[b]Party Time[/b] Party is gonna happen — rock! Starting right around 9pm at the weberst house. Any and all are welcome – hell, bring a friend 😀 … check [L=http://www.weberstreet.net]http://www.weberstreet.net[/L] for the info. I slept a lot yesterday. I’m talking 16+ hours. I feel pretty energized today, but not like I’m doing superb or anything. Kinda odd. Anyway, yea, got a raise the other day and went and had lunch with Samantha Garrett. Yumm. She’s incredible … I’m looking forward to the party tonight — anybody have any keg suggestions? (/me secretly hopes tons of people show up. please please please) I can’t believe summer is ending soon. Makes me think that time is going by waaay to fast for it’s own good.
Friday Night Party, Right?
2002-08-10 02:08:46 – captnspectacular
I can see the back of your beautiful head right now randal. but wait. people are leaving? its only 10 after 2. WEAK! Sorry I couldn’t make it bro. I hope it was fun and yes, someday I will actually make it down there for a visit. 😉