Yup, 20 years old. Not too different … just makes me feel like I’ve got a little more weight on my shoulders, and a little bit more credibility to my name. It’s a little depressing knowing that at 20 I am not where I wanted to be. A couple years back I set a couple goals for myself, very few of which I have attained. I’ve come to grips with that, though, so it’s not too bad. Being 20 really doesn’t change much … one of those really off birthdays. Went out with Laura, her mom and her brother tonight. Surprisingly, Laura’s mom is really fun — I haven’t spent any length of time with her in forever, and it was pretty cool seeing that there are people who are not my dad who are advanced in years yet still know how to have a good time. Got an unexpected happy birthday phone call from Janelle, which was nice. I’m supposed to go out to my parent’s place tomorrow and pick up some packages and such … I’ll probably get roped into staying for dinner and yada yada. It’ll be fun — especially because my brother is in town (???) from Utah (I think he is … ?????). The guys at HPI might take me out to breakfast in the morning, which is nice. Life marches forward. I am throwing a party on Friday, July 19th. Looking to kick it off right around 9pm, or whenever people start showing up. It’s being held here at 423 N. Weber, and should prove to be a rocking good time. Give me a ring or e-mail me if you have any questions — No present required, but donations for alcohol will be greatly appreciated. Bring a friend and come have a good time!
Happy Birthday To Me
2002-07-16 02:46:46 – Master Ha-reed
In the words of (the wonderful?) señora argüello ….. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Chickito!
2002-07-16 02:49:12 – Disco X
2002-07-16 02:50:13 – Disco X
An example why we should be able to edit /
2002-07-16 02:51:03 – same dork
/ |
2002-07-16 13:19:16 – Disco X
Hehe. Translation, it would of been nice to know so I could get you a gift and say happy birthday ya punk! But happy birthday.
2002-07-16 14:47:24 – Disco X
I probably won’t be drinking much at Randals party, so the Asshole Level will be mild to moderate, with a 30% chance of bitterness.
2002-07-16 16:29:23 – nurseboy
Happy Birthday bro! BTW, quit yer bitchin about being 20. I’d give a lot to be that young again…
2002-07-16 20:02:31 – fourdegrees
ha ha, yeah. Happy B-day Randal! woowoo! this should be fun…i think our parents were really bored…i know at least seven people with birthdays within these two weeks. bow-ch’ka-wow-wow…
2002-07-16 22:18:25 – Netheus
yeah… I totally forgot it is your guys’s birthdays… damnitall…. well, now I’ll have to get you something good…. hmmm any way, for any one who might care, these are my wedding pictures http://community.webshots.com/album/43904861IUVbJW
2002-07-17 01:03:15 – tony
It looks like there will be a live DJ at the party.
2002-07-17 01:32:43 – Disco X
Looked like a very nice wedding Neth. You cleaned up very nicely too 🙂 I hope that huge claw your husband was wearing wasn’t involved in the wedding night in any way, shape or form?
2002-07-17 01:33:20 – Disco X
Randal, are we gonna be BBQing again?
2002-07-17 11:44:36 – rand0m
Yea, I think doing some food on the barby is a pretty good idea — but we’re starting a bit later, so there won’t be as much an emphasis on food.
2002-07-17 14:53:41 – Disco X
THERE IS ALWAYS TIME FOR FOOD!!!! lol I won’t be showing up till like 11 or so, have a prior arrangement I have to cut short.
2002-07-17 20:57:37 – betty
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDAL! I already told you that but I just thought I would tell you again! *hugs* And you two looked great in the wedding pictures!
2002-07-18 09:50:36 – Netheus
The meanings of things change given the context of a situation. Some meanings are never gotten at all. Some emanings are over used, and have no meaning left in them. Like "god damnit." Common curse that most use… if in a church, it is sending someone to the fire and brimestone. If used at work, usually means something has gone wrong or something unexpected occurs. At home, it usually means the same as at work. Ergh… I really should never ever take a philosophy class… ever.. wouldn’t leave…
2002-07-19 10:28:22 – rand0m
Did I mention that there will be beer? Suggestions on what kind? We’re grabbing a half-keg this afternoon.
2002-07-19 13:05:33 – Disco X
I’ll whip up some jello shots this afternoon.
2002-07-19 22:02:18 – girl
Happy Birthday Randal.
2002-07-20 14:23:35 – Disco X
So did anyone make it to SPLAT?
2002-07-20 15:54:54 – rand0m
yea, Tony, Ian and Craig went to the LAN … along with the typical array of people.
2002-07-21 09:38:11 – Girlie
Happy Birthday Randall! Sorry this is a bit late- I was out of town for a while and had no computer. Better late than never, yah?
2002-07-21 12:19:25 – rand0m
Later is always better than never … thanks! 😀
2002-07-21 14:42:08 – The Disco X
SPLAT was kinda fun.
2002-07-23 05:20:05 – The Disco X
Three days have passed, and no After-Action Report from Randall on his party. I’m worried.
2002-07-23 09:06:40 – rand0m
I’m more worried that you’re up at 5:20am worrying about me 😉 I’ll have something up today … posting here takes a lot of out of me, so … if you guys want to write a party review to get us started, that’d be nifty 😀
2002-07-23 15:58:01 – The Disco X
You are number 3 on pages I check in the morning. Right behind my AC Guild page and Witchvox.
2002-07-23 17:36:07 – rand0m
You get up way to early 😉
2002-07-23 18:30:41 – The Disco X
Yeah well, I had four years to pick up that particular bad habit. Unless I am totally smashed, I wake up at anywhere frm 5-7 am even on weekends.
2002-07-23 19:28:29 – netheus
yeah, that’s what indentured servitude gets you…. I sleep whenever I can, as much as I can, for as long as I can… Have to catch up on the dreaming, ya know… Unfortuneatley… it spawns weird dreams…
2002-07-25 21:21:55 – nurseboy
Hey man! What’s your e-mail address????
2002-07-26 02:04:44 – Burnz
Updating is an interesting thing isn’t it?….oh wait you wouldn’t know that because you never do it!
2002-07-26 03:09:22 – The Disco X
Um nurseboy, all the names are mailto’s. Randall, you up for LQ Friday night? I haven’t played in ages.
2002-07-26 03:13:15 – Disco X
After hitting refresh and seeing Burnz’z post, I would like to point out two things. A. Burnz is up just as late as I am on a Thursday, pathetic. B. Burnz hasn’t updated his site in a long time either. And I have read through all the old posts. How am I supposed to live vicariously via proxy if you guys don’t post anything?
2002-07-26 08:55:50 – rand0m
Burnz works the night shift. (I think) His site is officially just a placeholder. As for me … what do I have to post about? Everybody here knows everything about what’s going on. (I think) … almost kind of redundant. Sure, I could bitch about things, but that really doesn’t get much done, because a lot of it would be about me, in which case everyone would just sadly nod their heads thinking, "Yup, that randal’s one screwed up crackah." On the other hand, you guys could all just send me money. That sounds like a good idea. heh.
2002-07-26 09:16:20 – The Disco X
So does that mean you are up for LQ tonight?
2002-07-26 09:56:40 – rand0m
No, already have plans — maybe Saturday?