I got to thinking about it, and I realized that I am not very interesting. Like, I was reading [L=http://pinklaura.blogspot.com]Laura’s Page[/L] and [L=http://www.michaelhusson.com/mark]Mark’s Page[/L] and I all I could must was “wow, I really am not interesting.” So there you have it folks — I think I’ve stumbled upon why I’m not the most attractive guy, why I’m only good for buffoonary (sp?) and an occasional laugh: I am not interesting. Okay, so Friday was a good day. I was here at work, doing some stuff for Sandy, one of our customers on the floor, and she asks me to haul her computer down to her car. No problem. Then she hands me the keys and says “why don’t you take it for lunch?” Ahh, the unforgettable lunch began. Why? Because this particular car is a [L=http://www.new-cars.com/2002/bmw/bmw-540i-sedan.html]2002 BMW 540i[/L]. Yep, 4.4 Liters of [L=http://www.rand0m.org/images/bimmer/]hot BMW luvin (not work safe)[/L]. Goddamn that car was fast. And powerful. And amazingly fun to drive. Picked up Keen and went up to the Chapel Hills Chipotle to give a spin. It was the lap of luxury. And as Matt said “Luxury sure has a nice lap.” Also, I retrofied the website. Most things are broken, except for comments and news. I know everything else is worthless anyway 😉
I sure wish I was interesting
2003-04-07 22:08:04 – Netheus
Right….. sick of having a family. Not just because of the hassle, the problems they cause, the genetics, or the environmental hang-ups. No, this time because they all find the time to die- like, for instance today, my step-uncle of scirosis of the liver. Does he tell any of his 6 brothers and sisters, 90+ year old mother, daughter, or new wife of about a month that he could die any day? No! Does he tell them that he is going to be fine? Yes! So is everyone deeply schocked and angered when he buys the farm at 1:30 this afternoon? Yes!
2003-04-08 10:27:08 – Siaokh
Benefit of the doubt… maybe he wasnt aware of his condition. Even though it takes years and years of heavy drinking to get to that point? *shrug* who knows Sounds like fun randal… One of my friends out here has a WRX that i’m going to ste… i mean borrow. Not sure if he knows about it yet 🙂 Balls to all 4 wheels w00. -Tim
2003-04-08 17:07:48 – WC
Hey randal. Thanks for hanging out earlier today. I think you are the most interesting g33k i know. 😉 Anyway I think you need to stop worrying about not being interesting. If you do that you’d stop concisouly thinking about being a bore to a girl. Nobody likes a person that thinks they are boring. I think you should just be yourself. Maybe you should go out to some clubs a littile more or make a drive to Denver when you turn 21 a few times a month. Anyway I’d thought I’d honor the great rand0m.org a post from UUNet datacenter. We had to stop in a check in on this box we have running down here. See ya later! BTW… If you can’t score the woman at least you have the knack for getting into other peoples 540i Beemers. 😉 Ciao ~Craig
2003-04-08 17:29:29 – pinky
i’d just like to state that that is the first and only time someone called my blog interesting 🙂 and if randal wasn’t interesting to anyone (aka all of us) why would so many folks read his page? i dunno. just a thought, though.
2003-04-08 20:02:42 – rand0m
How come you guys didn’t tell me that comment submitting was buggered up? Sheesh, I count on you guys to catch my errors … 😉
2003-04-09 00:00:31 – M
Nice. I would love to know how you got your hands on those. I mean….eh….if you got your hands on those.
2003-04-09 01:11:36 – The Disco Nova
Nope, Laura is not interesting, Mark is not interesting. You are vaguely interesting, but I really miss Burnz’s page. I used to reread his rants like 5 or 6 times.
2003-04-09 10:32:44 – rand0m
Is that because they were almost always drunkenly incoherent?
2003-04-09 11:14:41 – The Disco Nova
Yep, it was like a challenge.
2003-04-09 13:02:18 – pinky
thanks disco………. i personally dig mark’s page. and randal’s too.
2003-04-09 15:54:02 – The Disco Nova
Don’t worry Laura, I still love you, you’ve got nice boobies. I don’t really know many people in your circle of friends so it’s not interesting 🙂
2003-04-10 01:13:04 – Girlie
comment from somewhere yet undetermined off of the face of the earth- if your site wasnt interesting i wouldnt be sitting here at 12:30 am, missing work reading it. i would be asleep. hell, we all have to live vicariously through someone.
2003-04-10 01:49:18 – pinky
it’s good to see that all my self-worth is contained within my breasts. jerk.
2003-04-10 12:53:42 – Netheus
I need more sleep.
2003-04-10 14:22:29 – StatiC
Hey, YO crew, I’m back. I was NOT in germany in the army. I was in Denver at the Art Insitute getting my multimedia degree. 🙂 anyways, greetz to Netheus (christine,vampire chick!), Danimore (james), Bryce (yT.. I know you’re still tracking, I am!)
2003-04-10 15:23:18 – rand0m
yea, who the fuck is static?
2003-04-10 16:52:30 – Netheus
Hey Joe, whaddya know? (/me stupid)
2003-04-10 23:27:39 – Mr Mountains
Just wanted to point out, that is you look at Jared’s site, and decide YOU are infact uninteresting, then something is wrong. It’s one of these three situations. 1)You would have to be the most uninteresting person on earth. 2)You have a warped sense of self and low self-esteem 3)You are saying you are uninteresting in order to seem more interesting Either scenario is very very awesome. In fact, being the most uninteresting person ever, would almost automatically make you interesting. Take comfort in that.
2003-04-14 04:45:57 – The Disco Nova
No no Laura, Your worth to me is contained within your breasts. Your self-worth is between you and yourself.