+ of pizzas. It was quite weird. He gave my cell back and I went on my way, chuckling at how completely unexpected that was.

2005-03-24 20:20:24 – Joe
Wow that is rather strange about the phone booth guy. Probably prank calling them.
2005-03-25 17:42:21 – Netheus
Moving. Tomorrow. Need volunteers. Hey randal, nice truck ya got there…. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Tomorrow is the furniture moving day. Please, call me if you can help. Or put a message up here. Or IM me (Netheus).
2005-03-27 21:21:33 – Master Ha-reed
Lately, I’ve been noticing that is down for periodic intervals. Any ideas, or am I just a fucking crackpot?

Ticket and Being sick

I got a speeding ticket for doing 50mph in a 40mph zone on Thursday night (St. Patty’s Day) while I was heading home from the store – westbound on Austin Bluffs near the storage shed place. I didn’t see the cop until he already on his way to pulling me over. Oh well – $120 fine & four points.. Almost 4 years of being traffic-violation free is quite the feat for me ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course I’ll reschedule the court date like 23890 times and try to get out of it. Maybe a DA will be nice and let me plea to something lower so my insurance doesn’t go to hell. I’ll update on that when it comes, but it’s not too big a deal. I had a helluva Friday; totally swamped from 9am until 1am. I started feeling like shit around 4pm, and it got worse for Saturday morning. I slept from ~5pm Saturday night unil ~1am here and there, and then from ~1am until almost 1pm today (Sunday). I never sleep that much, so I’m going to guess my body is not pleased. I have a sore throat and a stuffed up nose, which isn’t too bad. Hopefully it’ll pass quickly. I’ve talked to quite a few people recently about College VS The Working Life and people don’t believe me when I say I’d give almost anything to have a degree. They always point out that I’m successful, own a business, yada yada. That’s nice and all, but I don’t think they’ve had the opportunity to enjoy the artificial ceiling that I get to pound on — no degree means very little easy vertical movement. In a typical corporate environment, you get your degree, you get your job, and if you don’t totally fsck it up, you advance. Put in your time, take out your pay. For me, that doesn’t work … I can’t even get in the door to a MegaCorp without a degree, thus I’m stuck with small businesses, which invariably have low salary caps and don’t offer all the cool shit big business does. Woe is me. In summary, if you have a degree don’t /EVER/ wish you had done something else with those 4-5 years of your life, or else I might come slap you for being incredibly stupid. There are a bazillion people out there — myself included — that would give up everything they have for a degree, even if it came along with living in your parent’s basement and $50k of debt.

2005-03-21 15:30:35 – realbighead
Actually, having gotten a degree and worked for a corporation, the whole glass ceiling thing isn’t quite true. The bigger issue is age discrimination, in that corporations are unwilling to give much responsibility to young people in general, degree or not. That being said, having the degree is still useful every now and then. Especially once you move out of the parents’ basement.
2005-03-22 16:19:06 – Master Ha-reed
Does CO Springs have any sort of "deferred sentencing" program? The hippies in Boulder do, which worked out well when I got a ticket a little over a year ago. Basically the way it works is that you plead guilty to the offense, pay $100 to the court, and they hold off telling the DMV. If you go a year without anything more than parking tickets, then they wipe your record clean and the DMV (and therefore your insurance company) never finds out.
2005-03-22 19:35:39 – rand0m
Yea, here they usually let you take a driving program or something to reduce the points. I got the deferred sentencing thing when I was en route to Santa Fe doing 96 in a 75, and it worked out great. I’ll have to remember to ask about that.
2005-03-27 00:53:22 – Hellbent Rob
Humanities degrees are worth less than the TP you wipe your arse with, and I dare anyone to disagree with me. Randy, look into an executive program at your local college/university. They usually have pretty liberal allowances for counting job experience as credit hours or will put you through a series of equivalency tests. I knocked-out about a year of my B.A. doing that. The University of Pheonix has a pretty good business program but anything else is taken at your own risk. Quite a few decent schools, however, have online degree programs where you can pretty much complete an entire degree, particularly computer related. If you do go back to school, I know several people that got these dual business/computer degrees and are make crazy money without any experience.
2005-03-28 15:37:41 – Master Ha-reed
The value of a humanities degree depends a lot on what you want out of it, and more importantly, where you went to school. I would say that an English major at Columbia is worth a helluva lot more than an English major at CU. Further, if you’re going into education or law or politics, a humanities degree is perfectly fine. In fact, even in medicine, a humanities degree can work better than a std. bio/chem degree, since it sets you apart from the crowd. $.02

Wiped AIM list

I decided that my aim list is far too large. Hence, I am deleting it right after I post this. Included on the new list will be: keen, james, fldave, corey, nick, craig, mark h, laura, my sister, rebecca, emily and bryce. If you’re not on there, you probably never talk to me on AIM. Message me and I might add you. Also, it’s a beautiful Tuesday afternoon and my day is going just swell — Even had a free lunch on the boss ๐Ÿ˜‰

2005-03-16 19:17:23 – GrooveMan
Damn, I didn’t make the list. I guess I need to pester you more on AIM… to bad I don’t have the time any more ๐Ÿ˜›
2005-03-16 19:43:36 – rand0m
That’s OK steve ๐Ÿ™‚ I put you on the list after the oversight, even though we never chat online. You know I love you ๐Ÿ˜›
2005-03-17 18:33:25 – Netheus
Had to explain to my sister that there are two ways of thinking- linear and tangential. We (liz and I) are tangential thinkers, thus need a barrage of information, better if, reletively speaking, polar in relation. She thought she was going crazy because no one else she knew of thought the way she did. Damnit. She should’ve gone into IB. For a moment, all of you that went to high school with me, imagine if you went through that part of your life with out meeting other similarly intelligent people? What if you never met a mental challenge? I think we might have all turned out the Byrne (Burnz). Addicted, mental, abusive. Possibly suicidal. I mean, we have each other when we need something more than dick jokes. What would it be like if we didn’t?

All about me. Well, not really.

Shamelessly ripped from [L=]Laura’s Site[/L]: [b]FIRSTS:[/b] 1. First best friend: Eric Motazedi, Pre-Kindergarden 2. First car: 1982 toyota pickup, still drive it today 3. First real kiss: Jennifer Schmidt. I’m sure she’s a total babe now. 4. First screen name: I think it was slip42, but it could have been rand0m 5. First self purchased album: Mortal Kombat Soundtrack or Greenday, don’t know. 7. First pet: Tessy & Widey the cats. 9. First credit card: ANB MasterCard. Still have it ๐Ÿ™‚ 10. First enemy: Hmm, none that I can think of. I’m sure there is one somewhere. 11. First big trip: Mexico in Junior High. [b]LASTS:[/b] 1. Last cigarette: mmmm, ~4.5 hours ago 2. Last car ride: From EGC to Downtown and back, w/ Eric (aka Biggie) 3. Last kiss: Not in love, a couple months. Lovey kiss? Long time. 4. Last good cry: I don’t remember. Sometimes I try to cry, but I can’t. 5. Last library book checked out: Absolutely no idea. Probably been at least 5 years. 6. Last movie seen in theatres: Robots 7. Last beverage drank: Glass of water 8. Last food consumed: Homemade Casserole. Yumm ๐Ÿ˜€ 10. Last phone call: James, about movies. 11. Last time showered: This morning at ~11am. I shower every day. 12. Last shoes worn: Black 5-eye Docs. 13. Last item bought: Hashbrowns and Casserole fixins from Safeway. 14. Last annoyance: James, with his unending “Burgerking” and “Goatee!!” 15. Last time wanting to die: Couple weeks ago when my Snazzy was not recognized. [b]SPECIFICS:[/b] 1. Do you do drugs: Nope 2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Suave Lavendar-smell & Pantene Pro-V Conditioner. 3. What are you most scared of: Failure or being alone. Toss up. 4. Where do you want to get married: Somewhere exotic, but that’s *FAR* away. 5. What are you listening to right now: Nothing, but Family Guy is on the tube. 6. How many buddies are online: 53 7. What would you change about yourself: My unending slavery. [b]FAVORITES:[/b] 1. Colors: Navy Blue. 2. Foods: Steak and anything homemade. 3. Girl names: Jennifer, Sarah, Samantha, Rebecca. 4. Boys names: Steven, Eric 5. Subject in school: Math & 6. Animals: Dog? I have no idea. 7. Sports: mmm, I like basketball and football. Typical guy, I guess. 8. Perfume: I have no idea, I’m not a girl. 9. Cologne: Safari or GAP Blue [b]HAVE YOU EVER:[/b] 1. Given anyone a bath: nope 2. Smoked: yep 3. Bungee jumped: no, I’d like to 4. Made yourself throw-up: Yea, a couple times. Only once from drinking. 5. Skinny dipped: Of course, teehee. 6. Been in love: Yea. I also fall in/out of love almost daily. Women. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: When I was a kid, sure. 8. Pictured your crush naked: HAHA all the time. Sorry ladies. 9. Seen your crush naked: Yep, yep and yep. *fap fap fap* 10. Cried when someone died: Yes, quite a bit. 11. Lied: Used to lie regularly. Unfortunately I’m still damn good at it. 12. Fallen for your best friend: Nope. 13. Been rejected: HAHA all the time. Shit, this week even. It sucks. 14. Rejected someone: Yea … I was an asshole at the time & I was crude about it. 15. Used someone: Hahaha, of course. Everybody does and I’m no exception. 16. Done something you regret: Absolutely. Think about it almost every day. [b]CURRENT:[/b] 1. Clothes: Basketball shorts and a huge t-shirt. Just relaxing ๐Ÿ™‚ 2. Music: Nothing, just the washer doing it’s thing. 3. Make-up: I’m a boy, so no. But my hair is nice and soft. 4. Annoyance: Mmmm, laundry isn’t finishing fast enough. 5. Smell: Axe “Essence,” James just sprayed me. 7. Desktop picture: Nothing, dark blue. 8. Book you’re reading: Was reading Fountainhead, but lent it to a friend so … nothing. 9. Cd in player: CD Player? Who uses those anymore? 10. Dvd in player: “Out of Time” with Denzel Washington. 11. Color of toe nails: Standard pink with a sliver of white at the end. [b]LAST PERSON:[/b] 1. You touched: James 2. Hugged: Joe from EGC. He brought me nugz. 3. IMed: Emily, yesterday. [b]ARE YOU:[/b] 1. Understanding: Usually, but I hve low tolerance for BS. 2. Open-minded: Eh, sorta. Very entrenched, but I’m getting better. 3. Arrogant: I try not to be, but I’m very short with other people’s (many) problems. 4. Insecure: Not on the outside unless something really bad happens. 5. Interesting: Not particularly. 6. Hungry: Nope, just ate some casserole ๐Ÿ˜€ 7. Smart: I was, but now I’m pretty base. I feel bad when I hang out with bourgeoisie. 8. Moody: Not at all — I have two moods, tired and not tired. 9. Hardworking: I’d like to think so. Especially when I’m interested. 10. Organized: Yep, in my own completely-unorganized way 11. Healthy: HAHAHAHAHHAA no. 12. Shy: Only when it comes to women. 13. Attractive: Not particularly. 14. Bored easily: I’m almost always bored. :-/ 15. Responsible: A little bit too much, I think. 16. Obsessed: Yea, and I really shouldn’t be. I should just get over some things. 17. Angry: I get annoyed, but truly angry? Almost never 18. Sad: not usually, but it depends on how bad life is kicking my ass 19. Disappointed: In others, almost always. In myself? Almost never. 20. Happy: Sure. 21. Hyper: Only when I catch my second wind, otherwise I’m pretty mellow. 22. Trusting: Nope. Takes a lot of work to build trust with me, and it slips easily. 23. Talkative: Only if it’s interesting. If it’s boring or annoying, not at all. 24. Legal: Sure, I’m 18+ ๐Ÿ˜‰ [b]WHO DO YOU WANT TO:[/b] 1. Kill: Mmm … nobody? No reason to let things eat me up. 2. Slap: Mmm … also nobody, at least not off the top of my head. 3. Look like: Almost anybody but me ๐Ÿ˜‰ 4. Talk to offline: Several women, so I can tell them to stop being dumb. Jesus, women. 5. Talk to online: Nobody. Talking to people online usually sucks. [b]RANDOM:[/b] 1. In the morning I am: Up by 8:30am. And waking up into another soul-crushing day. 2. All I need is: Work and someone to lover. One outta two ain’t bad ๐Ÿ˜‰ 3. Love is: Awesome, but maybe not worth it. I’ll know for sure on the next go around. 4. I dream about: How bad I fucked up my life, and how I can continue to make it better. :-/

2005-03-14 02:08:47 – Netheus
kindof along the same lines- in cleaning up to get ready to move, I realized that for two grown adults, Troy and I have an excessive number of toys. Remote contolled cars, stuffed animals, figurines, games- everything either of us wanted when we were kids but never had. I found a picture too from when I was 5 and my grandmother took me to go and see the Easer bunny at the Citadel. I still had my crutches at the time. It’s kinda like one of those special moments captured on film documenting the beginning of the fall from innocence/ grace/ perfection.
2005-03-14 06:02:15 – Disco Nova
You totally overreacted abou tthe burger king thing. And I’m insecure about my goatee, that is why I keep asking you about it. Take it as a compliment.
2005-03-14 19:24:50 – m
White-y. And yes, you have an amazing vibe of disdain and arrogance. How’s Eric M?
2005-03-14 20:33:12 – rand0m
I am only arrogant and short with people if I am annoyed or don’t like them. I don’t like most people, though, so I guess your observation makes sense ๐Ÿ˜‰ I haven’t spoken to Eric M in forever – not since Marylin, his sister, [L=]passed away[/L]

WBC/GSA Pics, DNS/Network Madness, Servers

So I went to the WBC/GSA Protest ([L=]62 Photos[/L]) this morning at ~7:25am. Incredibly, as I was leaving the house I ran into Jacob, who is in the first photo. We walked around, I took a ton of photos, and we had a pretty decent time. Eventually we ran into Danny Dolan (yes, Brian Dolan’s brother!), and walked around with him tooI was pretty surprised at how few WBCers there were, and even more aghast that they bring their 3-8y/o kids with them. I was also surprised at how many police, SWAT and media were there. Here are a couple notes: [b]+[/b] WBC should just disband already – outnumbered at least 20:1 [b]+[/b] People need to stop blocking my photos [b]+[/b] A female priest is not referred to as ‘mother,’ but instead ‘preacher’ [b]+[/b] I was telling Danny to move as he was “ruining my composition,” and inadvertently insulted former Mayor Makepeace. Apologized & cleared things up, then got a photo with her ๐Ÿ™‚ [b]+[/b] The police hate having their photos taken [b]+[/b] Why didn’t girls/teachers look like that when I was at PHS? I had some wild network madness happen on Wednesday morning. Basically somebody aimed their DNS at one of our Colo’d customers DNS servers, and it soaked up 20+mbps of bandwidth. I’ll have an article on it here in a little bit. – [b]update[/b] – [L=]Network Nightmare – DNS Psuedo-DDoS[/L]. Ever since my primary employer started selling managed & unmanaged servers our business has gone haywire. I’ve had to order 4 servers in the past 10 days. Unfortunately, it takes Dell at least 5 days to bill/prep/ship the server and sometimes that it is just too much lead time :-/ Oh well, at least setting up new servers keeps me busy :-).

2005-03-11 23:07:03 – jrdn
WBC needs to die… didnt the bible say that gays are wrong, but are not to be condemned and hated? That we are to tolerate all people? Seems WBC blows ass at reading. Maybe they should go back to the first grade.
2005-03-13 01:34:45 – Master Ha-reed
I am proud of myself for reading that article and understanding ~ 90% without looking anything up. Apparently CISCO Networking Academy was good for something, after all.
2005-03-13 01:36:31 – Master Ha-reed
Speaking of Cisco Networking Academy, in case Bryce is reading… Just throw your hands in the air like you just don’t care

WBC To be at PHS on Friday

I don’t know if any of you folks know, but the Westboro Baptist Church (owners of will be at our very own Palmer High School on Friday morning at 7:15am ([L=]WBC Picket Information[/L] – [L=]PDF Flyer[/L]). They will be here in the Springs to protest the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). The GSA is a Palmer High School club that aims to promote a safe environment for all kids. PHS/D11 administration decided to not allow it as an official club, barring them from using District facilities. The GSA folks went to the ACLU, who filed a lawsuit with the US District Court of Colorado about it ([L=]ACLU Docket/Suit[/L]). Now, I am not one to love or hate gay folks. I do not approve of homosexuality personally. Despite that, the strong civil libertarian in me says that the GSA group should be afforded the same rights and opportunities as any other club. I know for a fact that multiple Christian groups exist, despite the offense to athiests / satanists / whathaveyou. The fact that the District has barred the GSA from becoming a recognized organization is clearly an injustice — prejudice, suppression and favoritism at it’s finest.

2005-03-09 02:07:03 – The Disco Nova
2005-03-10 07:10:43 – keener2u
FYI, A little birdie tells me that police were practicing with riot gear down at South Circle Maintenance yard. Putting ultra-conservative in a liberal area next to CC is going to be interesting.
2005-03-10 13:35:55 – Netheus
I’m going to be there.
2005-03-11 00:07:27 – jrdn
WBC is a bunch of fucking dicks… im not for or against gays… i dont care… people like WBC need to die…
2005-03-11 12:46:14 – Master Ha-reed
It looks like from your pics that the WBC was severely outnumbered, which is really promising for the Springs. Then again it was at the most activist high school, maybe results would have been different at say Liberty or Doherty?