Well, Saturday started off pretty well. Woke up, went to Hooters (wooo), went to Barnes & Noble, then ended it with a stop at Best Buy. That is of note because the Citadel Best Buy is moving from it’s current location to South Carefree & Powers. Which sucks, as then there will be no BB on the south side of town. Meh. While I was there, though, I bought the [L=http://starwars.com/episode-iv/trilogy_dvd.html]Starwars DVD Trilogy[/L] for the cool price of $45.99. Neato. So the next morning I decided that my Sunday-night viewing of Starwars would not be complete unless everything was as close to perfect as possible. I had plans to go to Pueblo for the chile festival (note the chilE, not chili. Not much food there, but lots of green peppers), which was a good time, in the afternoon, so I had to work fast. I strode into Best Buy just after they opened at 11:05am and with wild abandon purchased [L=http://www.klipsch.com/product/product.aspx?cid=55§ion=specs]A wicked 12″, 440 watt Klipsch subwoofer[/L] – I love good bass. [L=http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=1051826211873&type=product&ref=03&loc=01]A wicked (black) Sony 5-disc DVD player[/L] – I’m a Sony whore. Why in the hell would I purchase such ludicrously expensive electronics? Two reasons. 1) Starwars 2) Aforementioned moving Best Buy == huge sales! The woofer was $289 marked down from $499 and the DVD player was $129 from $159. WOOO. The DVD player is of great importance, as we have been having some issues with the XBox playing some DVDs. My home theater system is complete. TV, receiver, dvd player, speakers, woofer, everything. So James invited Emily & her roommate Ashleigh (sp?) over and we watched Starwars. The girls couldn’t handle the marathon (sissies) and petered out around 11:30pm, while Keen and I kept on going through the third movie until almost 2am. Yes, I admit I was dozing here and there through RotJ. Regardless, the woofer + DVD player + Dolby Digital 5.1/DTS is rock-my-socks awesome.
Monthly Archives: September 2004
Linux & Sex Kittens
Man, had a bunch of things piling up on my plate to post about, and am finally getting around to it. Things are going pretty well on my end, so I’ll put up some things I’ve seen recently along with blurb to jumpstart some discussion. Unfortunately, you’ll have to actually read the articles that I link to to get the background. If you don’t and you comment about them, I’ll slap you. [b]Why do people hate RedHat?[/b] [L=http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1592544,00.asp]http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1592544,00.asp[/L] With that link, I’d like to say that I’ve had the opportunity to work on two separate, no, make that three, RedHat-owned Fedora Core installs. One is a webserver in Texas. I was installing some custom java webapp hoohaa on it, and although the Host, iPowerWeb, does their best to make a colo’d server ready to go, it wasn’t what I was looking for. Despite that, it was pretty easy, even pleasant to find standard SysV init scripts, all my normal utilities, everything ready to go. A few hours later, *poof* a very customized box. The other two options have both been on the same physical hardware – once running Fedora Core 2 x86 and once on the same OS, x86-64bit. Both were very straightforward and did exactly as I pleased. My only complaint with Fedora is RPMs. And it’s not just Fedora, it’s almost all major linux distros. RPMs are almost always binaries, which makes it a real PITA when I have to link apps to eachother while building them. I’m not a linux hacker, and maybe I should be using the $app.src.rpms, but I’ve found that to be an annoyance. So yea, I like linux. But is it as good as FreeBSD? Not yet ๐ [b]Sweaty Southern Sex Kittens[/b] OR [i]How women could utilize femininity in a relationship[/i] [L=http://brandotalk.blogspot.com/2004/08/sweaty-southern-sex-kittens.html]http://brandotalk.blogspot.com/2004/08/sweaty-southern-sex-kittens.html[/L] You know, there are a lot of people out there who think that feminism is about destroying the male-dominated society, blah blah blah. That’s great. Yay for out with the old, in with the new. The unfortunate part of this plan is that males don’t like it when their women are psycho. The link above is sort of a guide on how women -could- use femininity to make their man happy, and in turn totally own him in every way. Before you all go totally apeshit about what a horrible masoginistic woman-hating testosterone filled peice of shit I am, keep in mind that every male DOES love southern women. Maybe it’s because they’re not busting our balls 24/7, or trying to push an agenda, but instead are trying to get the most out of the relationship by contributing a little bit in leiu of demanding 100% “equality.” I guess it boils down to women are women and men are men, and neither should try to be the other. But that’s just my opinion. Discuss.
Moved to mysql
Thought I’d drop a line and let ya’ll know I’m not dead. Some neato things are afoot, but dunno if they’re going anywhere. Keen’s in New York, already scooted away after having just returned from Vegas. Punk. Amazingly enough, Adrian from my highschool spanish class works at Mitre with Keen now. We went out all together and played pool & drank at Phantom … was a good time. Small world, eh? [b]Update[/b]: Apparently Keen does not leave until Tuesday. Damn his [L=http://keener2u.textamerica.com]moblog[/L]! Just because I wanted to be more portable, this site now runs off of mySQL instead of Microsoft SQL. FYI. [b]Update[/b]: Thanks to [L=http://jared.seehafer.net]Jared[/L] for pointing out the missing ‘add comment’ link and the mishandled dates (both fixed).