:-( Sad :-(

She left without saying goodbye. I found out an hour ago. It rained really hard tonight, and all I could do was sit on the porch and watch.

2003-05-25 00:20:40 – Disco Nova
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh 10 points if you are not a member of the club and you know what I am talking about.
2003-05-25 01:29:49 – pinky
dude, in the words of the wise Robb, "that shit is janky."
2003-05-25 01:50:49 – y not
man, basically it breaks down like this… i saw you chug a beer, didn’t know why, but i saw you chug one, and i’ve never seen you chug a beer before… that shit is tough
2003-05-25 19:11:03 – Netheus
girls suck. pun away, but we all know most girls are bitches in one way or another.
2003-05-25 20:11:57 – pinky
a’int nothing wrong with being an all out hardcore bitch 🙂
2003-05-25 20:29:39 – rand0m
She didn’t leave bitchy, she just didn’t want to have to go through the whole goodbye thing … that’s really hard to do – much easier on the phone. And there is something wrong with hardcore bitchiness: I don’t like it 😉
2003-05-25 20:43:21 – realbighead
nice job on the failing to call me. so I’m staying in Santa Fe for the summer, working, paying rent, all kinds of other fun stuff. Aileen went back to Portland this morning, so I can sympathize with your pain… we’re staying together, but it’s still seriously rough (all hail the gods of alcohol for helping me get through this). Anyways, try that phone thing again (again? what? you never tried the first time) and, uh, yeah. that’s all.
2003-05-26 12:48:48 – pinky
no, see, i wasn’t saying she was being a hardcore bitch at all. i was just saying there was nothing wrong with being such. /seperate thoughts
2003-05-26 13:24:17 – tony
I feel like stone fly, oh my fuckin head, i’m so wasted, ohhhh
2003-05-26 15:27:12 – Netheus
So I come home from work to get troy for territorial days, and he’s gone. Fucker. Ergh… I hate scott
2003-05-27 12:03:05 – WC
Look at the brightside! You didn’t have to see her cry. That I think is one of the worst things – seeing your girlfriend cry.
2003-05-28 11:04:16 – garfunkalow
2003-05-29 03:39:06 – Gaffman
Never been here before, somehow got here through searching for BMW pictures (of which you posted some nice ones a while back i must say). Just kept on reading i guess. I can empathise with you on your recent loss, not an easy thing to take. All i can think to suggest is not to hold back any emotions on the subject… get it out there. ;o) I might venture back here in the future… take it easy mate.
2003-05-30 16:36:19 – The Disco Nova
We want new content. Whatever happened to this party we were hearing about?
2003-05-31 07:00:31 – Netheus
we could plan the party without them. Get the booooze, music, tell people, and show up at their house on a Friday or Saturday night. Of course, as it is their house, they could plan it, and avoid having a bunch of random people show up….
2003-05-31 21:55:15 – rand0m
Hold yer water, we’re still hashing out the date … when Team Weberstreet has it hased out, we’ll announce it, along with our neato-website.
2003-06-01 12:35:18 – WC
I am bidding on a [L=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3696&item=2733163550]Nokia 445X Pro 21" Monitor[/L]. I bid $119. The auction ends in 3 min. I’ll let you know if I win. This is going to be my work monitor since my boss isn’t going to shell out money for a BIGGER monitor for me. Heh. I already use all my own equipment. Might as well use my own monitor. I am tired of using POS 17" monitors at work.
2003-06-01 12:39:07 – WC
GOD DAMN IT!! I lost. Some asshole sniped me at the 1 min. mark. ARRGH!!
2003-06-01 16:10:55 – tony
http://www.contactpc.com/Items.asp?CartId=15070968LL-ACCWARE-VAD43&cc=MONITORS&tpc= 160 for 21" monitors, in highland ranch for local pick up even Do it!
2003-06-02 00:50:35 – WC
It’s alright. I found another [L=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2733173548]Nokia 445X Pro[/L] for sale. Got that one! Those monitors are badass. 4 USB ports, 1800×1400 res @ 85hz = l33t. I can’t wait to get mine. wo0t!!
2003-06-02 10:36:26 – CaptnSpectacular
tony…that link didn’t work. could you check it again for me, or tell me how to navigate there?
2003-06-02 11:36:11 – WC
Your [L=http://www.contactpc.com/itemdesc.asp?CartId=&ic=MONA21&cc=&tpc=]Link[/L]
2003-06-02 16:42:16 – Master Ha-reed
Nokia makes computer monitors? Wtf?
2003-06-02 17:46:05 – WC
Nokia makes a lot of stuff. Including two-way radios, network security solutions, provide extranet services, and a whole slew of other good things.
2003-06-02 17:49:38 – tony
I worked at Nokia back when the Matrix was coming out at their factory near Fort Worth Texas. They had the prototype ‘matrix’ phone back in the R&D lab. I think it was 8K at the time. Whatever happened to that model, did they ever come out with one?
2003-06-02 21:30:31 – Netheus
oh Randal, master of all cell phone knowledge, tell us of the Matrix phone!!!!!
2003-06-03 17:12:45 – fourdegrees
Oh, Randal, master of the summer-fun bashes, tell us when this party will be. I only have a few weekends left here…must plan wisely. 🙂
2003-06-03 22:14:03 – The Disco Nova
Hey Randalll, remember Elaine and Quenton? The just moved into the blue house behind you.
2003-06-03 22:40:33 – rand0m
Yea, I saw her while I was taking a shower the other day … our shower window faces out back and I saw ’em. 😀
2003-06-04 08:04:55 – Netheus
right. so lets get the party planin started. How about Friday the 13th? (not this friday, but next friday) It has everything- a Friday night, a theme, and it’s a friday night. As a theme, you can get a ladder and put it in front of the door before people come in, get a bottle of Red Rum rum, I have a string of black cats (I think) left over from halloween, spilt salt on the counter for making margaritas, etc. Whaddya think?
2003-06-04 09:58:57 – rand0m
Umm, I’m gonna nix that. We’ve already got it under control – email and site updates are going out today.
2003-06-05 07:59:31 – Netheus
right- so I know few of you have met my mom, but if you see her, call me. No one has heard from her in a week, and her social worker is going to put out a missing persons report on her at 4pm. Brown shoulder length hair, crack whore body type, limps, false teeth, answers to Sally or "damn, I’d give anybody, ANYBODY $20 to clean my house!!!"
2003-06-05 13:45:57 – WC
ALL RIGHT! 🙂 I just got done setting up my brand new 21" monitor at work. I posted my new work setup [L=http://emerald.cmconline.com/~xeon/worksetup/]here[/L]
2003-06-05 15:47:59 – The Disco Nova
Sigh, can’t make the party, gonna be up in Cripple Creek camping that weekend.