drunkwityh noanthrax!

seriosus. am sofuckin gdrunk.A t least I am not having antrahx. that atntahx shit si bad fucking news. The pizza gu did not have anthrax. lukcily. but, he did noth ave james’s credit card number. which was bad. becaseue he had to takehis car back to the pizza opalce to get the slip, and to make sure tht he did not have anthrax[again]. hahhaaa. Thank god that Tony hs not puked yet. I hpe he does not puke. he has hm oo hard liquiero, hence he should not puke. only beer — i will not puek he says.

james says that he honry, single, and does onot have anthrax. hence he is a pricme candidate for havinga s honey hook up with him. fuck you tony. mu spellin gis fine. fuck you again. you and your anbthrax can suck my fat cock you bithc. james says that he needs somedick suking even though he is not disesse ridden or gay. Craig just got back from work, and he is talking o rwas talking to cosome chick, who’se screnname I forgot, but she is a potheaD, and does not have anthrax either, I think. the screen on the tv is fucking awesome. it has somew hack white shit with aomse shwirls. Fuck and shit. FUck you again. You have anthrax, and are a bad hard-liuor alcoholic. yous cukc. he wants to type. so here is his sentence::::yeap,i’m drunk,ate too much pizza, and i’m on like my eighth — errr, 12th beer, and no signs of puking because of antrhax related pizza delivery mofos, and on that note, here’s randal. oh yeah, and my spelling is better than randal’s, ha ha ha….

ok, kurt and ray are back. fro racing rays’ car.nray’s car is the shit. and kurt fucking rox. nno antrhax here. they are aweeom.e …. I hope everyone is having a good time. good noight to my peepze!

Update It turns out that eh fucking shit on the tv over heare at the pad is the shit. it is quite pobssibley the best circle of light ia have ever seen . fucking w3rd. no anrax or anythin here. w3rd fucking up to my peepz.e again. tore, we need to get our shit together and do something. sma ething to matt. and w3rd to emily — even though she mya be cool and shit, we need to do something! fuck that osama anthrax! w3rd!

2001-10-13 05:13:51 – Xeon
bWahahahahaha alchies
2001-10-13 12:47:54 – The Disco Nova
For the record, I did not say that 🙂
2001-10-13 13:16:23 – rand0m
yea, you say that, now that you’re sober. Just wait until you get drunk again — you’ll keep moaning about how bad you need some tang 😉 Let me tell you — posting, while drunk, on this fucking microscopic ultra-slim laptop keyboard is next to impossible. Now that I think about, some p0ontang wouldn’t be bad at all. w3rd.
2001-10-14 09:34:06 – tony
sunday morning… just drove home from thegeekpad… joints ache like a long night of smoking pcp… ha ha, i know someone that ate cookies… and xeon, fuck you and your soul caliber skills, suck it long, and suck it hard…
2001-10-14 22:34:34 – Burnz
All right, I need to lay down a ten dollar deposit for shipping on a yoda lamp that doubles as a hookah. I need a credit card number and mine is in the mail. Please help me out. AIM: TheFascistRag and help a brotha out. I will put a check in the mail to you tomorrow.