Ahh yes, another year has come and gone, and good fucking riddence. I knew that the lack of symmetry in “2001” was a bad thing – here’s to making 2002 [a nice, easy to dig number] better.
Went out last night for the NYE partying. Wowsah, what a time. Chilled with Matt and Tore for a long time, met up with Laura, met up with Darcy, went to Tony’s place, and got completely trashed. I have to tell you that Red Rum is where it’s at. That stuff goes down easy, stays down, and does it’s job well. Got trashed, partied and then headed over to Laura’s place. I had some issues buying Orange Juice at a Walgreen’s – mainly that I had a tough time reading, and that I could barely sign my name. Got to Laura’s place and she wasn’t feeling too well. We sat around and bullshitted, I pulled the always-good-for-conversation umbrella idealogy [which I’ll put up later today], we talked and drank. I was really trashed by now. Darcy left around 2, I think … not real sure. I hope she’s home okay, whatwith crazy drunkards being out and about. Then Laura fell asleep downstairs, and Tore and Matt and I sat and yammered on about a ton of stuff until ~ 6am. Tore said he was leaving, and Matt and I were SOL for a ride till later today if we didn’t go. So we drove downtown … I don’t know if Matt went home or if he’s alive or anything, but I staggered the half-block to my office, sat down in my chair and blacked out for a couple hours. Woke up around 8, drove home, and fell asleep till about 2:30. And that was New Years, 2002. Rock on!
Anybody have any resolutions they’d like to share?