hmmm, I guess you all want an update on the shittrainwreck that is my life. Let’s start off with the basics: Girls: No. Money: No. Car?: No. Did I mention Girls? Yes, you dummy. Oh. What about money? Yes, again, you smacktard. Please append your own assorted versions of me bitching about all of the above. You can do it just as well as I can. Well, maybe not, but I don’t want to because it’s 10pm and I just want to type this and be finished. I got a haircut on Monday for a meeting up at Colorado Technical University. This was not just a haircut. This was the be-all, end-all of haircuts. I went to Herb’s Barber Shop, which is across the street north of HPI and got a haircut. It was $12, including tip. Herb cut my hair, and he is 76 years old. No, not shaky, doddering 76 years old. More of a 76 years young. We chatted while he cut hair, and he’s damn good at it. To top it off, he shaved my neck and sideburns. No, he didn’t just cut them, he *shaved* them — with a [L=]straight razor[/L]. I have never shaved with one of those, much less been shaved with one by an older gentleman. It was quite the experience, and I definitely want to go back. While I was at Colorado Tech I ran into a bunch of people I know, including Aaron from the Perk, Tom from [L=]Spartan Mortgage[/L], and of all people, Bryce Case of [L=]ytcracker[/L] fame. Unfortunately neither of us had time to chat, but it was nice running into him again. I think everybody goes there for some reason. Other people updates: Mike Lee came back from an 11-day stint in Costa Rica, props. Tore is coming into town for spring break & DLX. Paulie will be back on March 18th (!!!), also going to DLX? Mannie will be back visiting on the 19th, again for DLX. I saw Emily driving her green bug today. Jordan Weil is also coming back into town, but not for DLX. Remember how in January that I [L=]mentioned our washer broke[/L] in December? Yep, still broke, still not replaced. Yay for doing laundry at scary laundromats. I don’t know what to say about this. Keen is not doing well. I mean, he might be, but honestly I don’t know, as I never see him. However, he did stay up and drink a whole bottle of wine single handedly, and has not been sleeping (as hit or miss as this is). These are definite signs of something being wrong. No idea what to say, even less energy to handle it. Perk up Keen, life doesn’t suck that much. I put up a 7-and-change mile wireless shot today w/ Sam for HPI. We used Trango gear, and it’s wicked good stuff. We tested it and are getting right under 10mbps across it … unbelievable. We are supposed to be doing another shot tomorrow, but I need to find time to configure the radios (before 9am). The store is getting along. We’re not making any money, but we’re not closing. We are walking the line most dangerous to small businesses, and we need to step to one side or the other. I am just so tired all the time, it’s really hard to muster the energy to do small things, like send out emails or update the webpage. I think it’s because I am horrendously out of shape, have a terrible diet and don’t sleep well. Hmm. I went out with Amanda to get some beer last night. Ordered a pitcher & Tony’s and between the two of us, drank three glasses. Then left. Leaving > 1/2 pitcher. Utter sacrilige. I hope that doesn’t say something about me. *sigh*
The reguler + haircut + misc people + other things
2004-03-12 08:40:03 – Manny
Worry ye not randal, we all lack something(s) Girls: Snobby Harvard + Wellesley chicks = 0 Car: Mass emissions inspection = Failed Money: Boston cost of living > Income Can’t wait to get back to the springs to see you guys.
2004-03-13 13:18:20 – ytcracker i hath mentioned yonder everlan to livejournal colorado springs community hopefully they make u rich
2004-03-13 21:36:54 – Netheus
Girls: I am one Money: I have none Car: she’s a volkswagon Laundry: It is done.
2004-03-13 22:07:44 – Hellbent Rob
Rando, As far as the rotten diet, lack of energy, and not sleeping, guess what… biologically, you’re still a KOHUTEK, and life’s a bitch, and then you die. Sorry to hear that the business isn’t going as well as you’d like–that’s always a bummer. I wish I could help you with the washer and dryer, but the situation isn’t that much better here either; try looking in the thrifty nickel, I’m sure there’s some poor G.I. schmuck, who’s shipping out that needs to unload a set. I’m sure the old peps have let you know that they’re taking a cruise in May to Alaska, and I’m being graced by their presence. You know it pisses me off that Dad is willing to fly out to NY for a daugther that shit in the nest and didn’t speak to anyone for 2/3 of a decade, but hell I’m finishing an MBA in Pub. Admin. and he’s not sure if he can take a day off to see me get hooded, besides the fact that he missed my first two graduations. You know, he use to come through here 3-4 times a year plus hunting season, but do you think he ever stopped to say hello. You know something else, I have never recieved a phone from them that I either didn’t initiate or leave a message. You know, my father-in-law calls calls me every other day or so just to talk, not to my wife, but to me. Yeah, it puts you in perspective of where one ranks doesn’t it? Well, when I graduate from law school, I’m not telling anyone, except maybe you and Marla, and I’ll take my little wife to Europe for a month–before I tell her we’re moving out of this damn state. I tell you what, you find somebody like my wife, who’ll put up with all your purile insanity, and support you through all the bullshit of life, you hold on to her. But, I can’t complain too much, from what I’ve read from some of your friends, it could be whole hell of a lot worse. My heart goes out to you, and I hope that you have plenty of good friends out there that’ll help you pull through.
2004-03-15 14:17:15 – Matt K.
Dear Randy, Drink more water. I know that this sounds like more of my cracked shit but I’m serious. My wife made me start drinking more water and eating a little more green leafy stuff, well mostly water. The conversation went like this.. " Honey, will you quit playing with your automatic weapons for a moment. I have somthing I need you to do. And spit out that live chicken. Yes I know your hungry, but you don’t know where that one came from…" Anyways after increasing fluid content I found that I started to feel better and had more energy, slept better, and had more concentration. Also try a massage. OOOOHHH, that works real good! As far as the hidious waste of beer goes, you will never be forgiven. Your only repentance will be to admit that the mind was willing but the body pooped out on you. Anywho, please take care of yourself. Now to the rest of the milling crowd. Think about this. Yes you all think I be insaino, but in actuality I inject (forcfully, and against your will) a small measure of entertainment/altenate view of life. And admittedly you recognize this for the small amount of paranoid thought that each of us contain. I simply vent and give voice to that which we all secretly think on a low level. As for DICE. Yo pal! The band wagon happens to be my country. Either your for the good ol’ USA, or you ain’t. And if you ain’t, which I’m begining to suspect, then leave. Also I’m going to root your adress to a group of militant Jordainian terrorists and and tell them you said some smack about there mothers. Have fun looking over your shoulder for, oh, say the rest of your life. P.S. It would be better if the middle east were closer to us for the simple fact that then we wouldn’t have to shoot the missles so far. And as far as spickes in florida, they happen to be pretty cool. In fact they seem to be into modern assault weapons and such just as much as us other crazy southerners. O.K. in my book as long as they hate Islam basterds too. And as far as my nephew in law being stupid and joining the military. Well that is pretty stupid to put yourself in jeopardy for a bunch of other people who are to weak to defend themselves from tyrany. Like all you assholes who didn’t pick up a rifle and go yourselves! I hope you feel real safe when you sleep in a nice warm bed tonight. It was aforded to you at his expence. I hope you feel good hugging your loveones, grand parents and children. Since they are alive and protected because he is brave enough to stand up to a whole race of people hell bent on erradicating them. Where are you Dice? Coward. Run your panzy mouth some more. After all he’s fighting your fight for the freedom to do so. Better yet, why don’t you get off your little ass and take some responsability your self. Nah, forget that. Why don’t you go eat a dick. Hey Hellbentrob. How’s It hanging. I feel your frustration. Release your pain. It does you no good except to make you bitter at heart. I still love ya man. Besideds I got enough bitter for all of us. Talk more often. I really like to hear from you. I understand how you feel with the peps. I needed some help with my company and asked them after 10 years for help. I got zippola’, except to be reminded about some shit I did as a kid. That’s alright, I got my limo company back on track all by myself and am starting to do better at it as part time any way. Less stress when you get to dictate your own terms. Plus I wouldn’t have gotten the great job I landed if they hadn’t. I realized just how much I missed law enforcement. I really like to help people. It makes me feel better. Anywho, God bless one and all.(except the fucking Islamists.)
2004-03-16 01:40:58 – The Disco Nova
Randall, your brother is fucked up. And irritating.
2004-03-16 10:46:10 – realbighead
yeah. irritating.
2004-03-16 12:55:18 – Matt K.
O.K. Your right. I am a little iritating when extream. For this I am sorry. It’s just that I am very passionate about this great country of ours. I feel so sad that it is threatened from outside and from within by so many attackers. I feel frustrated that it seems like nobody cares about the problems our great nation faces. Truly America is in not just a war but in a fight to survive. Interesting information. The christian nations of this world are reproducing children at a rate of five times less than that of the islamic states. Fact: If the middle eastern terrorist states had a larger technological capabiliy our country would have been attacked in a much more massive way and our people and way of life already subjegated. Fact: The koran, the religious text of islam, does not preach love of life and peace in any way. Infact the koran specificaly details the conquest and enslavement of any territories not already under islamic control. Fact: Through history every nation that islam has become a componant of it’s society has been reduced to chaos and utter ruin. Fact: Great Brittan has opened it’s doors to islam and is now in an internal war for it’s culture. For all intents it has already lost. That is why they have helped us in both military actions in the Gulf. Fact: Islam preaches that it’s progress can only be asertained by military conquest of "the lands and territories of the infidels of Allah." Unfortunatly that means us and the whole rest of the world. Fact: In 1977, 18 of the shiekes from Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afganistan, Libya, and several other terror states signed a treaty called a quidimalla’haristim. This treaty stated basicly that if ever at any time in the future that if one of these states ever gained a weapon status capable of being offencive in nature to western europe and America that they would all imediatly join together in Jehad(holy war)against us. Since that time all Islamist nations have been on a campain of terror and making serious attempts for atomic weapons. This is their quest and docturine. I’m sorry I have irritated you. I’m serious when I say that. I promise not to bring up the subject in polite conversation again. I’m also blessed to say that in 2 weeks Beau is coming home, safe and sound. I only regrett that he had to see and experiance the things he did. I know that those things will haunt him for the rest of his life. I am proud that he was willing to make that sacrifice for our county and our freedom. All I can do is to simply say after what islamic people have done to me and my buisness, my family members, and my nation that I love with all my heart, I will always distrust and HATE them for the miserable animals that they are.
2004-03-16 13:02:30 – Matt K
P.S. Does anybody know the Ayatolla’s adress? I would like to mail him a few hundred tons of free bacon and pork rinds. It would be so tragic if he choked to death on one and went to allah with a piece of swine lodged in his throat.
2004-03-16 13:09:17 – Matt K
Oh, and Dice. I’m sorry. What I said was unkind. I simply forget that some people have no other intrest other than self intrest. I have to respect their view if I wish the same right myself. I apologize. Have to go now. Dinner time. The lights just went out and my wife thew in another live chicken. **BLISS**
2004-03-16 16:43:31 – realbighead
notice the narrow width of the comment boxes? that’s to discourage essays. especially vitriolic rambling ones.
2004-03-16 16:47:28 – The Disco Nova
You actually read them Tore? I read the first paragraph, MAYBE. Maybe if he only did one every once in a while, but when every post is long winded and rambling, I just move on.
2004-03-16 17:39:49 – pinky
so, i started to read the rambling, but then it just pissed me off, so i took a break and continued reading. i have many fun ad-hominem attacks stored up, but whatever. i just want to say that someone has some serious fucked up racist and bigoted issues to deal with. please get some help before trying to sound intelligent ever again. grr.
2004-03-16 22:36:44 – The Disco Nova
Women are the lesser sex and are only on this earth to serve and pleasure men. Discuss.
2004-03-17 00:03:05 – Master Ha-reed
Ooh ooh – even better. Affirmative action is wrong. Wealth redistribution is unethical. The poor should just roll over and die, or better yet, do the jobs the rest of us don’t want to do without bitching about it, and then roll over and die. Rich people should be able to flaunt their money and spend it to the last dime. Gay people are a sin against God and should be shot. Same goes for everyone that isn’t rich, white and Protestant.
2004-03-17 02:13:56 – rand0m
Wow, those really do just roll of your tongue easily, don’t they … or is that just me? Heh. 😀
2004-03-17 02:13:56 – rand0m
Wow, those really do just roll of your tongue easily, don’t they … or is that just me? Heh. 😀
2004-03-17 09:59:19 – Netheus
*sigh* Forget the ad hominem attacks, the logical fallacies, and the out right lies. He obviously isn’t open-minded enough to even consider another argument. Pessimissim wins. Matt K, have you even read the Koran for yourself? Or for that matter ANY holy book? And the Book of Mormon counts only if you read the ENTIRE Bible too, you know, the Jewish part and the xian part.
2004-03-17 10:37:15 – Hellbent Rob
Master Ha-reed, Your arguement is trite and bigotous if you really want deep thought into wealth redistribution, consider John Rawls and Alan Keynes, or their counter-arguements by Robert Nozick and Milton Friedman. Netheus, It appears that you managed to pass Phil 101 Introduction to Informal Logic. According to symbolic logic, your contentions, however, do not hold weight, and you appear to be doing exactly as A.J. Ayer claims, i.e. emoting. Ayer asserted that proclaimations of right, wrong, or fallious statements are merely the interlocutor’s expression of feeling. Your assessment of the content of Matt K.’s bigotous, while ostensibly farcical ramblings, therefore is nothing more than emotive. Claims of fallicy are also therefore inconclusive, and only demonstrate an inability to refute content on a cogent content basis, and as Ayer further postulates that emotive assertions are only valuable in the context of persuassion. Yet, you have not setforth a persuasive counterarguement, but only declared something illogical, and fallious. Refering to ‘On Liberty’ by John Stuart Mill, "Complete liberty of contradicting and disproving our opinion is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth for purposes of action; and on no other terms can a being with human faculties have any rational assurance of being right."
2004-03-17 10:41:01 – Hellbent Rob
Incidently, Master Ha-reed, I am emoting when I deem your contention trite and bigotous, however, I am being persuasive by referring you to others that have more conclusively argued over the same propositions.
2004-03-17 10:59:51 – rand0m
Rob, you, by far, have the largest penis of any man alive. And the smallest sarcasm detector ever. 😉
2004-03-17 11:07:51 – realbighead
if Mr. Ayer is referring to whatever that was as "symbolic" logic, then he may actually have just triple-overdosed on methamphetamines and spouted the whole thing out one night. Symbolic logic is based on Aristotle’s categories and Wittgenstein, neither of whom would assert anything about "assuming" truth. Now, analytic logic might assert what you claim, but given that it’s a) a poor address of Nietzche’s objections to philosophy, and b) the world’s least-liked subject even by its practitioners, I doubt the assertion carries much weight for anyone. As to ha-reed and nova, I believe they’re taking part in the semi-monthly "make laura burst into flame" contest. She’s sometimes like the Human Torch. only pinker.
2004-03-17 11:28:13 – Hellbent Rob
A conclusion must be true if all premises are true. Premise A: Hellbent Rob has a big penis–> TRUE Premise B: Hellbent Rob has no sarcasm detector–> False Therefore no conclusion can be made. As far as sarcasm is concerned, I was being sarcastic in regards to Nova and Ha-reed’s conversation, and their sardonic critique on Matt K.’s horribly insensitive commentary, but you would have had to have read these authors to understand that these idealogues are total extremists who take absurd positions, such as those taken by Nova and Ha-reed. I was hoping to add a degree of levity by taking my own critque to an extreme. But instead of interpreting dead-pan humor as such, you mistook the tongue-in-cheek inferences, and instead satificed for penial conjecture. I meant no harm, as I assumed that many people posting on this website are relatively intelligent and well read. I have yet to post anything that is meant to be read in complete seriousness, and I prefer subtle jabs at content and self effacing humor, but I assumed too much without preface.
2004-03-17 11:42:00 – rand0m
"relatively intelligent and well read"? Ha! You assume much. When somebody posts something more than 3-4 lines long, my brain turns to mush and I sorta glaze over the first line, and then usually get bored and rely on something witty. Hence, penis jokes!
2004-03-17 12:00:43 – Hellbent Rob
no offense taken. I don’t blame you about the extended ramblings, and I apologize for them; I will try to make my postings more succint
2004-03-17 13:07:55 – Master Ha-reed
Tore’s got it right – Laura’s hair isn’t pink anymore, so I’m trying to make it burst into flame through anger.