well, it’s not so bad. Got an insurance policy for an ungodly high amount of money and it’s ths cheapest I could find — signing up for it in the morning. then i attend a crappy *6* hour driving class [no actual driving] class on saturday [$50] then pay the dmv $40 for my license re-instatement on monday. Then I get a probationary license that’s good through december. If I get a ticket for any points in between monday and then, I am moving. Simple as that. Also, my driving is restricted to home, downtown, voicestream, gateway and uccs … I will find out if I can stay downtown until like 9 or 10 pm and then go home from there; that would be okay. hope someone is enjoying their concert! ‘night
update: i am really … depressed? down? no, those aren’t right, just *sad* about this. it will completely kill anything resembling a social life. oh well, 80+ hour weeks gotta be good for me.