The Ride

I had what may very well be the longest elevator ride in my life. Start out on floor one, going to eleven. Three people get on the elevator with me. They are all going to different floors. On each and every floor, 2-11, at least 1 person gets on. On floor 7, the elevator had over 12 people in it. So yea, we’re slowly working our way up, we hit floor 9, 2 people get on, and then we’re heading *down* … not up to 11, but down to 6 again. wtf!!?? I rode that elevator for at least 10 minutes. It was the weirdest thing.

On another note, elevators are just a funny place. It’s almost as bad as the men’s bathroom; no one says *anything*. Everyone either stares at the keys, or at the blinking numbers, or at their shoes. But no one turns their head, no one talks, everyone just stands there, all domicile and defensive. I, on the other hand, look around. Some people are happy. Most people are indifferent. A significant portion are unhappy [they are at work, remember?]. It’s so odd to stand there and just look around and not be afraid of the people standing in the elevator. Makes me wonder if there is the music is mind-controlling and I am oblivious to it for the simple reason that i have lost my mind. Haven’t found it yet. If you happen across it, please let me know.

My truck has not exploded in almost 2 months. I am a happy man. I will go through it this weekend and make sure everything is nice and tight. More about yesterday in a little bit, I’m going on top of the holly sugar building to look at our antennaes.

2001-04-13 10:18:12 – Mark
That is some funny fuckin shit MutherFucker. That shits funny. That shits whacked. That shits funny and whacked.
2001-04-13 10:55:02 – rand0m
Hey man, that funny whacked shit is what I look for every day. it’s one of the highpoints of my life — that whacked out mofo you see on the corner? makes my day, every day.