Best Day, GeekOut, Paulie’s Back, Shorn Goatee

Sunday was the best day I’ve had in a long time. I didn’t work, as I’d had a long weekend already – thanks for looking out for me, corey! – and was already a peice of meat. I didn’t do anything for most of the day, besides waking up at 1:30pm. I went over to Safeway, spent a lot of money on food of _my_ choosing, came back to the house, and got prepped for some grilling. Unfortunately, we were out of propane. Damn. So Keen and I went out and bought gas for the grill, then came home. Then the grilling commenced – two, 2lb t-bones and a pack of bratwurst, and some garlic bread. Packed that together with some cold beer, some three-potato salad and man, what a good dinner. Watched some tv, then went out with Keen to Phantom and played some pool while drinking their beer. We came up scoring even, 6-6 games, and had a fun time. It was a really good day for me – totally stress free and just really enjoyable. *** geek section *** Amidst all that, I swung by HPI to begin copying a mailserver HD. I had tried this operation, using norton ghost 2003, once before, and it estimated 4 hours to copy 22GB off of our old, slow, dying harddrive onto our new-hotness HD. So I started it at 7pm, and thought I’d swing by HPI after beer & pool to swap the new HD for the old. Well, at 12:30am on monday, it said it still had 4 1/2 hours to go. So I left, barely slept, then came back at 6am to find it wanting another 1h 45m. Drank coffee, took a shower, came back at 8:00a to let it finish it’s last 10 minutes. Then I tried swapping in the HDs. That doesn’t work. Turns out that Windows creates a registry entry that matches up the HD serial number to a Globally Unique IDentifier, so that if you put in like 20 new HDs, win2k will still run off the correct HD. Well, the new HD doesn’t have the same GUID as the old HD, so nothing ran. It would boot, but not let me login. It was horrible. Took about 45 minutes to solve, and involved using a remote-registry access to change / remove 14 separate keys. Total Bullshit. Way to suck, MS. FreeBSD isn’t that gay. *** end geek *** Paulie came home from Iraq on Monday. After following Keen’s horrendous driving and route-planning, Keen, Shawn and I met everyboyd at the base to welcome him home. It was really a heartswell to see all the troops march into this huge gym, then salute the crowd to the National Anthem. It was very impressive. I felt like that group of 300 courageous soldiers could have taken on the world and won. After a short introduction and much applause, they dismissed the troops and the place came alive, families being reunited, friends being found. We got ahold of Paulie, hugged for a few minutes, much relieved to see him alive and well, and then headed over to his place to chill. I’m so glad he’s back and not in that god-forsaken place anymore. I was shaving this morning, and I got to trimming my goatee and totally fucked it up. I took a huge chunk of it out, and it looked really bad and totally beyond repair. Because of that, I shaved the whole thing off. :-/ I have before and after photos, please let me know what you think. And don’t take picture quality into account, as they are both pretty bad — it’s about the content, folks. [L=][/L]. Check out the webcam while you’re at it :-).

2004-03-17 15:15:12 – realbighead
paulie’s back, yay! randal got a day off, yay! st. patrick’s day, yay!
2004-03-17 17:09:12 – Netheus
St Patty’s day, boo. Troy shaved most of his goat/ beard too. Must be in the water.
2004-03-17 20:24:26 – something vaguley insulting
(jordan) it turns out that i’ll be spending my entire spring break in chicago because i misread the dates on the boulder student visit site. i will be inthe springs from monday afternoon-ish until thursday morning, then i’m off to boulder. i hope there’s someone who’s not working so much that i’ll be able to do something other than drink by myself.
2004-03-17 21:02:29 – Master Ha-reed
Haven’t we gone over this before? If you want to be mistaken for early 30’s instead of early 20’s, keep the goatee.
2004-03-18 06:04:42 – pinky
jordan. how long are you in boulder? pink
2004-03-18 08:48:19 – something calling into doubt the exact nature of Y
’til sunday around noon.
2004-03-18 09:33:27 – Netheus
So what Monday are we talking about here?
2004-03-18 18:56:01 – i could beat up your honor student
sorry-the 29th, or the monday close to the 29th. whichever one that is.
2004-03-19 00:39:09 – pinky
the first sunday in april? or the sunday in three days? because i’ll chill with ya if it’s the first sunday in april (the 4th?). kewl. pink
2004-03-19 00:46:32 – realbighead
so, as far as I can tell, only the people who live in the Springs and myself are going to be able to see Jordan. because you all have a weak grasp of timing. haha.
2004-03-19 02:00:12 – The Disco Nova
Party friday at our house. Bring alchohol and bitches.
2004-03-19 10:58:40 – shitfuckcock ay-ass
laura-first sunday in april
2004-03-20 15:11:50 – WC
WTF! "FreeBSD isn’t that gay." FBSD is NEVER gay ok 🙂 <geek> Hey randal and those who are otherwise interested. I picked up that book that was on ./ a week ago regarding "Wicked Cool Shell Scripts". Its a pretty good sh scripting guide. You can’t be total dummy to read it but I pretty self explantory. Check it out! ISBN: 1-59327-012-7 </geek> I wish I could come down and hang out with you guys and celebrate Paulie being back. :-/ But I have some things I have to do here in Denver. The next few months seem like they are going to be busy. bleh.
2004-03-21 23:24:57 – Netheus
to anyone that cares- goth night is no longer at the Underground. It’s back at the Annex.
2004-03-22 14:33:55 – Matt K.
Hmmm… I R not well read. I R Bigotted against arabs, with rights to be and reasons also. I R Thankfull for brother with small sarcasm meter. Is good. I R Glad penis is huge. Is very good to have! Usefull! I R not long winded, mearly complicated thoughts. I R extream. Please excuse! Thought: If someone expreses a viewpoint alternate to the general concensus this doesn’t make them nessisarily wrong. Possibly they operate from a position of alternate information and point of deduction. People often tend to irefudiate arguements from a point of emotion instead of with a matching force level of counter arguement. But the basic tactic of pointing your finger at somone and yelling labels is not only ignorant, it expresses the inability of the defamer to actualy combat in a logical manor. Thus the ilogical use of emotional argumentaion as a defence.
2004-03-22 14:43:15 – DEIGHTON
Hey man, I kind of get that. So you saying that sort of if a guy sayes to me that if like he don’t like rap music, it means just only that. Right? This emotional fighter would sort of turn that around like, right. And say somthing like because they don’t like rap that they is racist against blacks right. They using that label thing. Even though the first guy never said that or implied that like. They just call the other guy a name and stuff rather than confront him with valid argument on the same subject. I get it. Matt K. your a wise man. I thought all them people in the south was stupid red necks. But you not like that at all. peace!
2004-03-22 14:51:48 – Matt K
Dear Deighton: Be careful if you generaly of support any of my view points. It seems that I am not very popular at this site for my critisisms of the standard liberal flow. Be forwarned that agreeing with me may cause you to be mocked or sneered at and labeled. Also it may not be compatable with good mental hygene. The view points I express are not politicaly correct most of the time and could tend to get you in trouble.
2004-03-23 14:30:40 – you
I really don’t mean to be snide, but do you spell that way on purpose, or was it just carelessness (and i’m not talking about the parts where you’re imitating rednecks)? Content issues notwithstanding, i’d like to know.
2004-03-23 14:59:18 – Netheus
okay, so let me get this right- Deighton, you state that just because a person doesn’t like rap, it doesn’t mean they are racist. Matt K., you seem to agree with this point of view, that a singularity can not be made into a generalization of the whole. Let’s forget about the whole hating little brown people issue you have. I disagree with wasting resources, human lives, and the psychological scarification that goes along with going to war. Thusly, I am against war almost enitirely. Does that make me un-American? Does that singularity make it so that I fall to the generalization? Or better yet. Catholic priests rape alter boys. Therefore, all Christians are anal raping child molestors that need to be chemically castrated for the protection of society. I mean, if a few radical muslims incur your wrath for the entire populous, why should I think any differently? Or more close to you, a cop likes to beat his wife when he gets home from work. Therefore all cops like to beat their wives. Maybe you can see the flawed logic of racism and bigotry here.
2004-03-24 01:20:12 – The Disco Nova
Despite the efforts of scared people like you, America is still free, and you are entitled to your opinion, as ill informed and offensive as it is. We object to your stupid pointless ten paragraph posts. If you can’t say it in one paragraph or less, it probably isn’t worth saying.
2004-03-24 11:44:39 – jordan
firstly, who are you talking to? secondly, there are a great many things worth saying that take longer than a single paragraph. lastly, no one has answered my question about the spelling. oh, matt- i have to side with christina on this one: not liking rap doesn’t make you a racist. HATING PEOPLE OF ANOTHER RACE BECAUSE THEY ARE OF ANOTHER RACE DOES. you’re a racist. punto y cabal.
2004-03-24 14:24:12 – Master Ha-reed
<geek> Everyone should read Wicked Cool Shell Scripts since the author, Dave Taylor, is a Boulderite and is the shit. </geek> I M WEASEL!
2004-03-25 03:02:54 – WC
OK you know what really bothers me is that Office 2k3 [u]still[/u] is full of stupid idoicy. i.e. it install a folder full of shit in my directory root. Whats it full of ? I don’t know. But yet they want to see who you are. Can you delete your stuff? I sure can’t. Arg! 🙁 Retarded. Ohh yeah look what stupid start up app that MS wants you to run OSE.exe. Hhaha. #kill.
2004-03-26 07:32:53 – Netheus
so where are we going to take Jordan for beer? I say Tony’s, Phantom (yay Pool too!), or get a whole bunch of beer, and go back to Randals. Suggestions?
2004-03-26 10:45:29 – Dice
When I first replied to Matt K., I thought he was joking. (Because I do nothing but joke) I didn’t think that it was possible for someone with the motor skills required to type on a key board to be that ridiculously bigoted. …or is my sarcasm meter broken? I hope it is. BUT, the main thing I have to take Matt K. to task on is siding with the spics. They are evil. They stole all of my roosters from my pen a month ago, and after the cock fights they were forced into, I only got 2 back alive. Say what you will about the Arabs, but at least they are civilized and ironic enough to kill us with our own capitalist/indulgent devices (planes and two overly high towers). At least they don’t pit us in a cage fight to the death…or do they… Actually, if I had to go, I think a cage death match would be pretty damn cool. (Because I have resigned myself to dying since I’m too scared to pick up a rifle and fight along side our boys over seas) Man…this is tough…who should I hate more, Arabs or Spics…eh, screw it. I’ll just hate Matt K. and everyone wins. By the way, I got an E mail from your Jordainian friends, Matt. We cleared things up after some tense conversations, during which I was scared to sleep in my own bed. But now things are cool. I taught them how to kill people more effectively with choke holds, so now we are buds.
2004-03-28 20:20:30 – jordan
hello all. it looks like i’ve lost a few people’s phone numbers: could anyone who wants to see me give me a call? i’ll be int he springs tomorrow 2:30ish. my number is 773.480.0582.
2004-03-29 15:40:10 – Matt K.
Dear site followers: I wish to extend to you an apology along the lines of the bigoted rantings that I have so far expressed, and the length of my input. After reading your last inputs I realy thought deeply what would be a deep and terrifying come-back to your banter, but somehow side tracked myself into an area of self examination. I came to a few realizations. First you are partialy right. I wish to apologize to the entire arab race for starters. I was wrong to blame them en’mass for the actions of a few radicals in their ranks. So for clarification purposes I would like to focus my disdaine to those who truly deserve it. That would be the terroists. For them I have nothing but hatred for the pain and suffering they have caused this country. Second the few arabs that I have come into contact with in the south are not representative of the mass that abode here. I would like to say that the few individuals who have crossed my path are of a particularly greasy and loathsome nature. They in part DO NOT represent the others of their kind who may actualy be decent people and Americans. For this purpose I would like to state that yes, I don’t like rap music but DO NOT hate black people. I infact know several that are quite upstanding people. No, mexicans are not bad at all I have no feelings toward them what so ever. Do feel that people that are not willing to fight for the purpose of freedom in this country are cowards. But I have also noted that yes, as atractive as big bombs and guns are, going to war is a horrible thing always and that nobody in their right mind should go. I do feel that if the choice comes down to fighting a war or placating to tyrants, then war should be the only choice to us as free Americans. Also I would like to take the oppertunity to thank all of you for helping me to reach this point of thought, for with out your help I would have remained ignorant. Thank you. Also, Dice. Sorry about your chicken. Hope you can grow a new one. PS I checked with the Jordanians. They said they will send you a, umm, "REPRESNTATIVE" next week to take care of, er, "GO OVER" a few points with you.
2004-03-29 15:46:17 – Matt K
See I can also write scripts smaller than 10 paragraphs! Hey Randal whats up? Hellbentrob, hows it hanging? Congrates on the degree. Good job! We all might have excaped but at least your going somewhere. Randal, start your own company and get rich. Quite srewing around and letting other people use your skills to make themselves rich. That’s much better.
2004-03-29 16:36:14 – rand0m
I do own my own company. . kthx.
2004-03-29 17:53:04 – Netheus
was he being sarcastic?
2004-03-30 14:57:18 – WC
Wow, Matt K kind of reminds me of the people you see on TV or at some public place, maybe a bar perhaps, who keeps talking even if nobody pays attention to them. Kind of like a comedian that doesn’t know when to get off stage. Nothing personal dude, just pointing something out. I personally got about half way through his comments and just stop reading them out of boredom. tail -f /dev/urandom > ~/haxfile &;
2004-04-06 08:33:41 – Hellbent Rob
Hmmm, does this string of comments remind anyone of anything else? -Truck stop bathroom graffiti, perhaps?