hahahahhahaah, ddue, it’s do cool to poist while I am completely tastaggering drunk hahahahhahahah. so yea, toreya and tlaura nad carolyn [forom wisahington dc and califronia] are here and evvryone is gettinc ompelteoy smashed because it is the birghday of laurad and i. hahaahaha dude it’s ourb tichday! i am wearing a samll stray hatt a sombrearo is you will =] hahahahhahahahaha right so everyonebody have a godod day today becuse it is a god day! ahhahaah
UPDATWE!!! Okay, so I wans going to calema my yard as poprety of america, so I took this falg and jammed into the graound, because that makes the gournd belong to america. anywhoa the glfag brtokE!!! the pole like bent adna hsit! hahahhahah it’s fucking ahilearuious! hahahhahahhahahah id have to fix the poll though,m vefore my pvarents goet home !!!! must fixe it someetiemE!!!