I would like to say that I made a wonderful dinner tonight. We had some huge, brilliantly cooked ribeye steaks, with about three pounds of Snow Crab, corn on the cob, garlic bread, the works. It was awesome. There’ll be some photos of this amazing meal up soon. [b]**Updated:[/b] [L=http://rand0m.org/images/bigdinner.jpg]Picture of our awesome meal[/L] Friday night, I shot everclear. That was not a good experience. It was one of those nights where I was really loathing myself, and was rather disappointed with myself … so … I sorta got over it by abusing the shit out myself. It made me hurt pretty bad on Saturday. I really don’t know why I did it, but hey, that’s what happens. I went and played pool recently. That was good. Janina is pretty fun to hang out with — smart, fun, just cynical enough … but you know, she’s 18? 19? I am afraid of girls, though. heh. I went to church this morning with my parents. That was surprisingly a good time. It wasn’t a religious thing at all … more of an academic interest. There were some talks about faith and such which were meh, but then a very good class about the passover. I saw some people I hadn’t seen in a while, and that was good. Then I had lunch w/ the ‘rents, and it was good, and then I came home, went shopping and made the huge dinner mentioned above. Work is going crazy. Our deployment in [L=http://www.hpi.net/falcon/]Falcon[/L] is exploding, which is making for busy busy busy busy busy work. The business is going well, also … a little slow, but it is progressing. EverLAN is this next weekend, as is July 4th. We’re having a barbecue, which I believe is starting at 2pm — I’ll update with that info soon.
Monthly Archives: June 2003
Threw a huge party last night
Will have photos up and such ASAP. [b]Update[/b] – 06/25 @ 2:52p Okay, so the party went really well. I was afraid that nobody was going to show up, and that was the case until like 9:30. Gabe and Matt Blum showed up, which is neato, because they know a lot of people … Gabe fired up his cell and in no time we had a whole house full of people rockin out. The sound system was absolutely huge (a little too loud sometimes) with some damn-good DJs spinning it up. We had a full keg of Belgian Ale from the warehouse which received mixed results from our throngs of partyers. Tore made a surprise appearance — he drove all the way from Santa Fe, NM for the party! Not to mention that he finally had SE.. er … *IS* a SEXy beast! *hugs tore* Had a *LOT* of hot chicks come, which was really surprising because we usually throw grandiose sausage fests. A lot of people I invited did not show because of prior engagements and such, which made me really sad Tony got *REALLY DRUNK* *REALLY FAST*. By 11pm he was barely standing, and at 11:30pm we had someone carry him upstairs to pass out. He didn’t even drink very much … what a lightweight. At about 2:00am, Matt disappeared mysteriously, leaving me to run the show. Everyone who was leaving was out by 6:30 or so, and everyone who was staying was already passed out. It was a really, really long night for me, because I had had very little sleep and got to enjoy running the party alone for 4+ hours. But it all turned out well, which is what matters We lost a pane of glass in our front door and a couple different drinking glasses to some drunk dumbass. Had a couple little skirmishes here and there, but all in all it went really, really well. We’re looking to either have a 4th of July BBQ or to throw another party at the end of summer. Pics are here: [L=http://rand0m.org/images/summer2k3]http://rand0m.org/images/summer2k3[/L]
Girl/Date, Poker, Underground, Misc, Party
This is gonna be a long update, because I haven’t posted in a long time. Like, a Loooong time. So I’m going to start out like a couple weeks ago or so. Heh. Told you it was long. Okay, so a couple weekends ago, I am out with Chris Bonk and Keen, and we go to Sticks to shoot some pool, but they are 21 and up, so we leave and to Corner Pocket. While there, we meet two girls, Lilly and Kirsten. It is Lilly’s birthday (23) and Kirsten looks oddly familiar. So we start chatting, and they invite us over to Lilly’s place to get lit. So we head over there, and I’m mackin on Kirsten, and Chris is mackin on Lilly, so I ask Matt, our fifth wheel, to drive my truck home and spare himself the agony of watching the four of us get it on. So he leaves. And then Chris and Lilly disappear. So Kirsten and I chill on the couch, and around 6am, Chris comes out of Lilly’s room and leaves. So then Kirsten invites me over to her place. That’s cool. So we go over there, get completely blasted and proceed to have a great time until approximately 11:00am, and then we pass out until 6pm (saturday). That was a good weekend. 10 days after that, I call up Kirsten and ask her on a date. Kind of backwards, you know? Fuck, then date instead of Date then fuck. Backwards, you know? So then on Wednesday of last week, we go out. Long story short, meet at Joe’s Crabshack at 7, go to a carnival around 9, stay till 10:30pm, ends with a hug and a kiss and that was that. I don’t know if I’ll go on another date with her. Nice girl, just not my type. Odd to say that, what with me being so super desperate *goes and hits on receptionist* So then this past Friday night, Tony had our poker buddies over to play Poker. This was not an ordinary night. I was in good spirits, and glibly paid my $5 buy in. End of the night rolls around, and I’m $17 ahead. Rock the hizzy. That was a good night. Mexican Sweat = good times. Went to the Underground on Saturday night and had a wonderful time. They had DJ Etaine, DJ MLE and Evenflo downstairs, with the whole [L=http://www.downstairsproductions.net]DownStairsProductions[/L] crew upstairs. The music was really good (despite not being a happy hardcore fan), and I had a wonderful time. I wanted to kill my sorta-friend Chris because he has the Can’t Keep His Dick In His Pants syndrome … Seriously, isn’t two chicks enough? Makes me want to punch his lights out. Fucker. Grr. My truck is making a ticking sound. Either needs a valve job (time consuming but cheap) or has an exhaust leak? I was on the porch yesterday on Sunday chilling with Shawn and his girl Emily when this silver car pulls up in front of our house. I stood there, grungy as shit (hadn’t taken a shower or shaved, wearing basketball shorts and a lounge-TShirt), wondering who the hell that was. Then the two girls in the car started waving, so I looked at Shawn, and he was waving back uncertainly, so then I looked back and sorta waved, and then one of the girls yelled “It’s Janelle!” and I was like “whoa that voice sounds familiar. Oh, hey, is that Janelle?” So then I went over and chatted for like 10 seconds before they had to stop blocking traffic/leave. Feels odd yet refreshing that I didn’t really recognize her … I don’t know what to think aobut the whole situation. Heh. There is a party at my place, Friday night at 9pm. Click the little linky banner thingy or check out [L=http://cosparties.com]cosparties.com[/L] for info.
Article Posted to Slashdot!
My [L=http://www.hpi.net/whitepapers/warta/]article on WiFi[/L] and how to make it cost effective [L=http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/07/1840257&mode=thread&tid=137&tid=193]got posted to slashdot.[/L]
Summer Party Time
We are throwing a huge summer bash: Who: You and all your friends What: Partying, Chillin, Boozin, everything else When: 06/20/03, 9pm Where: 423 N. Weber Why: It’s summer time, of course! Bring: Donations, Booze, all your friends Catch party updates and info at http://www.cosparties.com