Went out and had a night on the town … it was good … out till about 3:00 am, home and asleep at 3:30am. Affirmed that Dean is The Man and got some digits …
The guy from Unisys came and fixed my laptop — I’m really glad that it works correctly now. I may have a bad stick of ram, though; I’m upgrading to 256 anyway, so it’s not a huge deal.
It never fails that when I’m showering and I’m scrubbing my face with apricot scrub [de-skinner stuff? what’s that shiz called?] and it invariably gets in my eyes. That stuff stings like hell. I do not recommend following rand0m’s lead on this one.
Update: One of the most addictive internet games I’ve ever seen — www.vectorinternet.co.uk/games/kick-ups.html — thanks Pat McDavid!
update #2: Screenshot of my 101 high score.